Join Date: 2007-09-03 Member: 62145Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
Will there be a weapons in the game?
I think a knife would be cool, cause its very common i think. For example if divers get stuck.
And maybe it can be used to free a animal for example.
But i would love a harpoon with a slow reload.
I want to fight some mean big fish
Also if you cut a small fish, the blood could attract sharks.
Also a light that you can drop would be nice. Light attracts a lot of animals, and it would be cool to drop a light somewhere so the light is the center of attention instead of you. This could help to explore if there are dangerous fish around.
I think a knife would be cool, cause its very common i think. For example if divers get stuck.
And maybe it can be used to free a animal for example.
But i would love a harpoon with a slow reload.
I want to fight some mean big fish

Also if you cut a small fish, the blood could attract sharks.
Also a light that you can drop would be nice. Light attracts a lot of animals, and it would be cool to drop a light somewhere so the light is the center of attention instead of you. This could help to explore if there are dangerous fish around.
I'd rather not kill things. We've got enough killing in our world already.
Yeah - would be cool when you have to capture specific creatures to sell them or to research new tech.
Or when you nonstop killing the friendly fauna it becomes more and more hostile towards the player.
It also frees up the interactive real estate for more interesting activities. One perhaps could engage in skill based mini-games when retrieving samples of biological and mineral materials. Something akin to lock-picking, where if a sample is damaged or collected haphazardly, it lowers or negates it's usefulness. Consider on-board lab based mini-games in which the player is allowed to engage in specimen injections and and sample analysis.
As far as weapons are concerned, perhaps there could be tranquilizer guns that the player could load varying levels of anesthesia charges into for different size creatures. The guns could be high caliber rail-guns, and range from quick draw pistol types, to long range sniper variants. Being that the game takes place on an unexplored planet, some creatures should not react to the anesthesia, due to differing toxicity resistances.
Once an animal is tranquilized, players could perhaps set tracking tags on them to track migrations and follow them to new, hidden nesting areas, as well as gain intel. on the varying species.
If killing creatures without limit is an option, (for the sake of player freedom) I like the idea of the world becoming ever more hostile in retaliation to one's ruthlessness. With limited means of lethal action as scientific explorers, the consequences for mindless killing should be dire indeed.
However, I think it worthwhile to consider having such lethal action, not even be an option.
it would also mean the weapon would lose effectiveness at long range, causing you to get up and close to tackle animal threats... which is of course not where you really want to be, this adds a nice reward/risk approach to dealing with dangerous animals. Do you attempt to get up and close and scare away that would be predator, possible disturbing other nearby risks, or do you leave them be and hope they don't notice you as you explore near by.
Other sonic ideas could be a way to record the sounds of larger predators and attach them to an audio buoy to keep smaller ones away, of course then again that could attract rival creatures of this type towards that area creating a bigger threat than would of otherwise been there.
I think if this game wants to be different, which is already is, it should embrace the use of audio as its main technological advantage for the humans.
Each could have strengths and weaknesses. I think sonic technology is a huge part of the human race's way to advance into the future. It is to be considered though, that in a high density atmosphere like water, sound carries very well. So perhaps sonic defense mechanism are like the scientific shotgun, while tranquilizers maintain one's anonymity better.
Ha ha, no, I'm not Charlie in disguise, but the comparison is high praise indeed, thank you!
It is refreshing to know that one of the gents on the team is on the same level as I am. I know that not everyone is thrilled about a more "discovery and exploration" and less "invade, kill, conquer and destroy" game, but I believe this game is going to be the first of it's kind.
This project seems more akin to art (as opposed to "game", which seems to be a debated term) than anything else. It's less about "winning", "beating", or "conquering". It's more about experience and appreciation, finding and enjoying the feelings you get. Whether they be the awe of a violet, shimmering sunrise you watch from just beneath the waves, the tension and fear as you try to escape some barely seen creature stalking you in the dark, the sorrow of losing crew when a submersible fails to return from a scouting trip, the relief when they do.
I'm so excited about the possibilities of this project, I can't help but get a little lost in the space you've created in my mind. Every piece of art becomes a story, every bit of music allows my stories to have a soundtrack and provides fuel to the feelings of that story.
Alright, let me quit, I could go on and on. Thanks for doing this, UWE. I have faith that you'll deliver something sublime.
Which of course means knife and spear guns could still be used for defense not just for hunting.
Also I don't think we should be obsessed with non-violence. Animals aren't. Senseless violence - yes let's try to avoid it, but hunting for survival sounds perfectly fine to me.