Lets just say i got bored
Anyway I think peepers would taste like BBQ... Garyfish like chicken. And hover fish.... uhh.... feet? Like fried eggs
Fabricator removes chemicals when fish are cooked -
Maybee Sn takes place after NS2
And I have a reason for my choice. I think we should have an actual "character" rather than a somebody
Still looks cool!
Thats not the same creature doe.
Is anyone else gunna submit a base?
Its a little bug i like to use.hopefully the dont fix it. or let us place them normally like that on land
By EMP from AMP eals i mean like if one shocked your seatmoth it could just stop working for a few seconds. or anyother tech that your using at the time,
Wait the forums got hacked? No wonder things dissapeared... Who dares t… -
I just relised that cats would not go well with this game....
Most requested Update:
Arctic Zone
28% -
I can relate to that
Most requested is currently arctic zone
Its obvious.
Dangit i didnt mean to post that.
I dont mean to replace. I mean an alternetive.
No! You can get the bluprint! Its in the aurora.
No, no, no the real question is how did it survive to be that big... It has no throat. -
The aurora was shot down during its desent.
Oooooh that menu looks awsome. Have some chekin.... wait... WHAT theres no chekin in the emoji list? thats messed up...
Ewwwwwwww! -
Wow thats weird. -
There was also a sentry turret. And on the mountain island? Thats a little obvious of a place, Id think it would be more hidden