Some ideas brought together for a possible "Base 2.0" update (After release)
Germany Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218219Members
I would love if they did a whole "Base 2.0" update or something. I know that would have to be after release of course. But having a control room like @Kostriktor mentioned would be nice if it would be coupled with some more buildable stuff for your base. That is why I decided to make a whole thread about it. Bare with me since I like to explain things with alot of text. But I think it's worth it to read through. 
The following are things that I write down out of my memory those are not based purely on my ideas alone, but I think it makes sense to mention them here again and I am too lazy right now to search for the original poster of each idea because some got mentioned from several users. So thx to all users who posted something like this or parts of this before.
Specialised rooms as I like to call them. A kind of new Multi-Purpose-Room in the shape of the Moonpool. Those would have fixed anchor/build points for modules you could build in them and they could stack on top of each other just like the round MP-room. Once you choose a module you would have to stick with it, dedicating the whole room to your first module choice, which could be changed if you remove all modules to make it "neutral" again.
Here are a few examples what those modules could be:
Storage - Room
A module that offers space for items and ressources each would offer space somewhere in between the wall mounted and the standing locker. I would like to see 40 spaces in each module. Each module you build in that storage room would add up to its total space. So with a second module you get 80 spaces total and so on up to the max. module count that would fit into a room without looking "wrong" from a pure what-would-fit-in-here-point of view. As soon as you mount the first module you would change the room from neutral into a "Storage"-Room. You then could build a kind of management and access point/console where you could store and retrieve items & resources and sort them in a folder like structure for a better overview. Another feature of that console could be that each fabricator (normal and moonpool/scanner room ones) could access your resources in that room.
Energy/Reactor - Room
This would be a room dedicated to fit reators in it (Bio- or Nuclear would fit in) and or Solar panels on its outside walls or the top (the later would make stacking another room on top impossible of course) solar modules on top could maybe be fitted on a rotating base so they can follow the sun. You could fit at least two reactors inside each room maybe with a new reactor model you could fit 3 or 4 in it...
You would then have two kind of modules you can build in the walls of the room. A storage module for biomass and or reactor rods that would auto-refill the reactors build in that room. The second module would offer energy storage capacity to offer more base power storage capacity. Those would act like a huge stackable base battery/capacitor for times when you need alot of energy like recharging your Cyclops when we get the docking hatch for it for example or just to have a greater reserve over night when you run solar panels only. Again after you decided to build your first reactor in that room, you could again build the management/control console (maybe looking a bit like the vehicle modification station or something on a wall like the scanner room). With that console you would see each item that consumes power with the option to turn it on/off and some statistics like total power gain and drain per second or something alike and maybe a timer that tells you how long your base would run out of the current battery/capacitor load.
Greenhouse - Room
You could build internal growbeds on fixed positions on the floor, inside and maybe outdoor growbeds on the outside on top of the room (again disabling the room stackability of course). As modules you could build robotic arms that offer automated seeding and harvesting options to each growbed and storage/cooler modules to keep your harvested food fresh. The automation would always "slice" up enough plants to have seeds to replant after each harvest. A second type of storage module could keep seeds/spores for the growbeds. Once made a Greenhouse-Room the optional console would give you the option to manage your stored food and choose which kind of seed each growbed would use once you stored some in the seeds/spores module. You could also define each food-storage/cooler to one or two kinds of food. That way the fastest growing food won't fill up all your storage space.
This would offer a form of centralised control and construction options. This room once you build your main control-module could offer lighting/spotlight (if you build any) controls, color controls for the in-and outside of your base, aswell as a beacon and name option to find and name your base. Structural integrity should also be readable somewhere in this room. You could also build a fabricator in here aswell as a modification station which would have access to the storage of each specialised room you have. Also a centralised storage point where you could store everything in the best suited room (if build). Maybe also slots for battery/power cell rechargers. If we get the "Creatures attack your base" - Update we could maybe control our base defense measures from here too. If it would not be a UI overkill it would be cool if you could offer one "Main-Console" which offers tabed acces to each control console of each room or at least some of their individual functions like the inventory lists and power reservers, power usage and so on.
I am sure you will have more ideas for specialised rooms that I did not come up with or gathered here. Feel free to post them here. Now thx for reading this wall of text and comment, criticise, agree/disagree/awesome away.

The following are things that I write down out of my memory those are not based purely on my ideas alone, but I think it makes sense to mention them here again and I am too lazy right now to search for the original poster of each idea because some got mentioned from several users. So thx to all users who posted something like this or parts of this before.
