Try running repairgame.exe first
If that doesnt fix it, please run techsupport.exe located in the same /x64 folder and then s… -
And there's multiple varying audio tracks now, and they don't play long enough to interfere with gameplay in a round, and the danger music of when a chair or hive gets low only plays on the last one, and it's no longer ear deafening..
It… -
To those who do not see status UI icons, or the parasite timer while playing marine... you need to ensure you have both HIGH HUD DETAIL enabled in vanilla options, and that you are not utilizing NS2+'s "Minimal HUD" opt… -
"When one end dies, the other dies, too."
We tried this, it did not work for a number of reasons.. from intuitive gameplay to technical issues and bugs. -
Interesting idea of simplifying it, but I am not sure what you mean by a "Half state"?
Do you mean fill in the icon only halfway? If so, what is the… -
@MoFo1 (Quote) 1) Its definitely there. It could be a server mod interfering that needs to be updated by the mod author possibly. But if you check vanilla NS2 you'll see i…
As well as providing your techsupport.exe generated zip file (run this only with ns2 closed)
*Moving to tech support forums* -
Two images that were cut from the changelog to keep the size down, but I feel need visual examples to be understood fully :
* Infestation should no longer “streak” and appears more crisp than Build 327 - UNEARTHED - Natural Selection 2 Comment by IronHorse April 2019
(Quote) In haiku form:
Many minds to please
Consensus is the real truth
Direction in chains
Lerk gliding sounds are occluded by geo @NousWanderer
We'll be holding another public play test tomorrow, Wednesday at 1330 (1:30 pm) PDT / 2230 (10:30 pm) CEST, to play test adjustments that have been made based on the feedback provided last Saturday.
If you didn't get a chance last time t… -
I've merged these two threads that both had to do with crashes.
This issue remains our #1 priority as a team!
Our anniversary patch (october 31st of every year) has been cut in half, in regards to the content and size o… -
I'd like there to be no timer, personally. Especially one that is biased to a specific team.
This just doesn't play well in scaling across skill levels.
@… -
That's literally it.
I have been calling for this for a long time, seemingly on my own for a while - but it's been interesting to watch others in the community come about to similar realizations recently, o… -
OK.... that flow mapper is simply amazing.. well done
Where the advantages built are less influential than they are now.*
Which is to say, there is a whole lot of breathing room for this currently, with the degree of compounding advantages / snowballing mechanics in… -
I am obviously not opposed to a stable early game and a fragile late game, such as @The_Welsh_Wizard has stumbled onto (glad to have you aboard!… -
I was going to post your poll which asked players to determine the average round time where they can predict the outcome / winner but cannot find it?
IIRC the average player answered around 5 minutes.
So in my min… -
I spoke with you in our discord server already, but for others : it is known and will be worked on. No ETA as of now though, as there's no clear solution.
Following Kouji's derailing thought for a moment..
(Quote) Economy model differences between NS1 and NS2 shaping the design, mostly.
But let's not pretend we didn't have turtles, devour or boring spectating waiting for that last marine …@Ourukai* If one team smashes another, but the teams were stacked to make that outcome almost certain, nobody’s skill level changes at the end of the…On that note : there's currently an issue within our version of fmod that we're aware of and looking into, where if your ingame sound setting is not set to max volume "1", you can experience different audio results.
My recommendation is …(Quote) It's almost as if having tech not tied to map control has byproducts and downsides.......
(Quote) Your lack of substance and contributions to the discussion aside... I feel like maybe you weren't playing when NS2 was "Win before Onos or GG"?In other words: A stable early game and a fragile late game.
This is my favorite topic of NS2 and has been talked about in this community since 2013, roughly. And such a curve would most definitely help produce less predicta…(Quote)
It looks like you are, yes.
I can tell you the latest update has it for sure.
I got this update about 2 weeks ago roughly, some only got it a few days ago, and still some don't have it yet.(Quote)
Try it again by looking at your customize player menu in game.
If you still don't have it, PM me with your steam64 id and I can take a look.(Quote) This should be fixed now through our UWE extension mod that applies to every server.
Sorry about that!