Lifeforms killed stats
Would love to see end game stats of which lifeforms/exos/structures each player killed. Is there a server mod which already collects and presents this post match or even during the match? (View Post) -
Dedicated Server wiki
The "official" dedicated server wiki is depreciated and contains references which are very out of date or just plain incorrect. Those looking to set up a new server are often guided down th… (View Post) -
Re: Following the Terrain - Natural Selection 2
Thanks Hugh for insight into your approach to a safe landing for NS2, however I can't help but notice UWE feels the pressure for the wheel to be re-invented on a grand scale every time a new feature … (View Post) -
Re: So.... NS2:Combat
For how much longer do you plan on flogging this dead horse? You guys are a talented bunch, surely your time & energy is better spent on a new project for FLG instead of developing content for a … (View Post) -
Re: Commander Badges
blue - Base Comm Badge: 10+ hours commanding silver - Pro Comm Badge: 100+ hours commanding gold - Supreme Comm Badge: 500+ hours commanding done. (View Post)