What would be nice to have in a "Base Building 2.0"-Update
Specialised rooms as I like to call them. A kind of new Multi-Purpose-Room in the shape of the Moonpool. Those would have fixed anchor/build points for modules you could build in them and they could stack on top of each other just like the round MP-room. Once you choose a module you would have to stick with it, dedicating the whole room to your first module choice, which could be changed if you remove all modules to make it "neutral" again.
Here are a few examples what those modules could be:
Storage - Room
A module that offers space for items and ressources each would offer space somewhere in between the wall mounted and the standing locker. I would like to see 40 spaces in each module. Each module you build in that storage room would add up to its total space. So with a second module you get 80 spaces total and so on up to the max. module count that would fit into a room without looking "wrong" from a pure what-would-fit-in-here-point of view. As soon as you mount the first module you would change the room from neutral into a "Storage"-Room. You then could build a kind of management and access point/console where you could store and retrieve items & resources and sort them in a folder like structure for a better overview. Another feature of that console could be that each fabricator (normal and moonpool/scanner room ones) could access your resources in that room.
Energy/Reactor - Room
This would be a room dedicated to fit reators in it (Bio- or Nuclear would fit in) and or Solar panels on its outside walls or the top (the later would make stacking another room on top impossible of course) solar modules on top could maybe be fitted on a rotating base so they can follow the sun. You could fit at least two reactors inside each room maybe with a new reactor model you could fit 3 or 4 in it...
You would then have two kind of modules you can build in the walls of the room. A storage module for biomass and or reactor rods that would auto-refill the reactors build in that room. The second module would offer energy storage capacity to offer more base power storage capacity. Those would act like a huge stackable base battery/capacitor for times when you need alot of energy like recharging your Cyclops when we get the docking hatch for it for example or just to have a greater reserve over night when you run solar panels only. Again after you decided to build your first reactor in that room, you could again build the management/control console (maybe looking a bit like the vehicle modification station or something on a wall like the scanner room). With that console you would see each item that consumes power with the option to turn it on/off and some statistics like total power gain and drain per second or something alike and maybe a timer that tells you how long your base would run out of the current battery/capacitor load.
Greenhouse - Room
You could build internal growbeds on fixed positions on the floor, inside and maybe outdoor growbeds on the outside on top of the room (again disabling the room stackability of course). As modules you could build robotic arms that offer automated seeding and harvesting options to each growbed and storage/cooler modules to keep your harvested food fresh. The automation would always "slice" up enough plants to have seeds to replant after each harvest. A second type of storage module could keep seeds/spores for the growbeds. Once made a Greenhouse-Room the optional console would give you the option to manage your stored food and choose which kind of seed each growbed would use once you stored some in the seeds/spores module. You could also define each food-storage/cooler to one or two kinds of food. That way the fastest growing food won't fill up all your storage space.
This would offer a form of centralised control and construction options. This room once you build your main control-module could offer lighting/spotlight (if you build any) controls, color controls for the in-and outside of your base, aswell as a beacon and name option to find and name your base. Structural integrity should also be readable somewhere in this room. You could also build a fabricator in here aswell as a modification station which would have access to the storage of each specialised room you have. Also a centralised storage point where you could store everything in the best suited room (if build). Maybe also slots for battery/power cell rechargers. If we get the "Creatures attack your base" - Update we could maybe control our base defense measures from here too. If it would not be a UI overkill it would be cool if you could offer one "Main-Console" which offers tabed acces to each control console of each room or at least some of their individual functions like the inventory lists and power reservers, power usage and so on.
I am sure you will have more ideas for specialised rooms that I did not come up with or gathered here. Feel free to post them here. Now thx for reading this wall of text and comment, criticise, agree/disagree/awesome away.

Please, let us build the Multipurpose Room in the CENTER of Foundations!
Yeah, I know - it's been brought up before. But what I don't get is the restrictions for specific structure building we have already. For exterior modules there is some logic for their placement: obviously the different rooms, corridors and hatches have specific snap-to locations so that you can't create an H. R. Giger monstrosity that shouldn't logically exist in reality. Placing the MP Room on a Foundation has only four snap-to areas, one for each corner of the Foundation. But why? If you were to put such a heavy room on a corner such as that, it would displace weight unevenly on the support struts and cause it to buckle over time... Also, it just looks so ugly.
Now I know what you're thinking: "If we could place MP Rooms anywhere we want, it would just lead to chaos!" Okay, so maybe you're not thinking that, but perhaps there's a technical reason this limit exists. If that's the case, then just add a fifth snap-to spot in the mix; put it in the center of the Foundation! I can't tell you how much I dislike using Foundations with my base, as additional rooms overhang on one side of the base, and the Foundation clips up from underneath on the other side (especially with the Moonpool). I beseech unto you, ye mighty and awesome developers, to look into my humble request and satisfy the desires of one OCD Subnautica player... I thank you.
