I'm tired of arguing with people who keep changing the argument in every post. ~X( -
The first game in your list is Starcraft 1...
At this point I think the two sides are arguing about different forms of "competitive". From my side of the argument, "competitive" is akin to "progamer". No game has… -
I stopped reading at the first game in your list... -
I never claimed I was innocent. I've made my fair share of bad posts, often in response to the excessive hate on this forum. But that doesn't make what I say any less true. -
I have been a part of quite a few gaming communities and I have to say that the Natural Selection 2 game community is decent. I also have to say that this is the worst video game forum community that I've ever seen. The amou… -
*grabs popcorn*
This post gave me diarrhea. -
Welcome to every video game forum ever. -
I think your problem with the game (and one that many seem to share) is that Natural Selection 2 isn't a First Person Shooter. Natural Selection 2 is a Real Time Strategy game with a first person point of view. All of the ob… -
It always turns into a derp fest when player counts are brought up. These forums tend to like small games and dislike large games, whereas public players tend to like large games and dislike small games. This leads to pages and pag… -
Well, currently, the game isn't even close to balanced at 6v6 (74% Alien win rate) and pretty close to balanced at 20+ (55% Alien win rate). Considering that, I find it amusing that you say "as balanced as 6 v 6" when it should be … -
I've had that happen to me dozens of times. It always occurs after spectating (while dead) a Marine that is using a Flamethrower.
*snip * if you can't be nice to others.. - Ironhorse
That is cute, coming from you. -
Mmmm... I love an argument based around anecdotal evidence. Edit: Actually, I'm going to stop this argument on Tic Tac Toe and just agree with you when you say it is boring as cardboard. -
Just for your information, Tic Tac Toe is insanely imbalanced in favor of the person who goes first.
Of course it is impossible to make those claims sound plausible to you, considering you just rejected things that were well known facts (only the last one was my opinion). -
The problem isn't "change", the problem is people legitimately don't like the map and yet their feedback is being dismissed with the wave of a hand because "y… -
This thread disagrees with you. -
Ah, the age old internet argument, "Someone doesn't agree with me; they must be a troll!"...
If you're going to insult me, the least you could do is be somewhat original. Better yet, you could actually add to the discus… -
It is fallacious because it has nothing to do with player count and everything to do with player skill. Yes, that is what a bunch of rookies end up looking like, but that remains true whether it is 6v6 or 100v100. My posts were in … -
Okay, so it was the last post. You should be more specific about which post you are referring to. :P
Currently, the BT mod shifts the balance of Fades from OP at low-player-counts and fine at high-player-counts to fine … -
Please don't post inflammatory fallacies about high-player-count servers simply because you don't like them.
Also, the problem with increased reliance on shooting in a first person shooter game is that this isn't a firs… -
I don't see what that has to do with any of my previous 3 posts other than the last one. -
The Fade is really only overpowered in low-player-count games as they lack the firepower to take them down. This is unfortunate as it seems the only way to fix the Fade in those low-player-count games is to ruin the Fade in high-pl… -
It still applies. There is a large divide between low-player-count and high-player-count servers because of their vastly different playstyles. People that like one tend to dislike the other. 4TP maps don't work for the strategic te… -
They still won't like it. The BT mod tends to be fun for those people that like lower-player-count servers and not fun for those that like higher-player-count servers. This happens because 6v6 and 12v12 are played in completely dif… -
That isn't true. The BT Fade has a lower skill ceiling than the vanilla Fade. The vanilla Fade can do everything the BT Fade can do with roughly the same amount of skill, but it can also do things the BT Fade can't do. The vanilla … -
The same applies to Armories not healing armor. There's no reason for the change. There is no problem being fixed. It feels like a lot of this mod is change for the sake of change.
Actually, a lot of these changes seem … -
The above thread go…