The Aurora Approach: A Subnautica Prequel Fancomic | + Other Fanart
Join Date: 2018-02-05 Member: 236889Members


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Hello~! My name is Mari, and I'm an artist.
For some background about me, I used to be a relatively active artist within the WARFRAME community. Here's an art thread of mine from the WF forums if you'd like to see some of my older artwork. While that game has a place in my heart, I've decided to take a break from it to explore new horizons- and I've found myself quite at home with Subnautica. I used to play the game on and off during its Early Access, but now I've been playing it very frequently now that the full game is finally released. And, well, I've been really needing to do some fanart for the game.
So, this thread serves two purposes: to act as a place for me to post my Subnautica artwork, as well as a place to develop, discuss and update my Subnautica fancomic, The Aurora Approach.
The Aurora Approach takes place during the time between the Degasi's disappearance, the Aurora's construction and its journey towards Planet 4546B- starting with Alterra's first contact with the Mongolian Empire on their predicament- or at least, from the perspective of a jaded radio operator. Needless to say, that "scam" was more than he thought it'd be.
It will take what we know of Alterra, the Mongolian Empire, etc. and expanding upon it, including attitudes towards different things and the relationships that are had between both members and entities alike, and what life was like on the Aurora.
I've had people complain about it quite a bit. The big watermark's due to some trouble my friends and I had in the past with art thieves, esp. ones who've stolen a friend of mine's work and sell it as merchandise- I'm very 'better safe than sorry' about that sort of thing.
I could try and look into reverting back to the old watermark, or try for a different look for it (be it simply changing it up to look more simplistic or use different settings for when I apply it to make it less jarring), but I won't remove the watermark.
Thank you for the love regardless!
Could try that. The older watermark was a lot more streamlined too so I might just go back to using it.
Yeah- I hate it as much as you guys do, too, but you gotta do what you gotta do to deter art thieves- or at the very least, get credit where credit's due if I miss some of my artwork that's reposted elsewhere.
Thank you both
I've been watching a lot of Reaper vs. PRAWN suit videos and the idea of riding on the back of one like some kinda cowboy amuses me to no end.
That little rant aside, I absolutely love the dead zone image. You had a really cool idea for it and recreated the atmosphere of the biome perfectly. Awesome!
Yeah, I agree with you 100%- art thieves are disgusting and deserve zero respect. It does make me a little worried when the watermark I'm using is so obtrusive that it's rather hard for most people to understand what's going on with the image, though. Hopefully reverting to the old watermark resolves that.
Thank you
Did up another doodle last night, and a little bit of coloring earlier today. Reworked a WARFRAME OC of mine to fit with the Subnautica universe.
The original OC was a legendary smuggler who ended up retiring, sending the Tenno (player characters of that game) on some wacky adventures to do stuff for them. While I'm not completely certain on a specific bio (trying to think of something that isn't too over-the-top...) for the Subnautica version, one thing will always be consistent: they will always be a fun time to be around.
It's super not-canon (since Ryley's the only survivor of the Aurora crash afaik), but it's really fun to think about the stuff Zeriba would put the poor guy through. In this case, I imagine she'd send him off to go find the last bottle of hair gel that the Aurora carried for its personnel or something.
Bonus, on the request of Xenodrome98 since there was a significant lack of hair gel:
Thank you! And not gonna lie, I've been really thinking about it. It'd be really fun to take what UW's given us in Subnautica and flesh them out.
1. For not making the joke "do you Tenno the way"
2. Not making the abomination one of the more fitting Ostrons
3. Making the meme in the first place.
If it's any consolidation, the FashionFrame Discord server was to blame for that- it was to appease them more than anything. Otherwise I avoid that meme like the plague.
EDIT: Subnautica isn't safe from the memes, though, I'm afraid.
I imagine Hollister probably programmed all of his AI's to refer to him as that when nobody's around.
For now, a REALLY nasty looking work-in-progress clipping that I'm not particularly fond of in terms of how it looks. Though, It's quite the mood ™ as they say.
I used to be really into this kind of stuff with Warframe- there's a whole lot more wiggle room here than there is over there, though.
As promised, the little test prologue comic- been calling it Borealis for now- mostly just to see what I can do. Took about five days to complete, give or take since I've been busy. If you guys like it, I'll be sure to continue it! I've had a whole lot of fun making this and personally I'd love to do more in the future to improve.
The mostly black-and-white coloring is a stylistic choice, since it is a prologue- future comics will have more color going on.
edit: Some changes based on Reddit feedback. Might make a separate thread for the comic.
Other than that, busied myself with some unrelated artwork so no update for today.
In addition, the next page is coming up soon, it's currently drafted.
Needless to say, his superiors do not take his negligence well.
Love the light & shadows in the comic.
Thank you- and that's what I aim to do! Even went and got myself NS2 with a few friends of mine to get a better idea of the world it takes place in (Although we're not going to be seeing too much from the TSF from my current writing drafts... still, lore's lore and NS2's been fun so far). Though there isn't much from the first couple pages, it'll definitely be more aligned with what we know out of the canon once I'm further along with the comic- particularly when we get to see the Aurora crew, since that's what we have the most of in terms of lore.
Can't wait to draw that zero-g gym Ozzy mentioned.