where can i download the NS2 marine's taunt sounds?
last stand is fun, but gets repetitive. game always end in jetpack rape or xeno rape. there should be restricted access to certain items as waves increase aka jetpack, xeno.
maybe set max of 15 waves. for wave 1, for marine - only have access … -
instead of standalone , make it a downloadable mod through NS2. Sure those paid for it will complain (aka me) but as long as the combat mod is alive and has players playing I support it.
Instead of rewriting all the code/models, just mod… -
Nominating @NS-Soldier aka Rambo for being a good teamplayer capturing nodes, killing aliens/marines, building structures and welding teammates. Not to mention always r…
having faster pc does help with aiming... i had to get *almost* the same pc (i7 4790k & 16gb & 780gtx @ 120Hz ) to run 100+fps smooth at low setting
i use mice left handed and aims fine lol
there is cheat for this game? i thought having map that shows enemy nearby or detected and listen to the sound of cutie skulks clicking their sexy heels is enough to make anyone good if you can aim
Love to see a mod where a team of human VS alien bots or human alien team VS marine bots. That way we can't blame stacking so we can blame these damn aimbots instead
no i was at depth 1142m found this awesome easter egg
i gave up after 5 minutes of blackness and a wall. had to use the cheat "speed 5" to swim faster
i do want the dragon one but do not want to swim anywhere near it
maybe its people with less 20 fps/sec lol -
Just pointing out the obvious abused "jump strategy" for all you old school players to scare away all the new players and rookies
as for the warping issue is real, if you ever playing against someone with over 150+ ping in a 1 on 1, you'… -
you should've seen how a bad of a group of marines/skulks tries to kill me, i just strafe left and right and they don't even hit me
i tried to play a few rounds... just end up good K/D ratio but not at top spot or being called (lag) hacker -
it's more funny when I 80 pinger walks around a corner then gets killed by 300 pinger that somehow its magic bullets go around the corner as well -
how can i aim someone who is ghosting aka disappearing every half a second
is there a hole at the back the gorge?
combat should've been a dlc content that way people don't want to switch game to play it.
what I've noticed is that marine can jump backward at least twice the distance of skulks forward jump, makes it really unfair for skulk. I'd like to see marine's backward jumping ability LOWERED and backward walking increased. with skulk only capabl…
runs on Half-Life 3 engine
I am hoping to see balance change to the skulk in the beginning of the game, also new maps and a new game mode: maybe like "capture the gorge"
hey did we all paid $15 for a DLC content!?
is there going to be a free weekend Oct 31st to Nov 2!?
when you have a group of regulars stack on one team working against a team of random + new players... guess who wins. stop stacking, makes this game so lame sometimes. we need the regulars to spread out to different teams, at least help out the new …
looks like combat is broken, i don't see any combat servers.
I hope they do a free weekend of the combat standealone -
what we need was the old alien vision from NS1 where the aliens could see lifeforms/hive/rts through the wall, along with health status and if its being under attacked
why don't the mod "warn" him with a 10 days ban for trying to escape the word filter