Is it only me, or has anyone else got the error "missing required mod ns2" when trying to join a server?
(Quote) Yes my love. I'm back
UWE is working on implementing it
http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/134109/proposal-for-abuse-proof-skill-system/… -
found a bugg!
When click in any button main menu like for example on "play", the word credits appears and goes upwards.
I love the new design. Its so beutiful !!!!!!!!!
Only thing that is missing to replace is the reply layout at the button of this page (if you're logged in). Also when quoting others. It still usage the old NS2 design from the forums. It'… -
Glad it solved for you.
If you would like to know how I did it. Check the link below:
http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/119224/x -
Will this game be completed in c++ or will you split it in two parts like NS2? (c++ and lua).
Or maybe you guys will keep lua but much less so you utilize the best parts and make the game run faster then ever?in Welcome! Comment by oldassgamers November 2013
I finally fixed it again.
When deselecting geometry from a layer it shows up in-game. So I reopened launchpad, opened the spark editor, saved the map and the closed the software. I repeated this scenario two times. After that I opened up… -
Congratulation to NS2 and the devs, it has been an amazing journey.
Sewlek helped me out. Private and friends only does not work at all. Only use public when publishing a mod.
Me and some of my community members was watching the stream while being on our teamspeak 3 server. We where all hyped for the big announcement, but once they revealed it, it was a big letdown. Most because we're not compatitive players anymore(Quote)
Yes I'm very happy.Regarding star citizen, they asked for 500 000 dollars on kickstarter and recieved over 2 000 000 dollars and now they recieved another 20 000 000 dollars through their homepage. All because people donate to them. Why is everyone so hype about that …I notice this bug to. I wrote about it. Hope it will be a fix todayFound out very BIG BAD bugg on servers regarding ns2_biodome. Currently tested over 4 servers with the same issue.
Once the server switch to biodome all client will lose connection due to following:
"Your game files do not ma…the new Alien tech map UI is SO MUCH BETTER. Only thing I can point out is to remove dark gray and keep it as gray like the biomas icon. And instead have a different colour for dark gray so you can at least see the icons. But overall, GREAT IMPROVEM…THe server is not running any mods. its pure vanilla. But Acedude found of the problem. Thanks for fast response obraxis!Any suggestions to where to post for this type of mathers?I've wrote you a pm forlornhope and I've fixed a bugg on the homesite so now it's online.I can confirm im having the a moment for 1-2s in-game with dx11. it happends randomly for me, but the game never crashes.You arent suppose to use alien vision when there is light in a room. What's the point with that? its intended to use when the lights is of.
I can agree that the new alien version works good in a complete dark room, but once the red light…I'm very sad that someone leaked the big content patch. I really hope that this won't weaken the promote of the awesome content patch by lowering the salesI'm so excitedwill dx11 be supported in this big content patch?Build 250 is fantastic. I'm enjoying NS2 even more now and it makes me want to play the game again.
I never understood why some people dislikes the new changes. It brings me does about those who are negative are does who haven't played e…I'm really excited about the new beta change. When adding a sub-machine gun and make the rifle to stronger weaponry. Like jekt mentioned to break the balance of having shotgun groups and also offer a middle ground between LMG and exocuit minigun.
Thanks so much for this patchI got great performance boost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JIPPI
in Build 249 is now live on Steam! - Natural Selection 2 Comment by oldassgamers June 2013
I'm not sure that you've actually played the balance mod based on your facts. When sewlek made this change to remove armory healing on armouries the combat has become more fluid. Instead of people base camping around the armouries …