Female Avatar Option Plz



  • Sam_StarfallSam_Starfall Join Date: 2017-05-21 Member: 230665Members
    We all now this chart don't represent the people who actually BUY games.
    As as it is, our society have indoctrinated girls since their infancy to consider they 'should' be doing social stuff instead of 'dangerous stuff' and the like.
    So if we made a poll to know the players' gender, I'm sure we will find a majority of male.

    Hence my comment that adding a female character is more a developer choice effort to promote social parity than any marketing or moral/ethic obligation.
    Anyway, since female character have been confirmed, I think I should be dropping this topic. (I expect someone to make the poll anyway)
  • RecursionRecursion The cosmos Join Date: 2017-07-01 Member: 231505Members
    the problem is, loads of animations would have to be redone.
  • NorthernBruceNorthernBruce Canada Join Date: 2017-07-03 Member: 231544Members
    Putting aside debates about what the actual gender ratio is, females play video games too. If Subnautica is going to have a male character then a provision should be made for a female character. Glad to hear that implementation is being considered!
  • CaptainFearlessCaptainFearless CO, US Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224941Members
    Putting aside debates about what the actual gender ratio is, females play video games too. If Subnautica is going to have a male character then a provision should be made for a female character. Glad to hear that implementation is being considered!

    All you see in your character in the game, and not the trailer, is just your hands, arms, and for no point at all, torso. I still don't see why this is such a big deal.
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    I always thought the current avatar was female already...
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited July 2017

    All you see in your character in the game, and not the trailer, is just your hands, arms, and for no point at all, torso. I still don't see why this is such a big deal.

    Don't forget sounds and shadow shape ;) And I can see Subnautica working in over the shoulder third person, so that might be an option down the road.

    Although, going into third person right now is rather disturbing :D
  • Timelord_FredTimelord_Fred Join Date: 2017-07-05 Member: 231596Members
    Putting aside debates about what the actual gender ratio is, females play video games too. If Subnautica is going to have a male character then a provision should be made for a female character. Glad to hear that implementation is being considered!

    Like said on the last page
    Just saying, Subnautica could have gone us without ever knowing the players gender. Only trying to guess it from the hands.
    While the game lose nothing from this idea, it doesn't bring any "ethic-point". It is in fact only a developers choices, not a moral obligation.

    Gordon Freeman wasn't given a female form for parity, Mirror Edge don't give you a male-choice either, same for Chell from Portal (despite the gender having little importance there) and I can go on.
    Some games simply don't gain from having genders choice.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    garath wrote: »
    Totally fake news. Women can't possibly make up half the population. That is just crazy talk. :)

    Now that we have all sorts of crazy made-up genders thay people label themselves with these days, perhaps females don't make up 50% of the population any more.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited July 2017
    Myrm wrote: »

    Now that we have all sorts of crazy made-up genders thay people label themselves with these days, perhaps females don't make up 50% of the population any more.


    Now, now, we can't judge. Who are you to disagree with what I am? I am spaghetti! I mean, come on, if you're going to make distinctions or whatever with how you feel and what you prefer, that's one thing, but male and female has always been a biological distinction, and, regardless of how you feel / prefer, the biological distinction is still there.

    What's happening, is people are deciding to re-define the word gender. Why can't they come up with their own term? Next I'm going to re-define the species I belong to, for I am spaghetti.
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    Myrm wrote: »

    Now that we have all sorts of crazy made-up genders thay people label themselves with these days, perhaps females don't make up 50% of the population any more.

    Was wondering wtf you two were on about, so I decided to look it up... Surely they're taking the piss, right? It feels very meme-ish and troll-ish, with the amount they managed to come up with...
  • sayerulzsayerulz oregon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203493Members
    Kouji_San wrote: »

    Was wondering wtf you two were on about, so I decided to look it up... Surely they're taking the piss, right? It feels very meme-ish and troll-ish, with the amount they managed to come up with...

