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  • Spectating identifies nothing about a hacker except clip vs dead skulk/other lifeform. Two people i've spectated ever in 1k+ hours plus could kill 5 skulks with one lmg clip... that's called aimbot.
    Twitch mechanics of things like shotgun or r…
  • lol palagi that should say at least i'm not trying to command a free weekend. Still good though.
  • What i don't understand is how aliens lose a 30 minute game where they are on 3 hives for more than 10 minutes. Sucks to have commanders who don't realize they can end the game and/or don't use echo cost effectively and drop a million random buildin…
  • The marine jump is very strong, however, the new lerk bite speed makes lerks mandatory and evens the games considerably.
    Skulks with babblers last patch were turn your brain off, rush head on, and kill three marines go get more babblers.
  • yeah same here last patch i thought skulk was hard but i adapted in a couple of rounds.

    I've played 15-20 rounds of this build none very enjoyable as kharaa .
    Every marine round has had me laughing either medpacking an immortal mar…
  • destruction implies things actually dying 1 swipe per 20-30 seconds doesn't lead to things dying. if the marines are near you hive it has some limited use. I would say about as much use as the awesome night vision aliens can use a couple times a rou…
  • i just posted on this suprised no one commented. The jump strafing of marines is ridiculously overpowered. Marine feels like a matador now. OLE' OLE' skulk. not fun being the bull rofl.
  • yeah vortex is actually not that great as is and its your new energy saving movement mechanic as fade so enjoy.

    I actually did like the old vortex. Watching marines try to turtle with the armory constantly vortexed and healthy xeno spore…