Thanks for all the work you have done for this game, my teacher, one of the inspiration sorse for me through the videos. Thanks for the greate combat map co_sava and let me remake for ns2:combat. You have done more then you'll ever know for this co…
ok here is my screens ...
I hope this is good.in Spark Detailing Exercise #1: Snowed-In Comment by [=Alex=] October 2015
My pleasure but...
I finished my very small room.... -
256x256 is very small room
Well, I am working on my very small room.
After all it is an ex… -
Co_angst work in process...
Co_legacy ex co_faceoff in the next pach NS2: Combat
Some screens.in The Post Your Screenshots Thread! Comment by [=Alex=] June 2015
I played this map yesterday Well, what I can say, it's beautiful full of details plays well do not easily lose because every site is different from the other.I'm obsessed with textures and here are perfect.It really looks …Good work! I really like what I see out there, the care with textures geometry, the use of props! And very important the careful lighting. Very nice and detailed work. I hope to play one of these days.It looks like fun
in ns2_mineral Comment by [=Alex=] May 2015
Love the looks of this map... Very nice one!Spectacular! Very good!@BeigeAlert this is the best menu I've ever seen.... Spectacular!Man I love your work!
You are one of the best mappers ever!Playing around with spark editor ...
I remake co_pulse (which is thankfully very play)
And two other co_maps not so lucky, who knows why ... co_kestrel and co_s…It's funny, I remember when I launched my map ns2_triad and rained criticism on long corridors, ns2_nothing has long corridors everywhere.
Try doing romms in these corridors would work better with the map.
Change those corrid…It's funny, I remember when I launched my map ns2_triad and rained criticism on long corridors, ns2_nothing has long corridors everywhere.
Try doing romms in these corridors would work better with the map.
Change those corrid…New location in workshop, I realized that it was made under extraelntitiesmod.
This map does not use that mod was my mistake ...I build the minimap, this way:
I copy my map file "ns2_map.level" to the folder ns2/maps
And I have a notpad with:cd E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\common\natural se…
Beta 16.
I largest ms, because it felt too tight.
Any suggestions are welcome.co_sava is done for testing.... Like co_kestrel...
I play sws is a fun mod! I like it...Well, the map is finished! They are vents and everything in place...
I liked it and enjoyed making this remake....
I hope you like it @MENDASP!Yes, it is water ... A material called biodome_water_refract.material
It is applied in a regular face ... here it is again:in The Post Your Screenshots Thread! Comment by [=Alex=] January 2014
Well adding details, OcclusionGeometry is ready, so is ready to be tested.
Detailing the map and make it pretty, is my favorite partReady the Graybox!
All rooms, names are ready, will be some name changes...
Work done by 90% in terms of the structural.
Only one more room and begin to detail, make cute the mapWell .... It is finished, from now on, will see bugs and stuff to fix.