    I'm sure there are about 20-30 people in the world who actually identify as whatever random thing, and then it propagated into a highly exaggerated meme. I wouldn't take it seriously, and I wouldn't spread it because it has some very transphobic notes.
  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »


    Now, now, we can't judge. Who are you to disagree with what I am? I am spaghetti! I mean, come on, if you're going to make distinctions or whatever with how you feel and what you prefer, that's one thing, but male and female has always been a biological distinction, and, regardless of how you feel / prefer, the biological distinction is still there.

    What's happening, is people are deciding to re-define the word gender. Why can't they come up with their own term? Next I'm going to re-define the species I belong to, for I am spaghetti.

    I'm defining myself as a meatball and I'm gonna invade your pasta space.
  • Sam_StarfallSam_Starfall Join Date: 2017-05-21 Member: 230665Members
    I consider myself a transhumanist.
    When everybody have uploaded their mind&consciousness into computer and the next generation of the hivemind is born in 100% artificial body, the concept of gender will look as relevant as dissociating photon from another photon.

    (you are all spaghetti and meatball to me, I'll eat you all to make feed my ambition >:) )
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited July 2017

    AH so that is where this came from, here I thought it was some clever joke or something but it's merely a meme about this :open_mouth:
  • kingkumakingkuma cancels Work: distracted by Dwarf Fortress Join Date: 2015-09-25 Member: 208137Members
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    I consider myself a transhumanist.
    When everybody have uploaded their mind&consciousness into computer and the next generation of the hivemind is born in 100% artificial body, the concept of gender will look as relevant as dissociating photon from another photon.

    I disagree 1 billion percent. Even if Scarlett Johansson is transformed entirely to photons, I'm still going to think of her as she was before that transformation. She wills still be female to me!!

  • Sam_StarfallSam_Starfall Join Date: 2017-05-21 Member: 230665Members
    edited July 2017
    garath wrote: »
    I disagree 1 billion percent. Even if Scarlett Johansson is transformed entirely to photons, I'm still going to think of her as she was before that transformation. She wills still be female to me!!

    Only if you know of what someone WAS originally and can't deal with them changing as they please.
    By the time we can create completely artificial sentient & intelligent being, that kind of thinking will be a long lost joke between genetically-built hermaphrodite human who will have transcended the petty belief of gender role.

    Beside, Scarlett was a shitty choice for a Ghost in the Shell movie, it's not even that debate of whitewashing, there was just much better actress who aren't overpaid. The movie wasn't a failure considering how crazier its sources material is, but it wasn't up to the potential.
  • SoundAwakeSoundAwake Join Date: 2017-07-21 Member: 231955Members
    Obraxis wrote: »
    This is getting very off-topic.

    We did work on a female model and did a lot of work on it. However, as we realized the sheer amount of work needing to be redone to properly ensure proper representation of the different proportions of the model, we had to put it on the backburner. While the female will not be in for 1.0 - we still have the model and the work done so far. Hopefully in the future, we can return to it. We understand to some it will be disappointing but we hope you still enjoy the game.

    That is indeed disappointing but in no way takes away from the present experience of the game.

    Still, for many of us, it would be far improved if there were a female representation in the game.

    And since some people continue to miss the link, or are remaining willfully ignorant, there are sources like this:


    And more besides.

    Thanks again for all your (and the rest of the team) work and support, Obraxis!
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    When I read that article, here are the main points I see:

    1. Around half the folks playing games are female so there is a very good reason for there to be a female character representation.
    2. Most major studios still aren't providing a female protagonist.

    Also, here is what I know:
    1. Subnautica is being developed by a fairly small team of developers at UWE.
    2. The developers of Subnautica (UWE) recognize and acknowledge they want a female protagonist, and we have actually seen very real demonstrations of their work on this in the past.

    So, in conclusion:

    1. UWE absolutely rocks. While most major studios aren't even beginning to attempt to provide a female protagonist, UWE is leading the pack by acknowledging the real need for one.
    2. But, as they are a small team, they unfortunately do not have the resources to implement the female protagonist by release date.

