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  • because they still haven't fixed the netcode by limiting the maximum lag compensation to a reasonable level

    high ping marines still do a ton of damage to aliens before they even get notified of damage and before they can respond appropri…
  • it's a RTS game
    show people a post-game report

    plot income (y axis) vs. time (x-axis) with 1 line for aliens and another (different color) for marines

    indicate important events like whenever one team loses too many expe…
  • idk how viable this is, but a new player should just be able to sign up for free coaching and someone should spectate his play and explain the game and answer questions over voicecomm
  • maybe in 5 years the netcode will actually work for a game that's supposed to be about buying and protecting expensive lifeforms instead of taking 600ms of damage before getting notified about the 1st hit

    here's to hoping
  • with a smaller player base, people will be more spread out geograpically so the netcode is probably the biggest weakness of the game/engine methinks

    maybe it's too tough to fix the engine (i don't know), but if the game was balanced arou…
  • it's not that i don't want to command, but rather that for my circumstances commanding is not as rewarding/interesting as it used to be because i lost many skills

    i used to command a lot. its one of the most unique experiences in g…
  • the metroid prime 3D maps are quite good

    if they get rid of the whole commander thing, you can even have actual vertical level design
  • i never really thought highly of the game's balance, but lots of balance/gameplay changes are part of the reason why I play a lot less than I used to

    2+ years ago, i played this game for about 50 hours a month
    now i don't even play…
  • performance/netcode is definitely a huge issue

    but i think the biggest problem is that a team-based RTS is being shoved into a FPS-style server system and it just doesn't work consistently enough

    matchmaking doesn't need to i…
  • (Quote)
    speak for yourself. some of us don't have photographic memory

    it's not at all funny that people would rather play on maps they know in a game about executing tactics (map control / positioning / etc.)

    i'm no…
  • if you want people to play new maps, lower the learning curve.
    make routes intuitive on the map.
    get rid of glass.
    label rooms by clock positions or compass points or something

    then new maps might feel like a good game …
  • (Quote)
    the reality of NS2's combat will influence the perception of the mod more than the reality of the mod

    there isn't really a right way to make combat successful

    anything NS2-related is going to be a tough sell…
  • if I actually wanted to review the game as an anonymous nobody, I would write just 1 line: (Quote)
    I wouldn't write a long detailed review. I wouldn't talk about any great design or bad design.
    I actually haven't even played the game …
  • (Quote)
    see sv_maxunlag

    it basically limits the amount of inconsistency between hitbox positions and player positions
    (the comparatively minor inconsistency due to interp is a different issue)

    valve keeps it e…
  • (Quote)
    i reference quake more for the netcode implementation example and less for the exact quantity of the limit

    you might have reasons for why 80ms is bad. maybe some are valid. that's why I think it should be a customizable…
  • counterstrike is basically about getting headshots where all players are using hitscan weapons
    the entire netcode is designed to handle that precise need

    in case the point of the thread wasn't clear, my claim is that copying valve'…
  • (Quote)
    the math is weak in this one

    even if you increase server performance ten-fold it does relatively nothing

    updating 300 times (3 ms/tick) instead of 30 times (33 ms/tick) is only a 30ms difference in the worst…
  • (Quote)
    nobody actually uses unlagged with 800 ms of lag reconciliation. that's basically unlimited / uncapped
    i don't know where people get this idea that quake uses unlagged just because some instagib servers were running that mod<…
  • (Quote)
    your "facts" are wrong

    all antilag servers run limited backwards reconciliation for hitscan weapons (server-side primarly to avoid hackers / warpers)
    and there's little-to-no antilag for projectiles (so that playe…
  • (Quote)
    it's not so binary

    the game only has to be realtime from the point of view of the non-laggers
    laggers shouldn't be allowed to let everyone else's worldview be delayed by huge amounts of time

    i honestly…
  • (Quote)
    the antilag stops at 80 ms in that agme
    any shots you land above that limit are a result of prediction and/or luck

    all I know is that if the server enforces lag compensation limits, then players get notified withi…
  • (Quote)
    i'm not comparing unlagged to NS2
    that was a quake 3 mod which became obsolete once someone introduced lag compensation limits. a limit of 80 ms made its way into quake live in early beta

    even if NS2 updated 120/s…
  • (Quote)
    yeah. unlagged netcode will make it much harder (sometimes impossible) to react in time to stuff like that

    if you play this scenario from the skulk's perspective, you can do really stupid things like move up to the mari…
  • (Quote)
    the solution is to enforce that whenever a client receives an update from the server, that game state is always a 100% accurate representation of all actions taken excluding the past <ping> + <lag compensation limit>
  • it means you get notified so late about incoming damage that you lose your chance to do anything about it

    it reverses the balance of the game in terms of attack & defense (see example in first post) or movement vs stealth

  • (Quote)
    there's no way it's that low
    that would be 66 ms at an updaterate of 30/sec

    it would mean you would have to start leading shots at 66 ping
  • if NS2 does not have unlimited lag compensation, then there has to be a limit

    if such a limit exists, then what is it?
    500 ms?
    10 server updates?
    some other unit of measurement?
    is it different for different weapo…
  • (Quote)
    unlimited lag compensation isn't standard

    they invented the limited form and use it in fast-paced games for a reason

    shooting remains 100% intuitive (LAN-like) as long as you are below the limit

  • (Quote)
    i've actually seen this mentioned in some form or another by a lot of players
    i don't see how 100ms interp accounts for way more than 100ms of extra lagginess

    and i don't think the tickrate is the fundamenta…