There's a large splinter in my likeness of this game. And it's the company.
Join Date: 2015-12-31 Member: 210696Members

There's a large splinter in my likeness of this game. It's the company: They're complete left handed as can be liberals. They put no guns in the game as a statement against gun violence, who cares. They fired the sound guy cus he didn't fit their eleftist values, the guy who had probably the most important role in the game's development now gone, nice job.
I really like this game but this will always be on my mind when I am playing it now and I can no longer enjoy the game as I used to. I'm definitely not going to buy any other game or product again from this company besides the expansion. Sorry, but I just very much dislike people this left and liberal. And Idc ban me for what I think just like you banned Sy. Screw this company.
I really like this game but this will always be on my mind when I am playing it now and I can no longer enjoy the game as I used to. I'm definitely not going to buy any other game or product again from this company besides the expansion. Sorry, but I just very much dislike people this left and liberal. And Idc ban me for what I think just like you banned Sy. Screw this company.
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Not sure? Simon still loves them, they can't really be that bad. The people to be angry at are these lovely folks:
Like, 7 months late.
Now if you actually have critique on the actual game, mostly in terms of gameplay, story, interface, and other game design aspects, you might have a point. Subnautica seems to work perfectly fine without guns, so what's the big hubbub?
What is it with asking for bans and opinions? Has Reddit really infiltrated every community?
There are left winged people which are bad and there are right winged on this same basket. The same goes the other way around.
Another thing, this forum has a very small community which shouldn't give too many thoughts on how you feel. So complaining here prob won't hurt their view on the company.
And I do not believe someone takes their time writing something just so they can be "heard". I mean, that's a major point, but as soon as you are are heard others might answer, and that's what I think most people communicate for. Some people on this community will agree with your points, some won't.
I'll stand somewhere in the middle, as lots of others. And that's ok too.
Think about it, this game major criticisms points to environmental issues, instead of social ones.
If you disagree (as you probably do) on anything, I'm certain lots of folks here will take the time to discuss it in details.
That's how we grow as human beings.
Maybe because "look at me taking offense or having an edgy opinion" asking to get banned as a sort of "told you so, look at them suppressing my views"?
@Maalteromm, but people like their echochambers of circlejerking
Guns aren't exactly useful underwater... coughtorpedoescough
@Kouji_San That's it, reality has become one giant Monty Python skit. Explains things frightening well...
first game: Natural Selection, has guns
second game: Natural Selection 2, has guns
third game: Subnautica, no guns
(I think they have another multiplayer game in the works, which will have guns)
Is this an anti-gun agenda, or did they make a single game that didn't have them?
A humongous fraction of games have some sort of guns/violence embedded in their game mechanics.
Most non-violent games are usually puzzles, walking sims or classical adventures, rarely being present as anything else.
Subnautica is extremely innovative not only due to the setting, but also for being a first person, sandbox, exploration game in which violence is not a requirement for progression. In fact, it is heavily discouraged.
I would prefer if it was further discouraged, e.g. not letting leviathans die or making stalkers swarm you if any of them was attacked.
There's a large niche for these kind of games. And if people can profit while sharing their own views to the world all the better.
(cracks fingers)
Although I have several hundred opinions on life, guns, democratic and republican parties, violence, racism (I'll give you a hint: I'm against it) I'll keep my opinions in line for this. I mildy understand where you are coming from, with the guns thing (even though there aren't guns underwater). However, we're not safe to assume that Unknown Worlds, or any of its members are indeed "antigun." It's just a game. It might be just to get people away from extremely violent games. For all we know, maybe they tried to put guns in the game, but they can't find a purpose or a way to implement them. Keep this as a mindset: you can't assume anything about anyone. UWE might be the most liberal or most left-wing people you've ever met. You still have to treat them with kindness, and respect and politely say you disagree with them.
First of all, that thing is terrifying. Second of all, it shoots needles and doesn't use gunpowder. (although technically it is a firearm. Touché)
You're free buy & play the game, or to not buy or play the game. We wont stop you. But we hope you play the game and find something different and unique. Games are not created in a vacuum, they are created by people from all walks of life & political backgrounds.
Subnautica was built from the start with the Sandy Hook shooting in our minds. As I'm sure you're aware, we built the company on shooting games with guns (NS1 & NS2) but after Sandy Hook, we wanted to make something which wasn't about killing or violence. More exploration & wonder.
As for Simon, you can read the reasons & statement here: