I saw someone else play it and was really hyped at an underwater voxel based terraforming exploration game. I love sandboxy creation games, but dislike the minecraftian blocky graphic most use. Subnautica looked smooth, had stuff to explore, and the…
I still have all my old saves, more or less one game save per update. They have all been updated each time. In some the cyclops disappeared, in others whole seabases vanished, in further more wrecks and fragments did not exist. The one thing they al…
I can confirm both grand reef and sea treaders path on stable at least. Usually on walls / cliffs. I can't recall finding any on the floor though that may just be co-incidence.
For me it wasthe Dunes wreck. I'm on dangerous creatures stable.
As usual on my base-building trips I was fully laden with tit,quartz,glass etc and was not carrying my usual outfit of propulsion cannon, knife, air bladder, spare o2 tanks, health kits etc. Usually I would feel vulnerable, but I was only heading to…
@Invisigoth247 Last I read they are going with a half and half type approach. Fragments concentrated at wrecks, and also some scattered around biomes.
Pe… -
Good call, there are definitely differing responses to light. Bonesharks don't seem to be a fan and nothing is attracted to those glowing pee-bombs, but if you turn on a light near a crabsquid it will respond enthusiastically. -
As it currently stands, I save my flares in the early game, then forget about them in the late game - just like one use light sources in almost every other game.
Bearing in mind that a flare burns around 1500c, I would love them to serve… -
I've been calling it "Big Bertha".
One of my friends is deaf and he has what I thought was a beautifully simple workaround to play most games (he mostly plays cs:go nowadays, and isn't at all bad). I share it in the hope it might help others in the mean time.
He has 2 mon… -
Creatures definitely attack other creature types eg; bonesharks will fight stalkers. bleeders will bite sandsharks etc.
As far as I have seen though, they do not attack within their own species. With the exception of stalkers fighting ov… -
It likely chased some prey and ended up out of visual range.
I regularly drop excess airbags and reginalds from my tanks just outside my main base hatch. Whenever I go off exploring and come back, a few have presumably been eaten. I seed… -
Be careful when you drop them though!
The other night I was redesigning my base so needed to clear out the tanks. I had been nurturing those stalkers for weeks in my tank. I gave them creepvines, peepers to eat - anything they wanted! So… -
I've never suffered from motion sickness irl, but I must admit sometimes I have to take a break from the seamoth.
It handles well at high speeds between biomes, but where it affects my eyes is at very low speeds, say as you strafe and tu… -
Can confirm, have been pushed below crush depth, probably a 50-60m shunt. If it was a clock face I was being pushed towards the 5 or 7 positions, not quite straight down but damn close. -
The problem with letting fans design things is that they often have no concept of game balance. You summed it up in one line "...better in every way!".
If it is better than the cyclops in every way, it makes the cyclops obsolete. Dev's a… -
The problem there is that would only work if rooms snapped to centre of foundations. As it is with snapping to foundation edges there is always an overhang, so foundations could be placed in a non-clipping way but a building placed on them could cli…
On the flip side, trying to build your base around geological formations is going to be a punch-in-the-d**k exercise without terrain deforming.
Put down foundations around a spire.
Start to build rooms, last room wont place because… -
I'm not only English but also from East Anglia, one of the most English-y bits of England - and if it's any consolation, it is exactly the same for us herein What is this game about ? Comment by Totalologist May 2016
Pressure compensators were changed recently. You no longer use multiple compensators, but instead now if you take your compensator to the modification station (regular, not seamoth for some reason) you will see you can upgrade them twice, resulting …
When we asked to be able to pitch up and down in the 'clops like in the 'moth, this is not what we meant!
This feels like unnecessary busy-work, and not at all like interesting gameplay. I don't play farmville because resource grinding games aren't my thing. I'm here to explore.
That is before mentioning that a survivor eat… -
1st pod exit - I swim along the surface to the kelp forest, then dive for 6 seed clusters. On the way back I grab some scrap and 2 quartz. That's [fins] [knife] [o2tank] in one dive.
2nd pod exit - Back to kelp forest for silver, on way back g… -
I like it. Biowarfare.
Especially once our bases can be attacked I think a fatal weapon could be warranted. I think a weapon that uses already existing lethal capabilities of local fauna would be thematically forgiveable in a way that a … -
The only way you'll ever see parity between the two versions is if they intentionally restrict the pc performance down to whatever the xbone can tolerate.
We are all gamers, but it is ludicrous to pretend a console can handle the kind of… -
I love it.
It's so cute it even moves a bitter cynic like me to think that it might just be worth surviving on this sodden planet after all...
This should be in the xbox forum. This forum is for those of us with good hardware. Runs beautifully on my pc now I've swapped it to an ssd.
I feel reading this thread like I am one of the very few people who like just messing around under-water and generally finds the surfacing thing like a sequence of pauses to my gameplay rather than a challenge that heightens my excitement.
It's an unknown creature that can teleport around.