Command Module - 3D fan concept
Czech Republic Join Date: 2017-05-07 Member: 230330Members

Hi guys.
I thought Ill share my concept for the "Command module" that was suggested not only on this forum, but on reddit as well. (You can click for Hi-Res image)

Maybe you are asking, what would a function of this module be? Well, aside from a badass resting place when you wanna feel like a base commander, I imagine it could include radio (so we don't have to build one on the wall for the rare messages we receive). It could reduce light to red (similar to Cyclops "silent running) or turning light completely off. And displaying damaged parts of your base (or connected vehicles) on the holographic table.
New voice lines
I originally invisioned this module only placabe on top of another, with glass dome like in this concept art:

But I made few renders with/without and in stack of baserooms. Im not sure why but I just can't get behind the glass dome, presumably because my awful modeling skills (my apologies to the concept artist who's awesome concept I butchered).
So here are few "concept" render I made. Just so you can form your own opinions:

Objective criticism is always welcome, Thank you for Your time.
I thought Ill share my concept for the "Command module" that was suggested not only on this forum, but on reddit as well. (You can click for Hi-Res image)

Maybe you are asking, what would a function of this module be? Well, aside from a badass resting place when you wanna feel like a base commander, I imagine it could include radio (so we don't have to build one on the wall for the rare messages we receive). It could reduce light to red (similar to Cyclops "silent running) or turning light completely off. And displaying damaged parts of your base (or connected vehicles) on the holographic table.
- Damage control hologram table, displaying damaged sections/vehicles
- Radio
- Light control
- 4x Expansion slots for Windows or Rienforcements
- 2x Titanium Ingot
- 2x Computer Chip
- 3x Enamled Glass
New voice lines
- "Captain on the deck" - When entering the Command module (On X minute cooldown, so you don't get spammed if you enter/exit in short time)
- "Emergency lights" - When switching lights from full power to "emergency red".
- "Lights ON" - When returning from emergency lights.
I originally invisioned this module only placabe on top of another, with glass dome like in this concept art:

But I made few renders with/without and in stack of baserooms. Im not sure why but I just can't get behind the glass dome, presumably because my awful modeling skills (my apologies to the concept artist who's awesome concept I butchered).
So here are few "concept" render I made. Just so you can form your own opinions:

