New Card on Trello Activity Feed as of 38 minutes ago, "Andi added Brian Cummings to color customization for exosuit"; I won't link to it as there's nothing 'on' the Card--BUT THAT TITLE! THAT TITLE! Like the Seamoth and Cyclops before it, we'll be able to customize the colour(s) of our Exosuits! Ooooh, can't wait for this all to be finished!
We can color our Seamoth and rename it
We can color our Cyclops (which is basically a mobile base) and rename it
We will be able to color our exosuit (and possibly rename it, too)
But we cant, for the love of all thats holy, color and name Seabases! .....
Tom Jubert added and/or joined the following cards, "Do a full pass on non-precursor PDA VO" , "Third degasi base texts" , "Play through critical path" , "Add signals and blueprint unlocking to story items" and he also moved "Wrecks story first draft" from To Do to Doing, 8 hours ago (50% Done)
Okay... let's break this down a bit, see what we can gather...
1. "Do a full pass on non-precursor PDA VO"; we've got a PDA that speaks to us and we also know that there were some (I think) 30 additional lines of dialogue recorded for this. I think the 'full pass' means he's going to check all that over, make sure the dialogue fits the story he's writing/can be used in the story/what needs added/what needs cut, that sort of thing. Non-precursor PDA VO sets off alarms, though; does this mean when we reach the precursor base(s) our PDA might get taken over, perhaps an ancient AI with new dialogue???
2. "Third degasi base texts" Just from the title of this card alone, we know there's going to be a third Degasi Survivors Base, 1st was Island, 2nd was Jelly Shroom, but third...? Where? Also there'll be text/story accompanying it.
3. "Play through critical path" Obvious, Tom or someone will play through the main story before us (lucky f****!) to check that it all 'plays well', fits, no bugs, mistakes, everything works right, triggers when it's supposed to, etc.
4. "Add signals and blueprint unlocking to story items" Again, obvious--but exciting! As we do things in the game to advance the story, Signals (to lead us to wrecks / goals) will be unlocked, and perhaps certain Blueprints will be unlocked from abandoned PDAs as well, such as the rebreather. There was a note about this somewhere else, but I can't find it...
There's a final card here, too,; a rough note written, "animation event based solution currently causes issues (animation blending). change to programmatically solution, allow tuning of interval in inspector"
Tom Jubert's Cards... even though there's nothing on them except for the "Wrecks story first draft" one and the Main Story Locations... damn, I'm excited by all this!!! The story is being worked on! We'll have a reason to go to all these wrecks, and caches of data and signals will lead us ever deeper into the inky depths!
@Coranth, the third degasi base will be, according to the wiki, in the Deep Grand Reef. Which makes me wonder why they were down in the Jelly Shroom Caves and went to the Deep Grand Reef afterwards, despite the Deep Grand Reef being under their first base... Hopefully the story offers a good explanation for that.
@Coranth, the third degasi base will be, according to the wiki, in the Deep Grand Reef. Which makes me wonder why they were down in the Jelly Shroom Caves and went to the Deep Grand Reef afterwards, despite the Deep Grand Reef being under their first base... Hopefully the story offers a good explanation for that.
According to Paal's log, the third base would be at 700m and 1km east of the Jelly Shroom Cave base. That would put it directly below the Aurora. Only place there is the Inactive Lava Zone.
'Play Subnautica' they say in the street,
'Play Subnautica; you'll think it's a treat!'
Words said so often that they make me start screamin'
Why should I play this when I really could be leavin'?
Everybody loves this god damn video game
But I think I'd better quit 'cause it's drivin' me insane.
What. A. Pain!
So I think I'll play Subnautica,
And get eaten by a Reaper,
Oh sh-t I'm running out of food,
Better go and catch myself a Peeper
No more social life I'll have to-day!
After I get stuck into Subnautica!
Goodbye real life, you've had a good run,
Hello ocean world, the adventures' be-gun,
Gonna build a base in the Creepvine Forest
Wanna build it fast but I'm out of resources
The Lava Zone's deep I'll go there to-day
Is my Cyclops up to the test?
Time to see, I can't de-lay.
So I'm off to play Subnautica,
Checked supplies; I think I'm ready,
The Cyclops is charged, she's good to go
Watch the depth and hold her steady
No more will my P-D-A say... "Thirty seconds of Oxygen remaining"
...after today!
