Pirate translation thread.
cancels Work: distracted by Dwarf Fortress Join Date: 2015-09-25 Member: 208137Members

in Translations
I was thinking having a pirate language option. Ya know, like minecraft has. Is this a good idea?
Feedpack: Parlay matey
Reaper leviathan: A mighty lookin' beast captn'
And i do think it's a nice idea for the shits and giggles but not a good idea right now.
perhaps after 1.0?
I'd love to participate if it should happen.
"It's'a peeper, dis fish is a hearty dinner if ye get hunger! tis filled with goodness, but alas not alcohol goodness."
"Ye infected! ye goin thru withdrawl an need to find a drink of rum!"
"Tis your ship tha Aurora, tis a fine lookin sighte. Raid it for all the rum it carries, arr."
The novelty won't last past the wooden decks and between that and the water, i'd rather keep it english.
Now hold on there... We'd needs a new entry here: http://translate.unknownworlds.com/ fer that pirate natter...
Would be smart if we had a pirate voice actor fer bitchin' Betty. Or be able t' modify th' audio speech files like we could do in Natural Selection 2 fer th' "tipvids"
Workshop support yo o/
We would have to remove all the rum talk... alcoholic refrences would bump the game up to T, and the devs want E 10+.
that sterotype of pirate revolves around men on ships, with peg legs, eye patches, striped shirts and hooks, speaking in an irish accent. being a pirate is about the romanic side of piracy and the characters involving them, more often than not alcohol is also frequently linked with the sterotype along with sword play and treasure chests filled with gold.
still, i would like to see where this goes.
The game's out so I thought I might resurrect this.
Mister Morgan! Does ye nah subscribe t' the English tongue? Surely ye understand the world's language best be represented as the one 'n only speech! Or does ye say nee to me proposal, t'is a fair one at that!
Pirate-speaking Digital Assistant
"Good on yeh matey fer not dyin'! 'Ave a rum!"