Haven't tested it myself, but I heard from various people from my friends list experiencing similar problems who were playing on servers like Thirsty Onos Bar or MCG.
Massive lags on most servers for almost 2 minutes that kill the game because everyone is leaving. Commanders can't place structures because of the big delay. We need a quick fix.
Marines, check your CIS privileges
Thanks, but there must be a way. I can't play on a higher resolution and I cant even command properly without seeing whos killng who, neither can I place down cysts/structures/mist or anything because the icons are so restricting. I have have a smal…
Care to elaborate? -
Brink was a bad game though, NS2 has a lot of potential, but little exposure
No multimillion dollar advertisement campaign.
Too bad this isn't always the case. -
Where the fuck are my perks UWE? Give me One-Man Army and I dont need to bother the comm anymore
I heard someone once say to get out a bad/dangerous situation before it happens. Fits pretty well. Other than that, move around a lot, be a hard target to hit. Don't attack groups of marines bigger than 2 alone, especially if they have shotguns.
Like others said it always depends on your team and the size of the server. Running out of eggs is one of the worst things that can happen, marines sometimes need to get an early second IP as well. Its not only being able to spawn eggs for people bu…
The bigger the community, the worse the people. You can find this in any online community, several games have been ruined for me because of lack of teamplay. Of course this game also suffers under this problem, but it makes it just much more enjoya…
It lets me play music in the background without having to worry about any rts elements and is just great for unwinding and practising
Nice game, I dont understand why KKG stopped getting upgrades at some point. no w3 (until really late) or a2 all game.
Focus down the gorges and the onos wont be a problem anymore after focused fire of 11 marines. Like @Xarius said have dual exos defend every important location that you hav…
Put yourself into the position of the marines, if you got to fight higher lifeforms and constantly biting+xenociding (activation of xeno alone usually excludes biting) skulks, it'd be almost impossible to take down a hive or do som… -
Xenocide is all about timing, I think it'd be overpowered if it was passive. You need to start xeno before you engage, leap into a group of marines or whatever your target may be and as soon as you arrive you still got a second or two maybe left, de…
(Quote) I miss this ;_;
What's really annoying is that you cant see whether camo is activated in alien vision. I play with alien vision all the time and if I'm close to a shade I would like to know if I'm cloaked or not. I dont get why they removed this or did they just fo…
Never thought Game One did reviews in such a way. Greatly done, I bow down
Welcome to internet gaming. Just look for some people that you like playing with and add them to your friends list. Join their games or ask them to play with you if you are in the mood and you will enjoy your time playing, at least most of the time.
Thats why good commanders get a backup arms lab in another base. I find it too strong for marines and it would make xenocide less effective. I'd say keep it the way it is.
I agree with this and would gladly buy a Black Armor DLC for a few bucks to support the developers.
Would be a feature that most of the community would appreciate.
There are rookie servers though and most of the time people are happy to help you out in the game if you ask for help and are willing to learn. -
Maybe you can build in an option where you have whips that are movable by gorges and the default setting of only commander control.
(Quote) Why not whips? It would make them certainly more useful. Gorges have free range to move them and plant them down where someone uses a GL and give the commander free range to take care of other things.
Are you kidding me? I love the main menu music, always gets me pumped up when I'm waiting to join a game
in Main Menu Music Comment by GrueneMedizin February 2013
Great idea. Way better than replacing upgrades for example from a base that is getting sieged to a more secure base, plus it makes it harder for marines to kill those upgrades, otherwise they always know where the upgrades are and kill them off in n…