  • Casual_PlayerCasual_Player That...is a really good question Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221875Members
    garath wrote: »
    When I read that article, here are the main points I see:

    1. Around half the folks playing games are female so there is a very good reason for there to be a female character representation.
    2. Most major studios still aren't providing a female protagonist.

    Also, here is what I know:
    1. Subnautica is being developed by a fairly small team of developers at UWE.
    2. The developers of Subnautica (UWE) recognize and acknowledge they want a female protagonist, and we have actually seen very real demonstrations of their work on this in the past.

    So, in conclusion:

    1. UWE absolutely rocks. While most major studios aren't even beginning to attempt to provide a female protagonist, UWE is leading the pack by acknowledging the real need for one.
    2. But, as they are a small team, they unfortunately do not have the resources to implement the female protagonist by release date.

    The new Prey has a female protagonist. You can select on the main screen. The game Unreal, the default protagonist is female, and it was released on 1998. It isn't such a big deal having a female protagonist as many people are led to believe...
  • SouthernGorillaSouthernGorilla United States Join Date: 2017-07-26 Member: 232057Members
    SoundAwake wrote: »

    That is indeed disappointing but in no way takes away from the present experience of the game.

    Still, for many of us, it would be far improved if there were a female representation in the game.

    And since some people continue to miss the link, or are remaining willfully ignorant, there are sources like this:


    And more besides.

    Thanks again for all your (and the rest of the team) work and support, Obraxis!

    Don't you think it's a tad harsh to call people "willfully ignorant" over something as trivial as some pixels on a screen? My wife has not once commented that she would enjoy the game so much more if the character she never fully saw was shaped vaguely like a girl. It may matter to some people, but to many of us it's completely a non-issue. They could change it tomorrow so that the only avatar available was a female and I would continue playing without the slightest hesitation. Just like I play now even though the avatar is a young, lean black guy instead of an old, fat, bald white guy.
  • Sam_StarfallSam_Starfall Join Date: 2017-05-21 Member: 230665Members
    The new Prey has a female protagonist. You can select on the main screen. The game Unreal, the default protagonist is female, and it was released on 1998. It isn't such a big deal having a female protagonist as many people are led to believe...

    I don't think anybody right in their mind consider it a big deal. Same goes with NOT HAVING a female protagonist by the way.
    It does improve how the public can -sometime only- relate to the experience, but it doesn't mean not knowing the practical problem that come with it.
    - the game have to be compatible with parity (get an equal male main-character in Tomb Raider and everybody will hurl that you are a misogynist trying to destroy a -recent reboot- strong minded female character).
    - you need the budget or for it to be easy.
    - and even if you have both, it can take a very significant amount of work.

    What was easy in 1998 isn't just a 3D model swap today. Characters have meticulously crafted skeleton and animations now. BOOBS MUST HAVE THEIR OWN PHYSICS ENGINE! o:)

    Just an example: there's now an early-access MMO game with a ridiculously high budget and no planned release date.
    On of its pride is extremely realistic characters animation with tons of MOTION-CAPTURE / VOICING and the ability to customize the looks for every players.
    The developers explained that to make a female character, for compatibility/efficiency reason it was required to start from a single (male) model and then differentiate it.
    They want to have female players in the MMO game, but to bring their characters -strictly- on par with the level of animation they set for male character would require the same MOTION-CAPTURE jobs done twice, and it look like long-hair will have to be left out of the game.

    So you can't held it against (most) developers & artist if they don't make that choice.
    Unknown World decided they could afford/gain from a female protagonist, but it will still happen after release.
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited July 2017
    I once played a square called Thomas and it was a blast, because everyone knows it's hip to be square.
    [-edit] Small side note as Thomas was Alone is a perfect example.
    Thomas the square could've been Tina the square as an extra protagonist option. But would that add to the game, I dare say, not really. Besides some of the other characters are girls and are playable (team effort!), but their gender does not define their role or impact on the way the game is played. However, would it add to the voice acting workload, that's a given. I'm just concluding, the square is gender-less by default and has no impact on gameplay, but it does have an impact on development and doubling the load for a small time dev, when they could spend their time on actual game content and gameplay. And even for a minimalistic game it has an impact, imagine the impact on a way more detailed game, for just a single character design

