I want to be a female diver!
Kansas Join Date: 2016-06-19 Member: 218763Members

No rush or anything, just saying that I want to someday. It's not a big issue since the diver can't really be looked at, but gamers with boobage enjoy being reflected in the games we play too.
Um.. Judging by my time in WoW guys really enjoy having female avatars too.
Not that I can actually play WoW, or any other game, now that I found subnautica. Even if it is scary as hell in the water.
Um.. Judging by my time in WoW guys really enjoy having female avatars too.
Not that I can actually play WoW, or any other game, now that I found subnautica. Even if it is scary as hell in the water.
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This will be implemented at some point. With patience, come boobs. Hell, I may use a female character just so I can look down once in awhile and giggle.
With patience, come boobs. - priceless
So would you be fine with your own body looking whichever way the moment you aren't around mirrors?
Identity is important and identity is reflected and informed by one's appearance. This doesn't stop when identity of the self interacts with identity of the avatar. Or, you know, representation matters. By far most games only allow you to play a male character, use the male option as the promo'd identity, or use the female option as the serviced identity (case in point: Subnautica's crummy alternative Seamoth welcome message thankfully removed long ago); it's really not fair to female gamers. We pay the same money, yet we aren't treated as an equal audience that also is entitled to be the hero every so often. To ask why the female option matters pretty much shows you don't know what it's like to keep being excluded and to keep being fed nonsense reasons as to why (*cough*Breath of the Wild*cough*). I don't imagine UWE having gotten that many requests for a female option prior to the decision to provide one, so if this is principally their own initiative, major salute for understanding.
I can further extend this to the fact neither character option is white (and nor are the Degasi survivors). Games favor whiteness too (there's a reason Ark: Survival Evolved has white options as promo material), so to have Subnautica step away from that also matters, even if we as players aren't constantly reminded of that.
Does give me a minor conflict though. I really want to play the female model, but the male one easily reads as (part) Southeast Asian (which I am) and that's not exactly a protagonist identity often featured in games. I don't think it's going to happen, but I'd like for the ending to allow the presence of the not-chosen model so I don't have to feel like my choice for either means the other dies like the rest of the Aurora crew or never existed at all.
Wait, no I don't. I want more substantial content, not boobs and posters.
DrownedOut I get what you're saying, but I really think you're barking up the wrong tree here. UWE has had that female model sitting around for a while. Seeing it existed made me smile. Its current non-implementation isn't because they're a bunch of crotch-fondling misogynist jerks, it's because they're busy trying to get actual features into the game.
I would rather have them spend their limited resources adding areas, fauna and flora than multiple ethnic and gender options for the player model that we see very little of.
Seriously, playing this game I worry less about navel-gazing than I do about WHAT THE HECK JUST BIT ME....OH CRAP....AAAAAAAHHHHH
I sincerely hope you are all those things you said in the first sentence. Otherwise I have a few choice words for you that are going to have to be censored.
Didn't I say "I don't imagine UWE having gotten that many requests for a female option prior to the decision to provide one, so if this is principally their own initiative, major salute for understanding." I'm not barking up UWE's tree at all. What part of "major salute" needs clarification? I'm trying to explain to people like DE, who is certainly not the only one I've seen say this, why the female option matters. And lets be clear here: if Subnautica had the female model as default and we'd be waiting for the male model, you can bet "Customization" and "Male model needed" would be the whiny subject of every third thread made.
Gaming has come a long way since I started playing in the 80s. While I'm pleased to see more diversity in games now, I've never felt my worth as an actual person was degraded by a game avatar. I enjoy playing as a macho bfg pray and spray guy as much as I enjoy play as a sword wielding DDD Boob Goddess with the chainmail bustier that defies the laws of physics (+3 with fire resistance, woot!).
When my daughter was 7 the only game I could find with a female protagonist was Secret Agent Barbie who had to change outfits in order to jump, climb etc. Then No One Lives Forever came out and it was so much YES. Also that Tomb Raider one where you played as two boobs and an arm...ugh.
It's way better now, and still progressing. So go play something. I'd threaten you with a copy of Secret Agent Barbie but 14 years ago I fed the disc to the shredder on behalf of future lady gamers...
So congratulations on your very first post, welcome to the forum.
