Join Date: 2013-04-26 Member: 185003Members

The more kdr or kills or points you get, the better icons you get next to your name, unlocking better armor. The armor will not increase your play but is more for looks. So how about level 1-100. Level 10 gets a new suit. Level 25 gets a new gun look. Level 50 gets 2 eject votes for commander. Level 75 gets to be able to start votekicks on players. Level 100 gets 2 votes on next map.
oldschool rules supercede newschool shenanigans
I wouldn't mind seeing some levels, no idea what they could accomplish or represent. Right now my only trophy is my 500+ hours on steam. I think that be adding additional privileges would prove to be a problem and encourage others to hack, those should be left upto server admins. I would be interested to get additional armor types, or weapons that are supported by all servers and past consistency settings on all servers.
Its important to keep in mind that this game and community is NOT made for COD fans, a COD fan club gets bored after 1 year of no new updates. As a NS2 is fan I'm more interested in a quality based game rather than just mindless killing and K/d ratios.
NS2 is a team game. The team wins and the team loses. KDRs are an indication of individual skill, sure. But that's not the most important thing in NS2. You can go 100 and 0 and your team still loses (that would be an epic game). There are tactics and overall strategies imperative to winning a game. Namely, follow the commander's orders. Sending a small task force to their death as a distraction from the main attack force is an age old strategy. Put in KDR benefits and stuff and people simply won't be willing to take those risks.
Encouraging people to increase their KDR means encouraging them to not be a team player.
My KDR would have gone up if my teammate hadn't "stolen my kill" sorta thing. Kill stealing doesn't exist in NS2 because the most important thing is that he's dead. Introduce 'features' like the ones you're indicating and soon enough the community will be diluted by raging lunatics who need their Kill fixes.
The idea of a ranking system has been tossed around a lot, and UWE posted a rather vague blog post detailing (oxymoron) what they think such an "organized play system" would look like. What I've come to the conclusion of is that for any ranking system to be fully accurate, it would have to take into account a ton of things. KDR would be one, but more importantly extractors saved, phases saved, buildings built, buildings welded, Exos welded, enemy res structures killed, players healed, players saved, etc etc etc. NS2 is a super complicated game when it comes to what makes a "good player." At least in pubs.
So no. COD is not popular because it is a magnificent blend of RTS and FPS mixed into an assymetrical team battle that not everyone can get into. COD is popular because it's a lot of guys with a lot of guns running around shooting eachother. The depth of strategy is all about how I can catch him off guard or who can flick the trigger fast enough. COD is popular because anyone can do it.
Get the fuck out of here.
If a Marine is getting 30 Kills straight without a death, that marine needs to go and find a server with people of his skill level.
This might be true. But don't forget that there are ALOT of idiots out there.
a while ago some people tossed out a leveling system that has no perks or befits just a level there were not definitive idwas of how to level, im now think juts time played level sort of thing, i've juts had an idea if it time played the 10 hours played per level? so if you have like 400 hours played then your level will be 40, the hours played level system juts tells someone if you have alot of experience in playing the game. and if its implemented set a "level cap" meaning no one above level 20 in this server, so no veterans in a newbie server
Level progression, as well as other "gamification" elements we find in many "modern" games can be either "cosmetical" or "technical".
Cosmetical levels do not affect the gameplay in any way. I don't think they fit NS that much, but I don't see any hard resason to dismis these things, either. I know of some servers that use an internal leveling system that awards you points after each round, gives you an icon/badge on the scoreboard based on your level, etc. I think that this is quite a fair way for server admins to reward their regulars and incentivize players to come back more often.
Level that have an effect on the actual game balance, however, are a BIG NO-NO! I'm extremely confident, such a thing will never be part of the core game.
Speaking of balance: I do see quite some potential to use "levels/ranks" as a means to improve the team-stacking situation we too often see. If a rank would actually represent an estimated "impact" a player can have on a round, the server could display a message "The Marine team's cumulative player rank is more than X% of the Alien team's." or even prevent players from joining a stacked team. This would however only work if there was a good way to measure the "impact factor" of a player and adjust it up/down regularly (in most games, you only GAIN levels/ranks, never lose them...)