Imo, the ideal thing would have been to make 2 officially supported modes initially when the population was still huge with one comp and the other for well...more casual play. But since the game is old, supporting 2 probably ain't gonna happen at th…
Pretty sure at this point you would need a great flood of new players who play only among themselves to get valid feedback. New players would just quit due to being steamrolled by the few vets that are left.
Though remembering back to wh… -
Balance was really a secondary issue. Let's be honest though if anything it would have been the finishing blow to the game. We all know performance is what drove everyone people away as only the people with top tier pcs could compete and by the time…
There's a typo in the article for monster.
Ya that's what made me stop playing for now since it is something that greatly affects game play for me. Hope the fix is out soonThat was fast. Loving the new menu setup. Fem rine has better taunts) Biodome looks great with all that foliage but m-muh fps! <…
Ah I see. I guess better to see what issues arise now and fix them prior to when the content patch releases since you could have potential new players experiencing serious issues. When build 238 went live it was messy where many go…(Quote)
I'm just wondering if they will get it fixed in time (Either the server performance or the odd stuttering or whatever it is). Maybe they have a good idea of how to fix but needed more data from the rest of the community to ensure t…(Quote)
S-so does that mean when everyone was joking about NS2 being in beta they were not joking?(
My mouse settings or sensitivity feels completely off with the same settings and I get this odd micro stuttering even with high frames. Overall it feels choppy/clunky when moving or aiming and not smooth like before. Frames also seem to tank more th…For me everything feels floaty hard to describe. Got a bit dizzy from it. My frames dropped in certain areas on the CPU side where it stutters more. Though I am unsure if grenades are the reason or the server performance tanking so gonna need to pla…O neat new NS2 icon. Hmmm DX11 dropped my frames by a significant amount LOL wonder if it improves visuals.(Quote)
Nothing. I just want more toys/abilities to play around with(
Hope the lerk gets some love(
Does blackout mean anything if people pump up the gamma?(Quote)
Agreed but a bit too late now. I never liked the two extremes and felt UWE should have stepped up and officially said this is the player number we will focus on/support and endorse and everything else should be given a warning of b…(Quote)
Well Hugh said there was gonna be some big reveal on the 24th during the invitational.(Quote)
Speaking of which, any chance we can get some MSAA in NS2?
Gotta go fast(Quote)
Maybe. There are balance issues but other than using NS2stats (some consider it unreliable) the extent is unknown for balance by player counts and time spent on matches. I guess we will have to see if the next content patch changes…I was wondering why Team work and tactics did not beacon the marines. Especially after taking down the pipe Hive after Cargo. With jetpacks and shotguns, killing the aliens at their home base would have been costly to the aliens without grown hives …Map looks great. Still I can't help but be curious at the part where it says you will reveal how you plan to keep NS2 running on the 30th. Feeling a bit apprehensive at that part.Would be a lot better if UWE just released more sets of armor since they already promised black armor is for early supporters so no going around that. I mean we all know there is always a market for that sort of thing.
Plus from my exper…(Quote)
Dropped out due to feeling sick. Might have been taking too many of those 5 hour energy drinks mixed with whatever else he was taking to stay awake.
Idk how they agreed to it since sleep deprivation past your teens tends to have heavy negative effects and you start hallucinating.
Was showtime cancelled or what haven't heard anything else on that.Nevermind. Though anyone notice this thread not bumping? Forum Glitched?
Eh didn't work out that great