After today...
Take note: Subnautica does not need Steam to be running for it to work! Make a shortcut directly to "Where-you-put-steam-\SteamApps\common\Subnautica\Subnautica.exe" and then just run that; Subnautica will happily work. Thank you, Devs!
Nothing of note on Trello today, folks. Sorry. I'll check later, though. There's been no activity for a couple of days, but I won't say its odd, as maybe the Devs are working on other things not shown on Trello, or perhaps updating their other games? Hmm...
yomamaOn the freewayJoin Date: 2016-04-17Member: 215861Members
Uh...It's also kind of a holiday in the U.S., so that could be why. Long weekend for the U.S. based devs, maybe they gave the European guys the time off as well.
Uh...It's also kind of a holiday in the U.S., so that could be why. Long weekend for the U.S. based devs, maybe they gave the European guys the time off as well.
I wanted to say happy 4th of July but I know other people than the US play this game so I didn't know if it was going to offend anybody.
Uh...It's also kind of a holiday in the U.S., so that could be why. Long weekend for the U.S. based devs, maybe they gave the European guys the time off as well.
Huge thanks to LeonDodge for giving us the heads up on the Precursor Global Defense System via this card on the Bugfixing Trello! Remember the Big Gun of Quake 2? Well, Subnautica's gonna have its own and it's 90% done... *gulp*
A new Card called "Redraft Radio + Add Signals" was added by Tom Jubert, and we'll soon be able to put that drill on our Exosuits to good use because of Drillable Resources!
Also, bonus from the Bugfixing Trello because you guys rock...
Calarand77lurking in general forumsJoin Date: 2016-01-22Member: 211786Members
edited July 2016
Apologies for getting into your field here, Coranth, but this new Trello entry got me so excited I had to share ASAP:
(shamelessly quoting all of it because AWESOME)
I have a pet peeve with conservation of mass issues. I can see how a piece of wreckage turns into 4 units of titanium, but a t-shaped structure could be built will less materials does not make much sense. I know it is a game... but I think a t-shape would be worth 8 pieces and a small room would take 20 or more. With carry capacity limited it could still be made with more than one trip to construct it, but I think that we should also be able to construct with titanium ingots.
I would like to see a large room, like the size of the moonpool, since there are beds, and a very large fauna tank that takes up a whole room and leaves very little room to walk around it and enjoy the view.
Once I construct 5-6 solar panels, the rest of the power options hold no value. If the solar only gave power during daytime and the other power sources had batteries that stored energy might be one solution.
As soon as we have built the scanner and builder tools, we set off for the island to gather the Lantern plant and planters. I would suggest a very large swarm of biting fish to inhabit the area around the beach to prevent most people from accessing until the Seamoth is produced. Maybe have the only safe entry be the lagoon in the center of the island.
There needs to be some reason to avoid dry land. Maybe swarms of avian creatures come out of caves at night and would quickly damage you. So you might still want to build on land, but have a ocean exit if you needed to leave by night.
Once the lantern plants are back to base, I eat nothing else. I usually have pots with every plant type because I like the look, but the Lantern plant makes me never eat another fish through the rest of the game.
Some sort of benefit to a balanced diet should exist. Maybe healing health slowly.
There should be a reason for all the plants in the game. I am sure you have plans for that later. Maybe have some of the fish have poisonous bites or Tigerplant, that need an antitoxin?
This is the future, but there could also be some things inside our base that would look nicer with wood panels that come from Bulbo trees.
Jaffa cup looks like a plant that might hold a small sample of drinkable water.
The spotlight is pretty weak. When I build my base I place several external plant beds with 6 creepvines to give off a strong yellow light that beats all other light sources to identify where home is and allow me to see out the windows at night.
I see all the cargo boxes on the floor of the ocean and wonder what is in them. Wouldnt there be titanium and building resources for the colonist?
Rather than everything respawning all the time, maybe have occassional explosions on the Aurora send debris flying and those reseed the area around the ship with titanium scrap.
Maybe have more than one type of battery. Simple lead-acid batteries for early power, then long life lithium cells later on.
And of course there should be far more access into the interior of the Aurora. Maybe use crash powder to make more fire extingishers to battle the blase inside and get tables, chairs, lamps, and other ammenities for the bedroom and living quarters.
