Textures messed up?
Join Date: 2016-11-13 Member: 223846Members

Hello everyone,
in one of the recent beta updates my game started to show weird texture problem. I tried rolling back to official version, the problem doesn't show up there. Installed beta again and the textures are messed up again. Also tried suggested or highest quality setting, but no difference there.

Any ideas how to solve this?
in one of the recent beta updates my game started to show weird texture problem. I tried rolling back to official version, the problem doesn't show up there. Installed beta again and the textures are messed up again. Also tried suggested or highest quality setting, but no difference there.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Is this just me or does anyone else have the same problem?
i've mentioned it in another thread already but this is exactly what i have!
There is, it's our live dev build. Things will always be broken, sometimes more, sometimes less. This is how games are made, you add stuff, stuff breaks you fix it & move on.
Sometimes you cant revert as you need to move forward, which takes extra time. Like now.
Hmm... Hey Obraxis, anything in here that might help?
This is for Unity 5.6; why not go whole hog and up Subnautica to the latest version? Here I am saying that like it's some magic 'fix' button but I'm guessing it's not that easy. AT ALL.
answers.unity3d.com/topics/texture+bugs.html And the Unity forum...
Hey... This looks like the problem you're having... https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/texture-problem-graphical-corruptions-need-help.395985/
Hold on...
The issue does not seem to be related to total assets in the Resources folder. The issue seems to be a hard limit of 4GB on the total textures in the build. Grab the "Build Report Tool" asset. When you build your project, it will show you total texture size in the build under "Size Stats". It will say Textures, Sounds, Meshes, etc under "Used Assets Size Breakdown" on the "Size Stats" section. If the total size of Textures exceeds 4GB, you will run into the problem.
More on this, Karl Jones, Unity Technologies,
This is a limit of the maximum file size for resources. Resources are packed into a single file during the build. The file contains a header and one of the fields inside the header is size, this is stored as a 32 bit unsigned integer, the limit of which is 4GB. There has been some research into changing the size property to a 64bit unsigned integer but it is not a simple task due to backwards compatibility.
I suggest you look at using AssetBundles as an alternative, they are a much better way to work with large amounts of assets.
Read about AssetBundles more here https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/best-practices/assetbundle-fundamentals
It is not keeping you from playing, merely keeping you from playing in the experimental build. The best build for playing in is the stable build, as this only gets updates when they are finished, not while they are still WIP.
As you can see, if you want to play the game, use stable..
Or, you know, having been a member for over a decade?! His postcount averages to one per day (member since 2004-06-19). Yours, on the other hand, currently stands at dozen a day (brand spanking new member, already making friends and influencing people, I see). Might want to refrain from posting for the next week and a half, or people might think you're all about the postcount. /s
I agree about reporting bugs from experimental, though, as long as people don't whine about them being present (hello, it's experimental).
I know I should not bother but here goes. I joined on 2016-08-17 I currently have 12 posts wait 13 now .. so how is it you think I have 12 a day? Now we have captain obvious and captain clueless.
Actually, can a moderator close this one? Since all needed for this bug was already said, I don't see a reason to keep this open.
Thank you
I agree! Developers are awesome!
Thank you devs for quick fix!!! Much appreciated.
Apparently I somehow misread your join date as that (then current) day. Odd. *shrug* I guess you're not a complete troll, then, as I thought you were sniping on your first day. I'll refrain from digging through your post history as that seems a bit trollish itself.
Oh yeah, some of you guys understand that experimental version isn't the working version, right? I suggest you stop using the experimental if you're gonna complain about how it sucks. Good luck
Anytime someone compares any other type of engineering to software development...