Probably the best update in a long time (been waiting for WorkshopBackup for a well over a year), and thanks for lowering the grenade damage, the grenade spam has always been annoying.
6 hour player mute is awesome too, i hated having to… -
Whilst the CDT have done a fantastic job since taking over, i don't see how they are going to cure NS2 of its bad reputation even if you get the game 100% stable and running at 200fps on everyone's pc.
The damage is done, the playerbase … -
Minimum specs are always laughably inaccurate.
The high spec requirements simply translate to a really limited player base, in my opinion NS2 suffers badly from it.
My point is, limited player bases are alwa… -
Hopefully it isn't too expensive, should of revealed the price.
Those recommended system requirements though:
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 at 3.4 GHz or AMD FX-8350 at 4.0 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA Ge… -
Got an extra 20fps on average with this patch, excellent work.
I just wish more people played (down to 408 average players now, lowest ever).
With figures as low as that, the game might as well go Free to Play. -
One week in and 0 comments?
I guess that sums up the enthusiasm of competitive game play, haha -
Best update ever, some things fixed that were long over due like IP spawn issue and server player listing, keep up the good work!
It's just a shame that despite all this wonderful work the monthly average player base continues to decline… -
My only concern i have about putting mines on friendlies is trolling (put a mine on someone and then shoot it and kill them etc), but i suppose if the mines are designed so they can't be detonated by friendly fire (unless friendly fire was enabled b…
(Quote) You should make it so only mines can be placed on the enemy as i would hate some random person putting a mine on me without my consent.
What would be a hilarious use of the mines would be if you can also lob them across the ro… -
Awesome news!
(Quote) Yes please, i've always wanted to see an alternative method of providing mods when Steam workshop servers fail to deliver (as they often do during Steam sales).
In regards to the news in this topic, i've been expecting this fo… -
Awesome, although without a way of making the mines less visible (cloaking etc), i can't imagine the 2nd mode being used effectively very often.
And if you do go down the route of making mines invisible / cloaked, i would certainly bump … -
Can't wait
I think when it comes to MvM, players need the ability to hide mines better.
If it was me, i would hide mines directly on structures like the back of an extractor to give the attacking marines a nice surprise when they confidently run be… -
(Quote) Indeed, but from what i've read in the progress log so far (i check it daily now), you've done some fantastic changes / progress (some stuff UWE have failed to fix for a long time), so thank you
in Marine vs Marine [Beta] Comment by DarkflameQ May 2014
There's no hype or advertising for MvM thus it doesn't get the recognition it deserves.
Plus the current 3.2 build is considered by many vets to be boring and monotonous, the grenade spam and noob tubing doesn't help it… -
LOL @ skulkgato's post, you win the internet today sir!
, good to hear, look forward to playing the next build!
Still no IP spawn/ phase gate stuck fix (introduced by the new collision system a few months back and probably the most annoying bugs of NS2 at the moment).
Nor player names not correctly revealing them selves on servers fix (this affect… -
(Quote) That's very professional of UWE, introduce new bugs and never fix them as they are too busy on new projects, nice.
Some form of semi intelligent (hopefully) bot players to help get a server populated?
If this is the case i would be careful with this by setting a max number of bots (no more than 10) to stop servers abusing this funct… -
(Quote) Sweet, because the Workshop servers become 2nd rate when Steam sales are on.
I still think it's wise to keep the mod size as low as possible until people are hooked.
20mb is a fine size, i wouldn't go over 40mb, Steam servers are too unreliable and peoples average internet speed is still slow.
All the mods that are 40mb+ very few people actually host / play. -
(Quote) So much hate for big servers and with MvM, they play absolutely fine with the big maps.
Server will be down until the release of v3.3, really looking forward to the changes and i think 3.2 has been thoroughly tested now, nothi… -
Only error in my log, doesn't happen very often. -
(Quote) Good to hear about the voting fix, cheers.
People are getting kicked simply for being good players which i always hate to see, i actually preferred the last build when the power was invulnerable, it wasn't ideal but stopped pe… -
Added modular exo mod to my server, seems to be working fine without any bugs with MvM, i hope it stays that way as it's an awesome mod!
in Marine vs Marine [Beta] Comment by DarkflameQ April 2014
@wiggly, do you have time / plans to adjust this mod to work with the Marine vs Marine mod?