Objective criticism is always welcome, Thank you for Your time.
Nice idea, great renders. Has a Startrek-ish touch design wise. Hope this get's more attenion. Would really love to get another base building update sometime in the future (after release of course).
You are totally right about the Star Trek feel! I never realized it until you mentioned it, now I can't get it out of my head
I love the "Creature base attack" update idea. That would be really amazing. I toyed with and idea of making "Shield generator" type thing for the multipurpose room (similar how aquarium, or reactor works). I envisioned it boosting the structural integrity field (if powered) but having it be also Cyclops-like shield would be also nice!
I also very much like the storage room idea (something Im really missing in Subnautiaca), but I think I would make it two-part upgrade. One as a replacement for the multipurpose room panel (similar to windows/reinforcements) and other center-based upgrade (similar to reactor/aquarium), both focused on storage. This would give players amazing ability to have for example 5 storage upgrades + Middle storage upgrade, and leaving one alone for fabricators/chargers/whatever. Or maybe you will stack two room on top etc..
Its funny you mention moonpool. I spend literally hours, trying to find the moonpool in the game files, but I just can't find it. "Moonpool" search only gives me the Precursor Moonpool. "Dock" gives me placeholder for Cyclops dock (which I also wanna do), and all the good stuff, but literally no name I could think of returns the base moonpool.
Im gonna have to dive deeper into the files when I have time, because I wanna make a concept for "dual-moonpool", which would stack two moonpools next to each other, similarly how we stuck mutlipurpose rooms.
@NepsterCZ Can has?
I didn't know! thanks!
@nesrak1 Sure thing!
@nesrak1 Hit me up on steam (NepsterCZ) so I can verify you own Subnautica, and Ill share the model with you
@Minder I personally used UnityStudio. You can simply download it, select the .asset files and search in them for Cyclops you should search "*Cyclops*" and then hit CTRL+ENTER for selecting all. Then hit "Export". The only issue is that since last year? Texture files are encrypted. You will have to download older version of the game, presumably something earlier than ManifestID "4664821317529819372". There can be a better way tho, this is just how I roll.
@CAPSHAW Thank you! Im glad you like it
This is incredible! @NepsterCZ, you really have talent! It's perfectly in line with the existing game aesthetic, functional, stylish, elegant, and has a unique visual appeal suitable for a unique room. If I had a hat, I'd take it off to you - too bad the thing floated away and got eaten by a Stalker. (Loved that hat.)
Star Trekish though it may be, I really do like the glass ceiling idea. We generally don't get to look upward except in a few special circumstances, and I think it'd be a really nice addition and set the room apart from a typical MPR. I also personally love the sunken fore-room area and wraparound workstation layout. The engineer in me would like to see something down in the lower floor area to justify its existence, but the aesthetic side of me likes it the way it is.
Honestly, this thing belongs in the game. Serves a function, solves several problems, looks great. Three wins! (The only thing I'd change would be your proposed ingredients to build; there should be a couple wiring kits involved. But that's all I'd change.)
I'd like to be jealous of your artistic ability, but for now I'm too overawed. Jealousy will come later.
I completely agree, I love the glass ceiling design the most, my biggest complain was at the really bad work I did modeling and texturing it. That said! I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner, but there was actually glass ceiling in the game, I just didn't think of the observatory. Few hours ago I actually extracted it and now Im "hacking" it on top of the base room (they surprisingly have different shapes, even tho they are both circular, the more you know huh?). Here, have a sneak peek:
You are also totally right about the lower floor. In my head, I wanted to have "two lever bridge" with maybe command stations on top, and the service/engineering on the lower level. Sadly, the "dept?" I wanted, so instead of full on two-level design, its just slightly lower
Im honored you think this is something game-worthy. I would certainly like to have something like it in it too. Maybe with better floor textures
Nice rework on the ceiling design! Love the architecture of the struts; very smooth and with a good flow. (The rounded window corners are an especially nice touch.) Personally, I wish I could replace the tops of normal MPRs with that ceiling.
I'm not sure how feasible it is, but what if the lower-level floor was a series of glass access panels with equipment behind them? Piping, cabling, junction boxes, that sort of thing. It'd give the impression of an extremely complex infrastructure under the deck and give a plausible reason for that floor.
As for the main deck, I don't think the deck texture needs too much fiddling. Maybe just add a nonskid pattern texture to it (please not diamond plate, though; that stuff is so terribly overused) or maybe just 1-meter seams to suggest individual deckplates. If you really want to do something detailed, you could add stencils and markings indicating certain plates are accesses for cable trunks or conduits. I'd be hesitant to add too much floor detail, personally; with everything else in the room, it may end up looking a little too "busy." But with what you've already done with this piece, hey, I'd trust your judgment.
Sounds like a great addition. Would be great if you could control bulkheads and power flow as well.
