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Members, Constellation


  • I was there when NS1 competitive scene was taking it first steps in form of clanbase. I witnessed when FNSL turned to ENSL and Europeans had the first competitive platform for every European competitive player. I have played in almost every (E)NSL s…
  • I just want to point out that Scrajm made wondefull post about map balancing long time ago and it still applies to this version of the game. In my opinion, understanging Scrajm's words for map balancing and variation is even more important than map …
  • I ment these changes to be easy to do. Only the shrinking of skulk would need modelling for example, but of course rebalancing the game would need time. Most of these changes have been said by me or others who mastered NS1 for over 3 years already. …
  • Here is some easy balance changes that either simplify or would address some core problems of NS2:

    -Make skulk sneaking (when you press shift) faster. It almost unusable currently because it's slow compared to marines normal pace. In NS1…
  • Actually, in NS1 two fast fades was status quo tactic till 3.2. However, in 3.2. clans started to focus on fast chambers or one extra RT while sacrificing that one fast fade. I do agree with the sentiment that NS2 has lost something in this regard b…
  • (Quote) Laama actually made art form from pistol dropping. I think it's safe to say that it was his trademark. It confuse aliens when a marine suddenly move faster than normally.

  • If the hitreg will someday be same level as before the launch it will be a really big balance change. Just to go watch logitech or launch tournament to see difference and back then you had op skulk strafe movement.
  • And we were supposed to get our part from Saunamen emblem when we sold right to use our clan for marketing.
  • Would it be possible to get maxfps command from console to NS+ options as slider?
  • (Quote) Problem is that when a skulk gets close to a marine the best course of action is just to maximize damage output and there is little skill in that. There are some dodging skill in NS2 but too little for my taste. NS1 was totally different …
  • This roots from much bigger flaw of NS2. That is the unbalance between vanilla skulk vs. vanilla marine. UWE copied NS1 in many things but made also some radical changes. In this case, vanilla skulks were made bigger and slower while marines did get…
  • Yeah, because when someone disagree with you in internet and kindly explain why that person is a dick. Merry xmas and happy new year to you as well.
  • (Quote) That feature was only in NS 1.0-1.04. That is only about 6 months of NS1 9 years lifespan. Be more exact with your information, because false information do have missleading affect.
  • HBZ was long time only public server I could play more than one round. Unfortunately some time ago they started to make new changes to the server like reserved slots and NS2stats hours cap. It's good to focus your player base but this meant that I d…
  • (Quote) There are also lots of new viable strategies that any clan has used constantly. Also strategies aren’t about building orders but positioning your units. Building order is just small part of overall meaning of strategy in this game. We hav…
  • First off, I don't understand why people think NS1 was niche game. It was one the most popular FPS shooter in its prime. That is something when you think how unfinished versions 1.x and 2.01 were. When first stabile version NS1 was released, the mod…
  • Yes, of course. But when the idea is to be funny, and not to represent any hard arguments, you kind of get free pass. It would be different if I would actually claim something to be true.
  • I have always wondered why in public forums you get banned by insulting other people but not from other logical fallacies. I find other logical fallacies causing as much harm to discussion as mere ad homines. I mean in this thread there are so many …
  • In NS1 there was the HLTV and some rare live cast from very start, but Blind started something new in later stage of NS1. I remember the day when this noob called Blind came to scene and started to do these youtube videos. Before that we had only fr…
    in Thank you. Comment by Tane June 2014
  • And the most ironic thing about this discussion is that those good players don't jump in random combat situations. Sometimes I just lost hope for humanity when I read these forums.
  • Yeah, but organizers (Hugh) feared crashes even if it has never happened because of NSL_maps.
  • Well, I am interested in philosophy of gaming and this thing gave me inspiration to make an abstract about this situation.

    In competitive gaming there are three different parties. Players, organizers (NSL admins for example) and sp…
  • It's really rough to start competition inside your clan when you have seven or eight active players who all wants to play. These kind of rules makes people literally cry. Don't really understand the rule because like Fana said it's always better use…
  • Just saying that this is "community tournament" and you had many months to plan timing and you picked the worst time in whole year for players to play the most important match of year. Answering that it is not possible is just plain wrong and really…
  • Great job and I'm always grateful for UWE and for this community!

    That being said, I never understood why you had to go so grand for this one. Previously it has been only two (mostly EU) teams when we had full UWE support. Now that you n…
  • Great job! Nice that someone is finally doing these! Of course there are always mistakes when it comes to predictions, but in overall great work indeed.
  • Funny. PG is by far the worst staring tech route that marines can do. I don´t even want to give arguments for that.
  • L4D is one the most popular FPS out there and it's competitive scene about the same size of NS2. That is mostly because Valve has never supported L4D competitive wise, they have actually done more harm than good for it. So no, it was not successful.
  • It doesn't effect that level of playing at all. Reason why people miss easy bites randomly moving marine is because they are trying to bite there where the marine is. Just like there will always be people who think that in football you pass ball whe…
  • Posting from another thread. This is the biggest letdown currently for me and for every high level competitive player I have talked to.

    Actually with v250 I think NS2 is tactically and teamwork wise as good as NS1. It's different and the…