The most difficult name to speak ingame. Join Date: 2009-07-10 Member: 68107Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow

Edit: Map is no longer being worked on.
I've been working on this Eclipse variant as a hobby over the course of the past few months and I finally am making a thread about it.
Initially intended to just focus on making Eclipse more enjoyable in pub environments, but the map has since turned into it's own thing.
Notable changes include but are not limited to:
Brought the Maintenance side of the map closer to Computer Core
Added an RT in East Foyer to aid the marines and act as a pseudo double res natural
Tried to consolidate the amount of map lanes to four key points
Opened up certain parts of the map
Here's the -now outdated- map layout.
Gameplay footage courtesy of BeigeAlert.

Check the Steam workshop page for more images and to download the map.
I've been working on this Eclipse variant as a hobby over the course of the past few months and I finally am making a thread about it.
Initially intended to just focus on making Eclipse more enjoyable in pub environments, but the map has since turned into it's own thing.
Notable changes include but are not limited to:
Brought the Maintenance side of the map closer to Computer Core
Added an RT in East Foyer to aid the marines and act as a pseudo double res natural
Tried to consolidate the amount of map lanes to four key points
Opened up certain parts of the map
Here's the -now outdated- map layout.
Gameplay footage courtesy of BeigeAlert.
Check the Steam workshop page for more images and to download the map.
Improved skulk movement around the Maintenance glass tubes
Testing the removal of the Access Alpha to East Foyer vent to help reduce the frequency of harassment
Moved the Access Alpha RT and Power node to their original spot
Skulk collision video
That is definitely a possibility in the future.
I have an idea for eliminating some of the confusion in the South Loop area. Move South Loop down further south-east. This frees up some of the clutter in that area, and also means the marine commander cannot arc out the alien natural so easily... not that that's happened yet in our testing, but it's a possibility.
As a lerk you need to be able to spike shotgun marines and as a fade you need to be able to maneuver around the shotguns meatshot range. Currently this is only really possible in Triad, the tech point rooms and maybe Keyhole (ceiling could be higher).
There needs to be fighting room for big engagements all around the the map.
Generator Monitors is way too clustered. You should remove the walls to the east and west of the RT and increase the room height. Maybe use pillars.
The Conduit part below Alpha Access should also be enlarged to the north and south and have its height increased.
I don't really know what to do about the whole south loop area. I think you need to merge some of the rooms or make a bigger south loop.
Computer Core hive is not defendable against arcs from Core Access at all. It's huge choke point without a away around for the life forms. You either need to move the techpoint back to the south and remove that siege spot or drastically enlarge Core Access.
I've marked the parts with blue squares where I think that enlargement needs to happen.
And even if you manage to reach the marines, it is just a terrible place to fight in. It's a narrow hallway with stairs. It's just suicide to go in there.
This should go in some way into the mapping guidelines or webbed tipps or whatever
I will see what I can do about certain areas of the map but straight up redesigning a majority of the rooms is beyond the scope for what I intended with this balance project.
So that you'd just extend the existing hallways to make them more room-like?
Unfortunately not, you have to do it all manually... there is a scale tool, but altering large sections is just plain bad and causes more issues than it solves. the scale you're talking about, it would probably be easier to go in and alter each bit manually over time... but its a LOT of work.
Widened the corridor leading from Power sub to Computer Core.
Before and After
Not to start a pro-plant anti-plant war, but I added 4 plants into south loop after inverting the platform. The taller plants have collision inside them so skulks can walljump easier.
Loki is pleased.
You have angered Loki.
I removed the plant collision and now you have these nice south loop glass panels again.
It's very misleading to lot of players.
The problem isn't only the spotlight on it, but it also looks kinda like a door.
Just remove the spotlight and/or change texture or put prop in front of it.
It's the phantom pain of doorways.
If the games start on the west and east side, the marine start room should get a vent or two perhaps one from west route to security and another one to the "tip" of horseshoe.
Marines always start in the north, so Horizontal spawns can't happen.
Also, putting Vents into the marine starting location is 99% of the time a bad idea. if this were to be done, it would have to be done incredibly carefully, and be thought through before making that change.
By request I moved SouthLoop RT to the south east safe from possible East Access arcs. I also re-routed East Access to the old northern power sub junction connector.
It was a large change for me so expect some issues, but hopefully not gamebreaking ones.
We called it sloop on Wonga before it was cool! x) (ns1)
I pushed a throwback build with the intention of testing whether the downfall of Eclipse start being a reliable alien start and second hive pick was related to the previous map changes, also included is a power sub junction based off of the one in eclipse_v1 by samusdroid.
It should also be easier for a comp core hive to defend against arcs.
Reverted due to balance.
Pushed a slightly different one.