Having the freedom to build as you want is obviously a nice idea, but it seems way to hard for the developers to make it work properly.
Right now the entire basement/construction feels clunky and buggy.
Predefined rooms would probably require less coding than actually fixing it.
Any other ideas for specialised rooms anyone?
For convenience, or to carry more? As even currently, you can carry 10-100x too much for a realism perspective (think: you can carry the ingredients for like 3-5 Cyclops subs on your back... mmm something's not right).
This would make a single bioreactor far more feasible. Plus you could make the 'base storage battery' require some items we don't use that often, like lead. Maybe each bank holds a charge of 25 or 50 and you can cap each storage room at some upper number.
Great idea.
The Sol pool - Similar to the Cyclops Pen inside of the Railgun Precursor Base (on the island), think of this as a Drydock for the Cyclops. Along with being able to recharge and repair the Cyclops, it would also allow users to dock two smaller vehicles in place of the Cyclops AND allow storage of other vehicles not in use by hanging them from the rafters (think of the PRAWN Bay in the Aurora, and how there are 2-3 suits hanging from the ceiling. However, this piece is power hungry and naturally consumes base power (maybe 4 per 5 seconds?), So constant power supply is needed. Also, this might be able to be used with other vehicular additions to the game pre or post launch? Im already coming up with ideas for what some of these could be.
This is by no means meant in a bad way. Just a fun way I know this is early access.
Perhaps tire build base system - if pressure will be applied to base ( building higher tire( MK1 /MK2 / MK3 with ability to withstand higher pressure required better material (re-skin of model))...
You mean a new topic? You must be a user for a while and post some. What did you want to make a new topic about? Post it here and I'll make a topic for you and link it here.
expanded base building ... Additional rooms ( modular ) / corridor ( alternative to vertical connector ) multileveled foundation
* Additional Rooms / Modular Rooms - more shape rooms ( square rooms stackable / mergeable - ability to divide space in theme with walls and platforms ( possibilities to create multi lvl semi open space ) ability to turn those rooms into dedicated rooms by outfitting them with different equipment ( example: water purifier + water tank + growing beds + sprinkling systems + lights system and you get dedicated room for farming )
* addition alternative corridor for connecting different lvls of rooms ( alternative to vertical connectors)
* multileveled foundation - allowing for diverse base setups ...
* expanding on energy systems into energy generation and storage
* Tire build base system - if pressure will be applied to base ( building higher tire( MK1 basis material titanium and glass /MK2 mid grade materials / MK3 advance materials with ability to withstand higher pressure required better material (re-skin of model))...
* system for customization base ...
My idea of the specialised rooms would only add options to the existing build system. No one would be limited in his/her imagination and build freedom if anything it would add to it.
Sorry for the late reply...I kinda skipped your answer in my last post. So here a my 2 cents to your "Sunpool" idea.
It sounds really great and I would like to see something big enough to fit a whole Cyclops +Seamoth + P.R.A.W.N. that would look great and really would make a base awe inspiring big. The last thing could aswell be the biggest downside to a Sunpool. It would only fit where you have a huge open space with enough depth and space to build and enough space underneath it do drive the Cyclops into it. That would severely limit the places you could build such a drydock. I am therefore not sure how viable something this big would be. Non the less your idea is good.
I do not think this will ever be possible.
I think the gaming engine would have too many problems.
Transport room - A round room with a transport pod at it center. The transport pod is a glass sphere that is basically the glass bubble cockpit of the Seamoth with a small touch screen in place of the steering wheel. The touch screen is the control panel for the room. Through the control panel a player can travel between transport rooms along a pneumatic glass tube either horizontally or vertically.
Each transport room is capable of supporting a maximum of 5 transport tubes. Transport tubes can be built to go up, down or radiate out from the hallway leading to the room. So if the hallway connects on the north side of the room you can set up transport tubes headed up, down, east, southeast, south, southwest and west. The pneumatic transport tubes are kept sealed and therefore have minimal effect on the structural integrity of your base. The two remaining wall sections are left opened to offset a reduction in the structural integrity of your base. The exterior underside of the tubes have built in lighting to illuminate your immediate surroundings at night or darker depths.
All transport rooms are equipped with a built in console that allows players to fabricate a transport pod or call a pod to their location. You can have multiple pods but you cannot travel to a room occupied by an existing pod. The control panel in the pod will display which rooms are currently available.
You can do this as of now, but it takes the place of a reactor or containment chamber (I wouldn't do it, it's a waste of space). Also a unique vertical movement method in a stack of MP rooms is by building an Alien Containment chamber in each MP floor and a hatch in each. It's a bit cooler looking, but takes up more space.