I know it's 'just' a feedback card, but the fact that the devs see/acknowledge/are aware of these problems is amazing in and of itself.
Apologies for getting into your field here, Coranth, but this new Trello entry got me so excited I had to share ASAP.
Apology not accepted @Calarand77 as you have nothing to apologize for; this is why I made this thread, for awesome trello stuff--and this stuff is awesome. Let's see here...
1. I have a pet peeve with conservation of mass issues. I can see how a piece of wreckage turns into 4 units of titanium, but a t-shaped structure could be built will less materials does not make much sense. I know it is a game... but I think a t-shape would be worth 8 pieces and a small room would take 20 or more. With carry capacity limited it could still be made with more than one trip to construct it, but I think that we should also be able to construct with titanium ingots.I like this one; corridor sections taking a little more titanium seems okay--not sure about the rooms taking 20 pieces--but to base-build with titanium ingots would be nice. Hmm...
2. I would like to see a large room, like the size of the moonpool, since there are beds, and a very large fauna tank that takes up a whole room and leaves very little room to walk around it and enjoy the view.More buildable rooms is good, and a room-quarium even better!
3. Once I construct 5-6 solar panels, the rest of the power options hold no value. If the solar only gave power during daytime and the other power sources had batteries that stored energy might be one solution.Yes.
4. As soon as we have built the scanner and builder tools, we set off for the island to gather the Lantern plant and planters. I would suggest a very large swarm of biting fish to inhabit the area around the beach to prevent most people from accessing until the Seamoth is produced. Maybe have the only safe entry be the lagoon in the center of the island.Oh, wow, I like this one; scary as hell and really cool!
5. There needs to be some reason to avoid dry land. Maybe swarms of avian creatures come out of caves at night and would quickly damage you. So you might still want to build on land, but have a ocean exit if you needed to leave by night.Love this one, would make night more dangerous!
6. Once the lantern plants are back to base, I eat nothing else. I usually have pots with every plant type because I like the look, but the Lantern plant makes me never eat another fish through the rest of the game.This is true, and needs fixing.
7. Some sort of benefit to a balanced diet should exist. Maybe healing health slowly.Yes!
8. There should be a reason for all the plants in the game. I am sure you have plans for that later. Maybe have some of the fish have poisonous bites or Tigerplant, that need an antitoxinThis would be awesome!
9. This is the future, but there could also be some things inside our base that would look nicer with wood panels that come from Bulbo trees. Jaffa cup looks like a plant that might hold a small sample of drinkable water.ALL MY YES!
10. The spotlight is pretty weak. When I build my base I place several external plant beds with 6 creepvines to give off a strong yellow light that beats all other light sources to identify where home is and allow me to see out the windows at night.Like this one, too.
11. I see all the cargo boxes on the floor of the ocean and wonder what is in them. Wouldn't there be titanium and building resources for the colonist?This is so good; would be even better if we could break them down for titanium using the builder once they're empty!
12. Rather than everything respawning all the time, maybe have occassional explosions on the Aurora send debris flying and those reseed the area around the ship with titanium scrap.Yes!
13. Maybe have more than one type of battery. Simple lead-acid batteries for early power, then long life lithium cells later on.They used to have lithium ion-batteries in the game; whatever happened to those?
14. And of course there should be far more access into the interior of the Aurora. Maybe use crash powder to make more fire extinguishers to battle the blase inside and get tables, chairs, lamps, and other amenities for the bedroom and living quarters.YES, love this one!
Shit, man, you've hit the jackpot with this one! What a card, full of awesome, but it is on Backlog. I'll tentatively say some or all of this could be implemented at some stage; I suspect balancing might come as part of the final polish before 1.0 ... or, who knows, they could patch some of it in. We'll have to keep watch on this one...
Tom Jubert moved the card "Add signals and blueprint unlocking to story items" from To Do to Doing, as well.
When i got hunting for quartz and take back 60 pieces it'd be fun to make alot of glass in one go rather than spend 10 minutes making my 30 pieces of glass ya know
but seriously this game is getting better and better with each update! Keep up the good work Devs!
Tom Jubert moved the card "Redraft radio + add signals" from Doing to Done, so that's obviously finished, and he's working on the full pass on non-precursor PDA VO and the third degasi base texts. The card Wrecks story first draft has been moved back from Doing to To Do; it's 50% Done; also Add signals and blueprint unlocking to story items" has been moved back from Doing to To Do
We can color our Seamoth and rename it
We can color our Cyclops (which is basically a mobile base) and rename it
We will be able to color our exosuit (and possibly rename it, too)
But we cant, for the love of all thats holy, color and name Seabases!
