How to expand the void post 1.0
Neverland Join Date: 2017-08-07 Member: 232266Members
This is an idea I had on a different thread, and I wanted to expand on it. So here we go 
The current playable area should be rounded out and held up by MASSIVE floaters. About 3000 meters down in the void an infinite procedural generated world could be created, or many larger underwater islands could be floating in it. The larger deep terrain would provide room for massive subs and creatures. I personally don't like the idea of completely removing it the void because that mysterious drop off is super compelling to explore. The player wouldn't have the capability to explore it until he/she unlocks the final pressure compensator at the PCF. So basically the story could remain the same in the current area, and just continue in the void area. So whatdaya think?

The current playable area should be rounded out and held up by MASSIVE floaters. About 3000 meters down in the void an infinite procedural generated world could be created, or many larger underwater islands could be floating in it. The larger deep terrain would provide room for massive subs and creatures. I personally don't like the idea of completely removing it the void because that mysterious drop off is super compelling to explore. The player wouldn't have the capability to explore it until he/she unlocks the final pressure compensator at the PCF. So basically the story could remain the same in the current area, and just continue in the void area. So whatdaya think?

The purpose of the void is to aid in immersion so the player doesn't just run smack into walls at the edge of the map. In land based games, the world might be an island with no way of getting off the island. That's how they hide from you the map is limited. In Subnautica, they give you the void with a nearly infinite drop off into nothingness. But that's just temporary. I think their ultimate goal will be to put some game element in place that kills you if you spend too long in the void. They don't have any plans to do more with the void than killing you if you spend too much time there.
Adding procedural generated anything to Subnautica goes completely against the entire design of the game.
Precursor Depth Compensator
If you swim into to the void a super aggressive Ghost Leviathan will start chasing you, and if you stay in there longer a second and finally a third will start chasing you until you leave.
Speaking of, I love the entry addition on Subnautica's TVTropes page talking about that new change:
(Original entry):
Sea Monster: Applies to a lot of creatures in the game simply for what they are, but the trope takes full effect in the Void, the area of nothingness that surrounds the playfield. To avoid the Invisible Wall or Wrap Around, Subnautica hosts scores of the worst of its fauna the farther into the Void the player gets. It starts with Crabsquids, then kicks up to Reapers, and ends in Sea Dragons.
(New footnote):
As of a recent Experimental update (early August 2017) this is not the case anymore. Instead, venturing out into the void now spawns Ghost Leviathans. It's as terrifying as it sounds too: You hear an echoing roar in the distance, and then from the depths this transparent writhing phantasm charges at you. It's unrelenting, will always home in on you, can deal heavy damage to a Seamoth in one blow... and it can move faster than a Reaper Leviathan. Be prepared for a challenge if you hope to survive an encounter with it.
The devs confirmed that the playable area is actually held up by a giant Reefback
That was a joke. Reefback was clipping threw map and was legit just a resized reefback.
For this, they could add small ring of new area around the current map, gradually decreasing the quantity of vegetation and creatures (perhaps even adding remains) as it moves downwards.
Then the void would occur, with a PDA message indicating that the biomes appear to cease from beyond that point. For those later in the game, it would be a great moment to realise why that is the case.
This one sounds pretty good.
My turn.
Void leads off, like they said, but as it goes down, you see the drop off. then, if you keep swimming down, you see the bottom of the "Island". I like the idea of the Giant Floaters holding the map up, but it could also go to random terrain generation from there, kinda making more of a landed island than a floater.
Also another void creature would be sick.
There are biomes planned for post 1.0 and they could be deeper or not but the point is the devs added ghost leviathans to the void because they don't want players to go there why after 1.0 they'll remove that just to allow you to explore an area?
Like @AnomalyDetected said, it was a joke post from the devs, imposing a copy of the surface terrain on top of a Reefback model. I've been down in the depths exploring the cube of the world around 1700 meters deep, and I can confirm that there is no actual Reefback below the edges of the world.
Image it way more spaced out.