How deep is your base? I run one easily off of 2 panels from the surface. -
I disagree on the speed buff for the sheer fact that it is unnecessary. Realism aside, there are numerous ways to get bottled water in the game. Use the salt from the machine to make even more if you need to. Speeding up the machine will just make o…
This needs to be an option we can toggle. There's a negative side to autosaving too. Personally, I like the manual save more since it allows me to go on missions that I might not come back from and save just before. Whereas an autosave feature could…
Here's something that might keep people out!
Alert the player of an EMF that disrupts signals and kills all pings so the player can't see any beacons whatsoever. The compass could also go wacky and just spin like crazy. Becoming lost in … -
I doubt it's your CPU. How much RAM do you have?
I'd say it is due to the amount of things in your other game file. I was having a similar issue with a i7-6800k, gtx1080, and 32 GB RAM. The framerate was due to a massive base that I had … -
Haha Atlantis may be horribly suited for the game but the idea of an underwater, ruined Precursor city would be freakin amazing. Go post that in actual suggestions!in Make suggestion... horribly unsuited for Subnautica (Below Zero Edition) Comment by leenpowell July 2017
I like the snatcher idea. I think that it would be even better, albeit more annoying if it were capable of stealing whatever tool you were carrying, besides the Seaglide. That would give you a reason to chase it down. If it only stole fish, it would…
I was pretty far into a hardcore game last week, had a Seamoth and a Cyclops and I ended up drowning in a wreckage that I got lost in
in Has anyone done Hardcore Mode? Comment by leenpowell July 2017
1. A Planet Express wreckage to explore
2. The Aurora crew are in the wreckage....but they're zombies!
3. Seamoth race challenges through caves
4. "Witty" sea puns from the main character at random moments (*Exploring the island ba… -
I like the idea. All I'm saying is that giving people different options for their experience would be better than forcing a single way to play on everyone. I agree with you that having to manage a little bit more for the payoff as you propose would …
Dynamic weather, like hurricanes that can damage shallow bases and move shallow vehicles and disrupt player movement, slamming them into the ground and causing damage. Players would need to be hidden in caves, be deep, or inside their shallow base r…
I like almost any idea that allows players to have a more challenging experience while exploring this game. Maybe this could be an options in a potential "custom game" menu where players can choose how hard their experience is; a simple checkbox for…
Meh, syntax. Beating the game could be beating the final boss, getting 100% of the achievements, finding all the collectibles, finishing a final level on the hardest difficulty, or whatever you want "beating" the game to be considered. In this case,…
Thanks a ton! You saved my game file that I had 120+ hours on haha. Once the final base room was destroyed, the framerate when from 1 to 80 so I'm stoked! Hopefully they get that sorted out for v1.0.
Thanks again for yo… -
I think the options should be there at least. They can cater to both audiences. I wouldn't mind losing things, I died (by drowning sadly enough) well into a hardcore game and lost the entire save file. It's just part of the fun for… -
Haha I beat it as much as you can at the moment, hatching the little emperors
Thanks! I'll give this a try and report back. There is a smaller section of the base still active so maybe that is holding up everything.
I would like to see a special decoy that you can control, similar to the cameras associated with the scanner room to lure predators away for a short time.
I always thought of the NBs as more of an MRE or something so the 75 made sense to me.
I do agree that an NB processor would ruin the mechanic of hunger. Maybe the NBs that come out are smaller and only 25 like you say,… -
I beat the game and never even built the PRAWN. I'd really like to see them implement some idea where you need it in order to finish the game somehow, like require a resource be mined to finish. It's totally unnecessary at the moment.
He… -
For #2, do you have any chargers in your cyclops? I don't have the issue your having on the same build. I can leave all the lights on AND engine running and the power will not drain. I was trying to be savvy once and had some power cell chargers in …
I don't mind having to have a moon bay to upgrade the seamoth because it gives more of a reason to build a base. I only wish you could access the seamoth storage when is was docked in the cyclops. Resource gathering becomes a pain having to leave it…
I had a couple bases for a while but always found one base to be the MAIN base and never really visited the others. So I deconstructed them.
My last "attempt" at a second base was to build a single structure that connected the surface of… -
I made it to the primary containment on 12 regular cells with power to spare. They're annoying but blasting the shield knocks them off, costing tons of energy for sure but better than a constant drain.