    Going to play devil's advocate here:
    But I know I usually don't care about the character's gender, I care about gameplay, content, mod/community support etc... I've also only seen this issue coming from articles and video's, where the people writing this article (or making the video) kinda take things at a superficial face value, without coming up with the deeper facts behind it. Basically assuming ALL girls and women demand a female option for games and this somehow has huge ~50% marketing impact. I'm fairly certain it's blown way out of proportions and most people don't really care about the gender. This assumption they make, looks like it's merely feeding the narrative and to tackle controversial topics for "them clicks yo". Kinda like OP's post being very accusatory and loaded (even when UWE stated they have the female avatar option on the roadmap beyond v1.0 :D )

    I'm just saying, many other articles and video's on this subject, tend to be written in a very manipulative way. Probably to try and guilt trip developers, using assumptions about cherry picked facts. Which doesn't seem to fully reflect the real world...

    Now don't get me wrong here, I always say options in games will only add to the game. But, as I mentioned... I'd rather have smaller devs pour their heart and soul into gameplay, content, mod/community support, they are so much more important. The gender choice is a nice option to have and yes they could've gone with a female as well, but they didn't and that is their choice. Mind you UWE still has her in mind and also have done the same for Natural Selection 2, so I think we're good with UWE :D Also you know what could come from mod support in general right, different character models/sounds/animations :tongue:
  • JamezorgJamezorg United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members
    Kouji_San wrote: »
    Going to play devil's advocate here:
    But I know I usually don't care about the character's gender, I care about gameplay, content, mod/community support etc... I've also only seen this issue coming from articles and video's, where the people writing this article (or making the video) kinda take things at a superficial face value, without coming up with the deeper facts behind it. Basically assuming ALL girls and women demand a female option for games and this somehow has huge ~50% marketing impact. I'm fairly certain it's blown way out of proportions and most people don't really care about the gender, this assumption they make looks like it's merely feeding the narrative and to tackle controversial topics for "them clicks yo". Kinda like OP's post being very accusatory and loaded :D

    Exactly my stance. It would be nice to have an option for people who do care, but I don't think it matters at all. At the end of the day, I'd just always be the gender it defaults to because it would make no difference to the game play or story whatsoever, and that's ultimately what I came for.

  • Casual_PlayerCasual_Player That...is a really good question Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221875Members
    edited July 2017

    I don't think anybody right in their mind consider it a big deal. Same goes with NOT HAVING a female protagonist by the way.
    It does improve how the public can -sometime only- relate to the experience, but it doesn't mean not knowing the practical problem that come with it.
    - the game have to be compatible with parity (get an equal male main-character in Tomb Raider and everybody will hurl that you are a misogynist trying to destroy a -recent reboot- strong minded female character).

    You know what's funny? The original main character of Tomb Raider (the first one) was a male, Indiana Jones type (and, considering the theme, it fits). The model appears on later games, as an antagonist. Big Guns Lara came that way because of an error done during the modeling process, which ended being approved by the company. And later expanded on later games :)

    And boob physics are indeed a good thing...

    EDIT: And you may have misinterpreted me. I cited examples of games with female protagonists, putting light on the fact UWE isn't taking the lead on this thing, in answer to another user. I never said inplementing male or female characters as main protagonists for the sake of it was a good or a bad thing. Now, I hold nothing agaisnt anyone for making that choice (not implementing said character). In fact, nowadays, I would even applaud such people who chose to launch their game without having to create more 911791379651627195+ models, animations and so on just to keep people from complaining it isn't inclusive enough.
  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
    edited July 2017
    It seems to me that this video is most apropo for this convo ...

  • BugzapperBugzapper Australia Join Date: 2015-03-06 Member: 201744Members
    At least give the player's avatar a head. Used Freecam mode once, and that was downright unsettling.

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