Subnautica "Flaytona" Racing
Sr. Hινε UÏкεεÏεг - EUPT DeputyThe Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue

This thread is our very own official Subnautica "Flaytona" Racing thread, where I'll try to keep track of the tracks made and the times set by people, verified through videos and a post in this thread o/
<h1>The general Flaytona Racing Rules</h1>
<h1>Installing a race track, naming convention and creating a track</h1>
<h1>Getting on the track record list</h1>
<h1>Race Tracks (7) | Let the carnage begin!</h1>
Track Name
Work in Progress / DOWNLOAD - by insert @ name here
<h1>The general Flaytona Racing Rules</h1>
- The race starts the moment you rev up your engine
- Every bump with the world costs you 1 second
- You finish when you bump into the Finish Beacon, this bump doesn't count towards penalties
- You have to "tickle" the line as close as possible
- On "freedom" maps, if your Seamoth explodes, you lose
- Track specific rules are allowed (Beacons can be used to give a brief ingame explanation)
- Praise our overlord @Flayra, in the spirit of Flaytona Racing
- The .json file in the save folder contains some "personal" information, namely your computer name and windows account name
@Kouji_San I forgot to mention but I manually edited the gameinfo.json file in notepad because it adds some personal information elicited from the PC. I changed name to “arramus” and machine name to “FLAYTONA”. It really isn’t a big thing depending on how much we’ve shared and what kind of privacy we prefer. Just a heads up for other uploaders.
- The zip file has to be "installed" or rather copied/extracted into your Subnautica save slot folder. For Steam this map is located in:
"..Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SNAppData\SavedGames" - To make sure your race track doesn't conflict with other tracks or the game's original save slots. The folder name has to use the following naming convention:
"Flaytona - track name here" - Because the save system in Subnautica doesn't display names, you can modify the "screenshot.jpg" thumbnail in the save folder of your track. Simply add a text overlay somewhere on that image with the following text. Keep in mind, every time you save your track in game, you have to redo this. The same goes for the edits to the gameinfo.json file.<h1>Flaytona
Track Name Here</h1>
<h2>How To Build A Flaytona Track</h2>
Additional side notes regarding the tutorial video. If you want to change the game mode, you have to do this in the gameinfo.json file. Using the ingame commands is only temporary. To do this, simply open up the .json file with notepad and look for "gameMode":x, change the value to the mode you want to use for your track:- 0 = Survival
- 1 = Freedom
- 2 = Hardcore
- 3 = Creative
You have to upload and post a video here, preferably with some kind of timer in the video. The race timer starts the moment you rev up your engine, to the moment you bump into the "START / FINISH" beacon. Subtract/add any bonus and penalties to your time and post the result alongside your video. Click here on how to post on this forum using a thumbnail/link for your YouTube video, or just give us a link
<h1>Race Tracks (7) | Let the carnage begin!</h1>
- Balls to the Walls
DOWNLOAD - by @arramus
This track pits you against the steep vertical inclines and declines of the area bordering the creep vines and sand dunes. It begins in the dark but dawn soon arrives on Planet 4546B.- Bonus Rules
- Order 2 cups of coffee from the coffee machine (3 second bonus)
- Crash into acid mushrooms in the planter when finishing the race (1 second bonus per destroyed acid mushroom - please show video evidence of the planter after exiting the Seamoth)
- Track Rules
- Pick up your friend from its home at the appropriate check point (Disqualification if not achieved)
- Fix your vehicle damage at the appropriate check point (Disqualification if not achieved)
- Track Times (2)
- Bonus Rules
- The Crag Fields
Work in Progress - by @Skope- Bonus Rules
- placeholder
- placeholder
- Track Times (0)
- placeholder
- Bonus Rules
- Lava Zone Rumble
DOWNLOAD - @Recursion
Swing, grapple, and fall in this brand-new PRAWN parkour adventure. It's hot! (a little bit of me died with that pun)- Bonus Rules
- Use only the grappling arms, and don't use the jets for 10 seconds off at the end.
- Track Rules
- To finish the track, pilot your prawn into the hoop of pipes
- The track uses pipes
- Use the pre-prepared prawn which you spawn next to.
- Track Times (1)
- 2:12:02 | @Maalteromm [VIDEO ] post] | 2018-03-03
- Bonus Rules
- Poop Scoop Loop
DOWNLOAD - @arramus- Track Rules
- Select your own preferred tool set for the Prawn from the locker
- After entering the Prawn, start from the START POINT. Timer begins when you move forward or use a tool
- Head to each check point and land on a platform. Exit the Prawn and collect a poop. Place the poop in the Prawn storage
- After collecting all 6 poops, return to base
- Remove poops from storage before parking the Prawn
- Park Prawn and race to poop storage locker. Stop the timer when they are all safely stored
- Track Times (2)
- Track Rules
- Reaper Valley
DOWNLOAD - by @Recursion
Pit yourself against reapers, as you race down a zigzagging slope where the leviathans lurk, waiting for you to come.- Track Rules
- If your seamoth gets blown up, you lose.
- If you get caught by a reaper and thrown away from the track, head to the last point where you were on the track.
- If a reaper throws you ahead on the track, go back to where you were when the reaper cauht you.