Dear Santa, this year for Christmas i wish ..... 80% Done...
Tom Jubert added and/or joined the following cards, "Do a full pass on non-precursor PDA VO" , "Third degasi base texts" , "Play through critical path" , "Add signals and blueprint unlocking to story items" and he also moved "Wrecks story first draft" from To Do to Doing, 8 hours ago (50% Done)
Okay... let's break this down a bit, see what we can gather...
1. "Do a full pass on non-precursor PDA VO"; we've got a PDA that speaks to us and we also know that there were some (I think) 30 additional lines of dialogue recorded for this. I think the 'full pass' means he's going to check all that over, make sure the dialogue fits the story he's writing/can be used in the story/what needs added/what needs cut, that sort of thing. Non-precursor PDA VO sets off alarms, though; does this mean when we reach the precursor base(s) our PDA might get taken over, perhaps an ancient AI with new dialogue???
2. "Third degasi base texts" Just from the title of this card alone, we know there's going to be a third Degasi Survivors Base, 1st was Island, 2nd was Jelly Shroom, but third...? Where? Also there'll be text/story accompanying it.
3. "Play through critical path" Obvious, Tom or someone will play through the main story before us (lucky f****!) to check that it all 'plays well', fits, no bugs, mistakes, everything works right, triggers when it's supposed to, etc.
4. "Add signals and blueprint unlocking to story items" Again, obvious--but exciting! As we do things in the game to advance the story, Signals (to lead us to wrecks / goals) will be unlocked, and perhaps certain Blueprints will be unlocked from abandoned PDAs as well, such as the rebreather. There was a note about this somewhere else, but I can't find it...
There's a final card here, too,; a rough note written, "animation event based solution currently causes issues (animation blending). change to programmatically solution, allow tuning of interval in inspector"
Tom Jubert's Cards... even though there's nothing on them except for the "Wrecks story first draft" one and the Main Story Locations... damn, I'm excited by all this!!! The story is being worked on! We'll have a reason to go to all these wrecks, and caches of data and signals will lead us ever deeper into the inky depths!
I appreciate you breaking things down Coranth! You tend to read the cards with a more discerning eye than I do.
I guess the only way to find out what's true is to wait
'Play Subnautica; you'll think it's a treat!'
Words said so often that they make me start screamin'
Why should I play this when I really could be leavin'?
Everybody loves this god damn video game
But I think I'd better quit 'cause it's drivin' me insane.
What. A. Pain!
So I think I'll play Subnautica,
And get eaten by a Reaper,
Oh sh-t I'm running out of food,
Better go and catch myself a Peeper
No more social life I'll have to-day!
After I get stuck into Subnautica!
Goodbye real life, you've had a good run,
Hello ocean world, the adventures' be-gun,
Gonna build a base in the Creepvine Forest
Wanna build it fast but I'm out of resources
The Lava Zone's deep I'll go there to-day
Is my Cyclops up to the test?
Time to see, I can't de-lay.
So I'm off to play Subnautica,
Checked supplies; I think I'm ready,
The Cyclops is charged, she's good to go
Watch the depth and hold her steady
No more will my P-D-A say...
"Thirty seconds of Oxygen remaining"
...after today!
After today...
--To the tune of "Say Goodbye To The Holiday"
Precursors' stuff~
This looks really cool; really ominous. Approaching this huge edifice in your Seamoth as it looms out of the darkness... *shiver*
oh holy NOPE batman
I wanted to say happy 4th of July but I know other people than the US play this game so I didn't know if it was going to offend anybody.
Oh, okay... duh... ***EPIC FACEPALM***
And yes, the new Mountain Island is gonna be massive.
Work continues on the story, the first draft content for main story locations are done!
A new Card called "Redraft Radio + Add Signals" was added by Tom Jubert, and we'll soon be able to put that drill on our Exosuits to good use because of Drillable Resources!
Also, bonus from the Bugfixing Trello because you guys rock...
Nope. The existing mountain island will be expanded.
(shamelessly quoting all of it because AWESOME)
I know it's 'just' a feedback card, but the fact that the devs see/acknowledge/are aware of these problems is amazing in and of itself.