Thanks man
While I'm not as worked up as DO, I am behind her in principle.
That one first line of YM struck a nerve, yes, and I certainly don't appreciate the patronizing vibe of "Gaming has come a long way since I started playing in the 80s." like I only picked up a controller yesterday and don't know my stuff. But otherwise I'm being pretty chill here because whatever anyone here says I'm going to have my female option on Subnautica. Maybe I can explain someone why representation matters and make a win, but I've got nothing to lose so I'm not really sure how I even could be worked up.
I think you're reading too much into this. Just because a game doesn't (Yet) have a female player model it doesn't mean it's sexist. Behold!
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://sketchfab.com/models/cccc8b4f8f354076b8d125601ca38354/embed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""></iframe><p style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; margin: 5px; color: #4A4A4A;">
<a href="https://sketchfab.com/models/cccc8b4f8f354076b8d125601ca38354?utm_medium=embed&utm_source=website&utm_campain=share-popup" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Female Final</a>
by <a href="https://sketchfab.com/fox3d?utm_medium=embed&utm_source=website&utm_campain=share-popup" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Fox3D</a>
on <a href="https://sketchfab.com?utm_medium=embed&utm_source=website&utm_campain=share-popup" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Sketchfab</a>
I'm not against the idea itself, i just don't want the dev's wasting their time on something that really doesn't matter. If they think it's worth their time then i can only say "that's cool".
Tenebrous...Thanks for refreshing my memory as to what the female model looks like.
We get boobs! Yaaay us!
Like, I mean, I am active in gaming circles that call for change of current dominant gaming culture. You know, more inclusion of identities and more accommodations for gamers who aren't that good or disabled. I know that main character identities matter to people, both in that rarely represented groups want to be the lead everyone once in a while and that the one overrepresented group is pretty vocal about not wanting that change to happen. Saying that it doesn't matter is ignoring a lot that's, honestly, right in front of you. Like, the reason why this thread even exists.
If you need to be linked to anything to read more on subjects like these, I can probs fetch something within short time. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you want/need to hear.
Also sometimes a game just has a role more befitting a male character or the people designing the game want a male character, that is not wrong in any way shape or form and certainly not sexist, it is just storytelling. The same goes for female leads in certain games. A character has a history, a story, a background and that is fine and is obviously tied to a gender. Gender swapping is just a lazy cop out.
Games which kinda have an anonymous main character, ergo survival games/"MMO"RPG's. They already have a character creation system. BUT that doesn't mean every game should need one, especially for games where the main character is fleshed out in detail.
Subnautica, it falls into the anonymous main character category. So yes a male or female lead, that only adds to the game. But as I said... Not all games need this "gender equality", mainly based on character design and gender choice, to base a character's design/story/history on
Well, the problem here is that you think groups think that, so you assume it to be true, or you read articles by people who really care about race/gender/etc. too much. it's not that big of a deal. you can talk about culture and representing groups, but in the end you'll only talk for yourself, and i think there is a problem when one people claims to speak for many, and if you do speak for many, then, how much? it matters on the number of people you have backing you up. in the end let's just play the game, because thats what really matters in the long run of things.
I don't look anything like the male player model. I am much paler, and have actual human proportions. Do I mind? Not really, because I never need to look at the actual model. I subconsciously think of the character as looking like myself, because the game gives no input to tell me otherwise.
In a multiplayer game, of course, it is another matter. But for now, Subnautica is very much a singlplayer game.
This coming from the person who's solely signed up to respond to this topic and who's brought nothing to the table or even offered to do so at all.
Like, you're really only telling me to shut up because that is what is convenient to you. What even is your argument here, Mx. Catch-22? How can I either read too much from other people who care or make unfounded generalizations with both scenarios leading to the matter being dismissable?
Unless you can quote me, stop saying I am claiming to speak for any group. I've spoken for myself and of the underrepresentation of female leads, which is objectively not fair regardless how any of us feel about it. And that's all I've said.
I find it interesting that you feel that insulting people will get you anywhere. Are females underrepresented and unfairly represented in games? I would say yes, overall. Does Subnautica do this? Not really.
I don't think that subnautica really represents ANYONE.
Explain to me how that's insulting. Cynical, sure, confronting, sure, but insulting? I'm going to need clarification on that.
Also kindly don't refer to women as females.