More and better tooltips might also be an idea that seems easy to implement, perhaps add some nice infopgraphics for loading screen images to the rotation. The images could show some tips on how to do pointman cover or how to lane block, or other th…
I asked my rookie friend to tell me his experience with NS2 so far (skype log, apologies for the crude paste):
As we can see here, being new is confusing and he even has misconceptions. When I was new, I felt similarly: It was … -
I like streaming my first person view. I am not a good caster.
I stream drawing on the same channel, but I stream Ns2 twice weekly, starting at 20:00 (CEST) ever… -
Wow I didn't know you could do screens these ways, I had people pose for me in game XD
It worked though. Efficient clanmates. -
It's not sad, it is concentrating.
I'm sure they don't intend to uphold those terms, but if I learned anything from the internet, is that even the nicest people can suddenly come out and burn you. EA used to be a nice company, you know
in NS2, copyright and fanart-for-profit Comment by Skyfish August 2014
These aliens are missing something essential! The frilly butt tendrils! It's not aliens without frilly butt tendrils.
Thank you for the links. Those terms of use are utterly terrifying. I am very glad that unknown worlds seems to act completely opposite to what their terms state, and that not many creators here seems to read them. Here is an extract:
"U… -
I will chime in for this for the sake of future people having the same problem
Problem: NS2 minimize to desktop, can't… -
Where can I find this email? I tried sending a pm and have yet to get a reply. But I am hardly the first to create fanart for NS2, how are the other creators finding it?
I imagine proximity chat being better for "always on" provided you are not in a noisy environment and the mic stays quiet until you do speak.
That is really cool! I use team speak with my clan though. I have used mumble before, but I can't convince my friends to switch. Where could I get such a plugin? Is it laggy?
I would really enjoy to see 3D local voice, so you can just ch… -
Hello, I have been playing Ns2 a lot lately, and it has caused my thumb and index and middle finger to go numb. I always get shoulder pain in ns2 games because they last so long and are very intense, I grip the mouse hard, it is a Razer lachesis mou…
Do people really understand the alien voice commands? I can't distinguish the different growls just yet myself.
This new (old, I see) map is sure detailed and very hard to learn! But I am sure I will like it a lot once I know it better. I am new to natural selection and this is by far the most complicated map to learn. Those vents as seen on the map are soo c…
Well, I am known to be "terrible at searching" but even searching for "badges" with other words I just get so many posts about people's badges not working. Thanks for helping
in Badge list with explenations Comment by Skyfish December 2013
So far voice chat hasn't been a problem for me, the games are quiet until someone breaks the ice, and then everyone has a fun time usually, mostly tactical but some funny jokes in the dead spaces too
in Where to find teammates? Comment by Skyfish November 2013
As a new player I don't particulary mind the concede function, it's good to have when the enemy is "just farming kills" as I overheard someone saying the other day. That is the times I feel abused as a player. However, I'd prefer if more games came …
On steam I am "BlueSkyfish" feel free to add me to play NS2, I just want to play this game all day every day. (But I only have time to play it in evenings, eurpoean servers and times) if You are american or Australian it will probably be too laggy..…