Apology not accepted @Calarand77 as you have nothing to apologize for; this is why I made this thread, for awesome trello stuff--and this stuff is awesome. Let's see here...
1. I have a pet peeve with conservation of mass issues. I can see how a piece of wreckage turns into 4 units of titanium, but a t-shaped structure could be built will less materials does not make much sense. I know it is a game... but I think a t-shape would be worth 8 pieces and a small room would take 20 or more. With carry capacity limited it could still be made with more than one trip to construct it, but I think that we should also be able to construct with titanium ingots. I like this one; corridor sections taking a little more titanium seems okay--not sure about the rooms taking 20 pieces--but to base-build with titanium ingots would be nice. Hmm...
2. I would like to see a large room, like the size of the moonpool, since there are beds, and a very large fauna tank that takes up a whole room and leaves very little room to walk around it and enjoy the view. More buildable rooms is good, and a room-quarium even better!
3. Once I construct 5-6 solar panels, the rest of the power options hold no value. If the solar only gave power during daytime and the other power sources had batteries that stored energy might be one solution. Yes.
4. As soon as we have built the scanner and builder tools, we set off for the island to gather the Lantern plant and planters. I would suggest a very large swarm of biting fish to inhabit the area around the beach to prevent most people from accessing until the Seamoth is produced. Maybe have the only safe entry be the lagoon in the center of the island. Oh, wow, I like this one; scary as hell and really cool!
5. There needs to be some reason to avoid dry land. Maybe swarms of avian creatures come out of caves at night and would quickly damage you. So you might still want to build on land, but have a ocean exit if you needed to leave by night. Love this one, would make night more dangerous!
6. Once the lantern plants are back to base, I eat nothing else. I usually have pots with every plant type because I like the look, but the Lantern plant makes me never eat another fish through the rest of the game. This is true, and needs fixing.
7. Some sort of benefit to a balanced diet should exist. Maybe healing health slowly. Yes!
8. There should be a reason for all the plants in the game. I am sure you have plans for that later. Maybe have some of the fish have poisonous bites or Tigerplant, that need an antitoxin This would be awesome!
9. This is the future, but there could also be some things inside our base that would look nicer with wood panels that come from Bulbo trees. Jaffa cup looks like a plant that might hold a small sample of drinkable water. ALL MY YES!
10. The spotlight is pretty weak. When I build my base I place several external plant beds with 6 creepvines to give off a strong yellow light that beats all other light sources to identify where home is and allow me to see out the windows at night. Like this one, too.
11. I see all the cargo boxes on the floor of the ocean and wonder what is in them. Wouldn't there be titanium and building resources for the colonist? This is so good; would be even better if we could break them down for titanium using the builder once they're empty!
12. Rather than everything respawning all the time, maybe have occassional explosions on the Aurora send debris flying and those reseed the area around the ship with titanium scrap. Yes!
13. Maybe have more than one type of battery. Simple lead-acid batteries for early power, then long life lithium cells later on. They used to have lithium ion-batteries in the game; whatever happened to those?
14. And of course there should be far more access into the interior of the Aurora. Maybe use crash powder to make more fire extinguishers to battle the blase inside and get tables, chairs, lamps, and other amenities for the bedroom and living quarters. YES, love this one!
Shit, man, you've hit the jackpot with this one! What a card, full of awesome, but it is on Backlog. I'll tentatively say some or all of this could be implemented at some stage; I suspect balancing might come as part of the final polish before 1.0 ... or, who knows, they could patch some of it in. We'll have to keep watch on this one...
Tom Jubert moved the card "Add signals and blueprint unlocking to story items" from To Do to Doing, as well.
What i personally would like to see not cut before V1 is this card in particular: Craft Multiples at the Fabricator
When i got hunting for quartz and take back 60 pieces it'd be fun to make alot of glass in one go rather than spend 10 minutes making my 30 pieces of glass ya know
but seriously this game is getting better and better with each update! Keep up the good work Devs!
Tom Jubert moved the card "Redraft radio + add signals" from Doing to Done, so that's obviously finished, and he's working on the full pass on non-precursor PDA VO and the third degasi base texts. The card Wrecks story first draft has been moved back from Doing to To Do; it's 50% Done; also Add signals and blueprint unlocking to story items" has been moved back from Doing to To Do