

Miami, FL
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  • Yes, this is excellent! Modular building, inside your vessel. That way you can set up all your equipment and details however you feel comfortable. This just keeps getting better and better.
  • (Quote)
    Is that so?
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    I'm also a lore junkie, this is a very, very cool idea. Although I wouldn't want them to be super common, finding signs of past life, civilizations even, would be a wonderful treat to have occasionally. It would be sort of like,<…
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    Ha ha, no, I'm not Charlie in disguise, but the comparison is high praise indeed, thank you!

    It is refreshing to know that one of the gents on the team is on the same level as I am. I know that not everyone is thrilled…
    in weapons? Comment by Tzudro January 2014
  • I like OP's ideas here. I think the idea of using the information and materials collected to advance your technology and/or strategy is excellent. Much more engrossing than:

    "You've collected a bioluminescent creature! Science +1, Res…
  • I think the initial HUD should be old fashioned, affixed to the screen of the vessel. As you upgrade your sub, it can become more advanced, like having a digital floating HUB that doesn't require you to be right in front of the main screen.
  • I like this idea of a distraction light, sort of like a sub aquatic flare. I can also imagine (as far as defenses go) some kind of electric pulse to escape the grip of an attacker, or a sonic pulse or chemical cloud to repel them.

    I'd r…
    in weapons? Comment by Tzudro January 2014
  • I don't have twitter, I cannot contact Simon. Does he receive carrier pigeons? I can always do that I guess...

    No seriously, someone thank Simon for me.

    I must agree with F0rd to a certain degree. While I believe that musi…
  • Allow me to rephrase my thought.

    Building things up is not for me, and I personally feel like it detracts from the core idea of exploration and discovery. There are lots of other "build stuff" games out there. But there are no "explore…
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    I also think it would be cool to be able to cruise around the depths with some friends. It would be cool to see what kinds of different vessels you and your friends come up with and how they can interact and complement each other.…
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    Less of a walk, more of a hike, less than climbing Everest. Sounds excellent.
  • I disagree. I think the devs have the right idea, to make it really diverse and give it potential to be always changing, always new. If you like traveling in a strange place where everything is different and new, it will never end.

  • I know I grow quickly tired of the same recycled comments over and over again. I'd prefer strictly text.

    And I would rather not build any colonies either. Want to build colonies? Play Minecraft or Sim City. Building colonies, towns, …
  • I'm a casual gamer. If there is to be permadeath, make it optional, please. No, I'm not a hardcore gamer. I never try to grab all the achievements our trophies or whatever, I just want to have fun. Getting frustrated when I lose all of my stuff …
  • I personally find it very refreshing to finally have a game focused on exploration as opposed to combat or story. I mean you can have a story, but it would be best I think if it were a sort of background thing as opposed to an invasive immersion br…
  • I agree that there should be some nerve wracking or frightening times in the game. But why not take a more creative approach to this thought?

    Instead of "giant monster chases you, attacks you, etc (not that there's anything wrong with t…
  • I think OP has a good point here. Instead of just being a world of random places underwater, maybe there are areas that you need to upgrade your vessel to explore. Not necessarily "armor" to withstand greater pressure or temperature (although that…
  • While it would be nice to have to figure out how to navigate the extreme depths, there's a reason we haven't been down that far.

    I say forget realistic physics (for the most part) and make it fun and beautiful.

    I don't want t…
  • My imagination always runs wild when I see good art.

    I'm imagining swimming out there, gliding between the "trees". Swimming up to one to get a sample to analyze back on the Flagship. When suddenly, a cloud of strange chemicals behind …
  • First, congratulations on the beautiful artwork.

    I love the idea of having smaller submersibles leaving the "mothership" to access smaller, more intimate areas. I'm already imagining the wonderful time I could have placing the Flagship …