Going to have to disagree, I wish bases were an OPTION, they made such a big hubbub about the cyclops only to turn around and just make a not so important facet to surviving. I don't WANT to build a base, I've got all I need on the… -
There is already a diving simulator on steam, I can see why simulator things could be interesting but I really don't see how they would bring anything fun to this game other then add even more things to have to worry about. Even if it were added as…
Never say never
Plus, who doesn't want to watch stalkers swarm it and just got to town, I'd pay to see that. Even … -
Uh, sign in with WHAT mothership? There is NO MOTHERSHIP, the ship is wrecked, you can see it, it's spewing radiation everywhere, you're the only survivor, you are who knows HOW many years away from anyone in space, you were tasked with your crew to…
Why are you making assumptions that alien life can't affect humans in any way? O_o
You think the mesmer is magic....really? It works on the same principle of say angler fish or the like, it uses its 'arms' and uses BIOLUMINESCENCE to mesmerize you.
I think they said it was going to be a max of like 4 player coop when they mentioned it, they don't want it to be massive servers. Which if that were true than the current pod is enough, 2 could spawn outside the pod and still be fine.
Lets keep magic out of the scifi game.
Yeah, I took some pictures of the most you could build at a time in certain designs, a big 8x8x1 room and a bunch of hallways/tubes.
Yeah I ACTUALLY did see a pack of peepers, I think it was 5 or 6 strong, one was a large one and the others followed it around, it was quite beautiful. I initially thought it was a mother and some older ones that found their mother somehow and decid…
That's the thing, I don't think it CHANGED anything in my inventory, seems like it added that metal into my inventory.
- are REALLY complaining about SURVIVING in a SURVIVAL game? DON'T play in survival than, there is a gamemode for that.
Windos 8.1, I think we found the problem.
That or we could have an actual alien creature. :-\"
I can KIND of see where you're going with this but I just need to ask, what would REALLY be the point of it? You don't need tooltips to constantly change, a tooltip is just that, it tells you what it is, the player can think of things to do with the…
Store all your stuff first then of course.
You have to find the fragment first of course, then you just make 2 titanium, rutile and metal to make and viola, place it in your cyclops and you have a really strange looking thing taking up a lot of room somewhere in your sub.
Well sure if you want to go by EARTH standards, we aren't ON EARTH. So really if you want to drag the game down and make this ALIEN planet subject to our planets rules than go ahead. I, myself love the lighting in the game as it works perfectly.
UNLIKE space engineers though you know EVERYTHING that is being worked on with this game, so of COURSE they need to go over everything in the SE videos. Hell they already do here with their videos, the cyclops was the only real thing added to this t…
Aw, but you need to have SOME kind of mystery!! You don't get those 'ooo' moments when everything is laid out for you on a platter.Uh, you know they have an OPEN development system right? NO SUCH THING as 'classified'.Hmm, now that you mention it I DID get a strange crash while in the cyclops, I was searching for the island before I looked at the thread and did a FULL circle of the aurora, dove to about 1k in the seamoth on the opposite side to see how deep it we…I did, I responded in that thread, I have 2 in my inventory, one for the real game and the 2nd for the indev client is my guess, but the ONLY things I can build with 2 metal are lockers and fabricators.
in HOW do we place our hull plate? Comment by Vahnkiljoy February 2015
Oh I went to the island this morning, that place is BEAUTIFUL! The cove in the center of the island is a freaking beauty! Need to raise my cyclops up in it.Could also be that Windows 8 thing you go there. ^#(^Well I'm glad I'm not alone on this, ty seldkam B-)Well I know it can seem like spam but they are valid threads, and I don't really like multi topic threads myself but I can see what you mean. Just trying to do my job as a tester is Is there no way to remove a 'placed' (unbuilt)structures? Comment by Vahnkiljoy February 2015
Yea, they CAN be trapped in the bubble, but if you shoot the bubble ONTO them and they are inside it, than it doesn't even affect them unlike everything else in the game for some reason.Oculus could be a variant version of the fish, just what happens when they grow in a different environment. I was disappointed in how BAD oculus were for food though, not worth the salt used to cook them at 18 measly food.