- Track Times (2)
- Track Rules
- The Sea Suit Triathalon
Work in Progress - by @Recursion- Bonus Rules
- placeholder
- placeholder
- Track Times (0)
- placeholder
- Bonus Rules
- The Shallows
DOWNLOAD - by @Kouji_San
The Shallows was the proof of concept for Subnautica Flaytona. Speed through narrow canyons in the Safe Shallows and the Kelp Forrest, while some blowy-uppy-fishies want to join you in the race.- Bonus Rules
- Jump 1 (3 second bonus): 2 seconds for a full breach and 1 second for a successful left turn underwater without bumps
- Jump 2 (2 second bonus): 2 seconds for a full breach and landing on the underwater race line
- Track Times (5)
- 2:45:05 (2:47:05 -5 +3) | @Maalteromm [VIDEO ] post | 2018-03-01
- 2:52:51 (2:57:51 -5) | @Kouji_San [ VIDEO ] | 2018-02-27 (creative mode, pre-track repair)
- 2:53:07 (2:49:07 -5 +9) | @Maalteromm [ VIDEO ] post | 2018-02-28
- 2:59:51 (2:57:51 -3 +5) | @Kouji_San [ VIDEO ] post | 2018-02-24 (creative mode, pre-track repair)
- 3:14:99 (3:07:99 -2 +9) | @arramus [ VIDEO ] post | 2018-02-25 (creative mode, pre-track repair)
- Bonus Rules
Track Name
Work in Progress / DOWNLOAD - by insert @ name here
- Bonus Rules
- placeholder
- placeholder
- Track Times (0)
- placeholder
Would be neat if we somehow would have a dedicated track builder, specially to be able to edit any point and designate the next one, while not having the line screw up
But for now, this will work...
Of course, you just have to save and rename your save slot folder and upload it somewhere. And perhaps let us know in this thread
Don't forget to give it a cool name
So savegames aren't interchangeable between Xbone and PC? That was kinda my main idea so it could be platform independent, probably a different file structure
Yes! I shall upload reaper valley sometime on monday.
Haha, all the better IMHO! I've seen speedruns for example for SMB, where they talk about pixel triggers and frame timing to be able to pull off the tricks. Heck I'd be proud if someone would even consider to spend the time to find tricks to kill our track times that way
TBH, the best first "mod" would be an onscreen countdown and a timer which triggers as soon as you the countdown is done, adds a 1 second time penalty on world bumps and stops once you hit the "START / FINISH" beacon. The optional special bonus points could be judged by us? That way people who want to make their time public don't have to fiddle around with video frame/time editing and simply record and upload
I call it "The Crag Fields"
Creative name, I know, but the biome name was just too perfect to pass up on.
And I will say, that if @Kouji_San's track was on "Easy," The Crag Fields is on "Very hard."
I used my stopwatch for the time and don't have a clue about adding a digital timer to the video...
And I changed the requirements to getting on the list. We can count the seconds in the video and if you time it with a stopwatch, we can get those decimals as well. If push comes to shove with "photo finish" times, I could always download the video and frame check the them
3:14:99 (3:07:99 -2 +9) | @arramus [ VIDEO ] post | 2018-02-25
By the way, neat addition of cute fish. I've got my Garry, you've got your cute fish. Well TBH Garry is the track inspector for everyone, soooooo
<h1>Installing a race track, naming convention and creating a track</h1>
"Flaytona - track name here"
Track Name Here</h2>
Here's the new version of The Shallows: (link updated added a missing power transmitter and change the mode to freedom)
It's the same exact same track, I just changed the folder name and the thumbnail so you can easily find it in your save slots. So if you've downloaded the old version, there's no real need to download as you can still use that one. Unless you want the super awesome thumbnail in your save slots
On planet 4546B
We are running from some aliens
This entire planet is just a sea
We are running from some aliens
There's thing here you would not believe.
Also tutorial time so people can see how easy and fun it is to create tracks, although you have to work around the oddities and "bugs"
<h2>How To Build A Flaytona Track</h2>
Well... It seems we've got everything in place now, just waiting for more tracks and having to get the word so we can get more racers in here
I’ll call it “Flaytona - Balls to the Walls” for want of a better name.
It has a little pit stop beacon directing the driver to exit and collect a welder which is inside a coral tube. If I can set the Seamoth health to 80 then it will require a quick repair before continuing.
It’s quite an open area in places and a few planted areas will help give it a circuity appeal.
It has a few tricky places but is generally on par with ‘The Shallows’.
Laying down the pathway can be a really testing experience as it likes to fork quite merrily.
@arramus sound intriguing, I'll add it as a WiP to the list. Let me know if you do want to change the name some day
Use the provided seamoth which you spawn right next to in a cave. 20 meters away from the cave is the start of the racetrack.
Extra rules: If your seamoth explodes, you lose.
How can i upload the save folder?
Of course! Also have a look at the "Installing a race track, naming convention and creating a track" section for some more info one how to set up your folder/file name so it wont conflict with other save slots. And perhaps add a thumbnail to easily identify it in the ingame saves list
I used google drive and shared it using the public share option. It free to create a google drive, you just need a youtube/gmail acount
By the way, did you set the map to "freedom" mode, so the Seamoth can actually get damaged and the fish do attack you? They are docile on creative mode (apart from crashfish)
Use Google Drive, or Dropbox, or OneDrive, etc etc. Use file compression (7-zip, WinRAR, WinZip, Windows Explorer right-click > Send To > Compressed Folder) for smaller uploads.
The Shallows, 2:52:51 (2:57:51 -5) | @Kouji_San [ VIDEO ] | 2018-02-27
So, no one else wants to throw this Seamoth around the The Shallows?
Nope, I've not yet been there yes as per my Let's Play