[bug] (MAJOR) Base no oxygen and moon pool broken [46135 - now]
Germany Join Date: 2016-08-14 Member: 221285Members
Well first of all, yes my pc has the minimum system requirements and all my software is updated.
I've been playing on experimental on a single world. But since the version (46135) there's a gamebreaking bug going on.
When i enter my Base i can't get any oxygen for some reason. There is enough energy and there are no leaks.
In the moon pool my seamoth is (graphically) found underwater, but the invisible model remains docked (sometimes. not in video).
When i want to enter it, everything seems normal. But when i try to dock it again, i seem to freeze, the seamoth is already docked, but my charakter remains the position of sitting in it in the water, i'm not even able to move. The only way from now is to exit the world.
When i enter the world again, i'm on the same position as i saved. But it seems like, (altough i'm in water) it registered me inside the base and i can walk on the bottom of the sea. (more detailled in the video)
Also, spawnpoints dont get set when entering base/cyclops
This bug happens always in the this version in every save. Not sure if everybody has the bug, but many do, I uploaded my world if needed. (WinRAR/7Zip required)
In case you need it, here's my output_log.txt
The Video to this bug
It seems not to be an world issue, because i tested it on every (including new generated) worlds. still the same problem.
Thank you.
Well first of all, yes my pc has the minimum system requirements and all my software is updated.
I've been playing on experimental on a single world. But since the version (46135) there's a gamebreaking bug going on.
When i enter my Base i can't get any oxygen for some reason. There is enough energy and there are no leaks.
In the moon pool my seamoth is (graphically) found underwater, but the invisible model remains docked (sometimes. not in video).
When i want to enter it, everything seems normal. But when i try to dock it again, i seem to freeze, the seamoth is already docked, but my charakter remains the position of sitting in it in the water, i'm not even able to move. The only way from now is to exit the world.
When i enter the world again, i'm on the same position as i saved. But it seems like, (altough i'm in water) it registered me inside the base and i can walk on the bottom of the sea. (more detailled in the video)
Also, spawnpoints dont get set when entering base/cyclops
This bug happens always in the this version in every save. Not sure if everybody has the bug, but many do, I uploaded my world if needed. (WinRAR/7Zip required)
In case you need it, here's my output_log.txt

It seems not to be an world issue, because i tested it on every (including new generated) worlds. still the same problem.
Thank you.
My Seamoth can not dock and stall mid air to MP and if I enter in it again I can not get out.
Also no oxygen in base.
Hope its fixed soon because I want to use Seamoth and need oxygen in base
Thank you.
(You may need to press F3 and then make sure 'Disable Console' isn't checked.)
This cheat will keep your oxygen from going down. It's not really ideal because it will be too easy to forget to turn it off when you leave your base. But, hopefully, it is at least a temporary workaround so you can keep playing the game until it is fixed.
It doesn't appear to affect either the Seamoth or the PRAWN. I just launched my game running the latest experimental version. In my base, my oxygen kept decreasing. But in either the Seamoth or the PRAWN, my oxygen refilled and stayed at max level.
Here is a video that further expands on the base oxygen bug, using my 5 story multipurpose room/alien containment, where if I go above the outside water level I gain O2, but if I am below the outside water level I consume O2, as if I were not inside the base at all.
Edit 2: Also of note, Lifepod 5 oxygen works fine, just like every vehicle in the game, it's only the base that is broken.
While I agree, it does need fixing, you are aware that you can just park it under the moonpool, or anywhere else, and enter your base by swimming, right? Even if there's no oxygen for you to breathe.
Edit: Ah, now I see what you mean...can't get into the Seamoth when it's docked in the moonpool. That is certainly vexing.
Curiously, I am also unable to deploy floating air pumps anymore, not sure if related or just another O2 oddity this build. Forgot to test O2 in Cyclops before reinstall, someone able to verify if we can still breathe in our mobile base at least?
I didn't mean the oxygen, i meant if you could dock a prawn on a moon pool. Because the seamoth can't.
If you want to play proper games of subnautica you should be using the stable branch. The bugs will be fixed soon enough, as the devs figure everything out for the next update, but please don't waste dev time reporting bugs in the experimental branch.
sorry for my potato screens
lol this kind of awkward hiccups from the game always makes me smile
Im sure they'll get to fixing these bugs soonish but its kinda hilarious to see them occur
I disagree. Yes, the developers are typically adding new features to the experimental branch, and yes, we can expect those new features will have bugs. But the developers are often trying out fixes for longstanding bugs in the "stable" branch in the experimental branch. In addition, as they add new features, without feedback, they may not know until someone tells them that their new feature broke something. When using the F8 feedback, the build number is included with the report. Similarly, a correctly written post here should also include the build number.
If there are no bug reports on experimental, it is an absolute certainty the monthly "stable" releases will be anything but stable...
isn't this what reporting a bug is about? the devs should know if their changes made bug, to bypass it. I think that's the point of a public experimental mode
Yes this is just what the experimental mode is for
In the old days, sometimes there'd be massive bugs for weeks in experimental. If you want to play long term save games, you don't do it in experimental. Experimental is there to give you a window into the hot new developments. That is all it is for.
Someone previously mentioned removing experimental because of the bug reports, would be a shame if you guys caused that to happen now...
I love the way you disagree with me. Your opinions don't change the words previously stated by devs..
I'm sorry. Did you post a link to a thread with a post by the developers and I just missed it? If you did, and I missed it, I apologize. Would you please post it again for us to read through? Thanks!
Maybe @Obraxis can chime in and advise if my advice is still valid or not...
Here's a recent comment from Obraxis regarding an issue that appears to have been reported about an issue in the experimental:
"Thanks for reporting, we're looking into this.
Just a reminder: If you're playing Experimental Expect it to crash and not work from time to time.
This is our LIVE development build so things will break. If you dont want interruptions like this in the future, switch back to the Stable version."
It is very interesting that Obraxis didn't say, "Don't submit bug reports about Experimental...". Instead, what he said instead was, "Thanks for reportinkg...'.
Here is another post from Obraxis:
"This should be fixed. When submitting, please say if you're running the Experimental version. It's our live development build so things will break from time to time."
Face it. You are OLD, man! :-)
OH! And thank you for supporting this game way back in the beginning of time before I ever got here. If not for your support (and money), it might not be where it is today.
Wait we aren't supposed to report bugs from experimental ? I dident know that lol they haven't released a new update for the stable build in a while I thought, and I always report any bug I find in a new update to the experimental build. No joke legit I have reported a few bugs in experimental build and not even 10 minutes later had a updated pushed to my game that fixed them. Guys the devs do listen and read those bug reports, don't feel like your getting ignored if a bug/problem persists for a while... It may be that they are having a tough time tracking the cause down or it isn't that simple of a fix you feel me ?
Keep in mind, @SlinkySlim666 that @Soul_Rider isn't a dev, and that's just his opinion (which of course he is entitled to, but it's only opinion). So take it with a grain of salt.
Please continue to post bug reports, and make sure they are as helpful as possible.
I would add: make one report per issue per update (report the same bug if it's still present in the next update, or if you're in experimental, after, say, a week). Don't whine about it, just make a note, keeping in mind the devs are probably aware of the bug already (you aren't the only reporter), and that you're just a note in the chorus used to track and pin down bugs. So make sure you're on key, and not discordant.