Just a thought but you have my backing
Thanks! The glass dome is directly taken from the Observatory, the only modification I did (except making it fit to the baseroom, because no two rounded roofs are alike, apparently) is to change the scale of it. X:2.119, Y:1.500 and Z: 2.019. Meaning its actually not a perfect "half-sphere" but more of a, ehm, oblate hal-spheroid
About the lower level. I did something in the morning, so take it as heavy WIP, but you mean something like this?
About the textures. Yeah, plates sounds nice, Ill look into adding them in the future. Im not satisfied with any of the custom textures I did, so that's something Ill certainly gonna re-visit in the future.
@zimmym Sounds good! I wanted to make this very "friendly", in a "not adding anything that the game already doesn't do" way. But controlling bulkheads sounds like a great idea! That gives me another idea, what about automatic-futuristic bulkhead? Something like this:
Compared to the normal bulkhead, these would be automatic, but would require power. Without power they would be locked open in "emergency" mode, so they would loose all watertight functions. I think that could be a nice addition consistent with the "futuristic" style the game has.
I updated the model a bit, I found out that the "glass" dome can actually be used from the Observatory, so I made couple render centered around that, hope you like them!
The difference between the last two domes is that the lower dome has removed a small portion of the backrooms mesh. Which honestly, I kinda prefer, and I would maybe go even lower.
Seeing op's post gave me the biggest subnautican boner since the first time i got my very first finished PRAWN .... lol
''no, its too expensive son''
''i said no''
*drops to the ground and does the bacon dance* -- *whines and cries till out of energy and/or mother dies of shame*
Still, it's an entire MFR level for a couple of functions. It blocks ALL the ladders. It's dev time for minimal return. And that's pretty much all the bad that I can think of.
How about a multi-wall replacer? Replace 3 windows (continuous if at all possible) and use 3 floor spaces, blocking off one ladder and containment/reactor/bioreactor slot. So... move it closer to windows, mainly, and make it a MFR unit instead of an entire floor. Mostly the same loadout, but changes half a MFR level into a command room. And 3/4 ladders can still be used.
That, and MFR window roof would be pretty cool, for almost ANY given MFR setup.
@EvilSmoo Tbh, "blocking" the ladders was kinda my intention. I wanted to have only one way to get in. Either by ladder back in the room, or the hallway. I wanted to have it this "entering bridge" kind of wibe. There's actually no reason why you should be able to place ladders on all five slots. It was just my conscious decision to not include them, as they are an addon, that some people wont use. The same way I ketp those 4 expansion slots, even tho I personally think that maybe all 315 degree glass view would look better. The other reason is, that I wanna incorporate some sort of stairs in future versions. I generally wanna try do like a stairs-base connection that will take you down one level etc.. because I don't particularly like the ladder system.
Those white rectangles indicate "ladder" slots that subnautica needs. They are 1:1 with what would ladder use in-game. As you can see, you can perfectly fit all of them. Those three on "green" floor wont require any modification at all, as that floor is at level with the basic multipurpose room. Those 2 five will require the ladder to be a bit "longer" but that's not a serious modification. Idunno, I just think the ladder system in the game is a bit of a junk. They always get in a way, you don't even see the climbing animation like on Cyclops, you can't connect two of them to make one "long ladder", idunno. Maybe its just my opinion
To the first criticism, Im not exactly sure what MFR means? I actually tried to google it, but you are apparently the only one who uses this shortcut
I plan to make a huge Multi-Purpose Addons 3D concept pack. Glass ceiling, curved glass, storage upgrades, shield generator etc.. But that's far out.
Now that I think about it, probably not, since linked alien containments work fine for going up and down. Still, if the system is hinky, you don't want people it doing weird stuff, like opening bases to the outside (because of the whole swim-mode transitions that has to happen going in and out.)
And yeah, MFR means multi function room. For this game and nothing else.
I just think it would be way easier to add as a few window replacements, than an entire level that requires a MFR level with a side opening, and makes the rest of that MFR column unreachable by ladder from/to/through the command module. It's nice and all, but I'm fairly certain that anyone who actually USES it will immediately come in and complain if ladders can't be placed in it.
MFR is extremely confusing tho, because nowhere is it mentioned as "Multi-Function room". Its either "Multipurpose room" in the GUI names, or "Baseroom" in the internal naming scheme.
Well, I maybe wasn't explaining it correctly, so Ill try again. There isn't anything that's stopping you from using the ladders, I just didn't include them, same way I didn't include them, because I didn't want to include them. Here is a screenshot with the "ladder" platforms intact, as you can clearly see, absolutely nothing is stopping you from using them, maybe except the fact that it would look bad.
P.S Your models are awesome! Keep up the great work!
If it's based on the Precusor tech we know what that looks like. Maybe a miniature version, skinned to look more like Alterra and less like a Precursor monolith?
The trello said it would be like an observatory with no windows, I don't think there is any concept for it.