"Do you mean that in a strictly metaphysical sense, JUNO?
"Negative, Captain. IANTO has confirmed that all specimens collected by the Magellan expedition share the same basic genetic structure. All life forms of Manannán are merely highly specialised variants of a unique primal genotype. An ancient genetic precursor organism. In this case, it is the Sea Emperor. Its DNA structure is more mutable and significantly more genetically flexible than Terrestrial DNA. Theoretically, a Sea Emperor could sire an entirely new species with each new mating."
" I'd say he's more than a king, but less than a god... But what other organism would it mate with?"
"Our consensus is that Dragon Leviathans are exclusively female, and appear to be of the same species as the Sea Emperor. Sexual dimorphism would account for their differing physical appearance. They are effectively the brood mothers for the entire planet's life forms. The existence of a single Alpha male organism and multiple females would ensure long-term stability in the core genome, allowing the Sea Emperor to maintain precise control over the evolutionary process. This also explains how the planet is able to produce new species within a remarkably short time. As the need arises, the Sea Emperor simply designs a new species capable of dealing with rapidly changing environmental conditions. Since any resultant organisms are only equipped with conventional dual-helix DNA, they will continue to breed true to their species. At least, until the Sea Emperor introduces a new variant of that species. Although this is an elegant biological adaptation, its main drawback is that it renders the Sea Emperor and therefore, all other life on this planet extremely vulnerable to outside interference."
"I'll bet. It would certainly explain why Torgaljin Corp would want to capture a Sea Emperor and effectively hold it for ransom. I believe the term 'total compliance' was bandied about in that message to Paal Torgaljin. Anyway, we can discuss this later. It looks like the Warpers have finished telling this part of their story."
I studied the image closely for at least ten minutes, then turned to the Warpers and gestured that I understood what they had told me so far. My response was to start drawing a similar picture, only this time it involved various items of technology. I started with the (now) customary image of me standing next to a Fabricator console. I showed the Fabricator making a range of tools and objects. The second image echoed the Warper's genesis saga. I drew the same image as before, but added three 'friendly' human outlines appearing below a Fabricator unit. Next, I showed De Ruyter's attack on the planet and its subsequent destruction. The final image of this sequence showed all three androids and me replanting and restocking the ruined areas with sea life.
One of the Warpers delicately traced a talon over the image of an android. It looked at me inquiringly, as if to say "Why do these ones look different to you?"
This was a tricky one. How do you explain the concept of a machine to an intelligent species that doesn't use machines? I pointed at Gawain standing nearby, then swam over to retrieve a Builder tool and some raw materials. I moved over to a clear patch of ground, then fabricated a foundation slab and a basic habitation module. Apparently, the Warpers were astonished by this demonstration. Naturally, I only had an intricate series of talon motions and rapid colour changes to base this impression on, although I could safely say that they were basically impressed.
Unless you go for a star trek level of science failure, that would surely mean that the sea emperor is not native to this planet.
I wouldn't be too sure of that. Naturally, I'd have to inquire precisely how you reached that conclusion.
I came to that conclusion simply due to the fact that life cannot start evolving at such a complex level. Your subsequent writings explain it as being a more literal form of progenitor for all of the planets life, but the same issue remains: such a complex creature would have to have evolved from a long series of simpler creatures. Which can't be if it is the progenitor of all life on this planet. Of course, I suppose it is theoretically possible that all creatures that came before the sea emperor are simply extinct.
Spot on.
Ever wonder about the gigantic skeleton that's slated for the Lost River biome?
The Sea Emperor is the final product of a long line of highly developed precursor organisms.
The new evolutionary paradigm for the planet.
Clock's ticking, and someone will have to develop progressively advanced technology in the (relatively) near future.
Don't forget, the Alpha Hydrae star system is doomed. 15MY remaining, max.
"JUNO, it looks like the Warpers would like you guys to make a curtain call. Round up DIGBY and IANTO, and then head over here as soon as you can."
"Affirmative, Captain. ETA, ten minutes."
To pass the time, I started work on another image sequence depicting how the floating islands were formed. To my surprise, the Warpers crowded in to watch more closely. Judging by the amount of excited gesticulation and flashes of colour on their mantles, I'd have to say I had their complete attention at this point. I drew a Warper waiting at the water's edge, followed by an image of me standing in the shallows, holding out a helping hand. Another Warper was added standing beside me.
Their reaction was nothing short of ecstatic. I drew a quick sketch of the Sea Emperor, followed by me making the same 'helping hands' gesture. It wouldn't be too long before the crew rolled up, so I directed the Warpers' attention to their anticipated point of arrival. Sure enough, Aegis sailed slowly into view and stood off 50 metres from our position. The three androids exited the Cyclops and swam over to greet the Warpers. One by one, JUNO, IANTO and DIGBY raised their right hands in greeting. The Warpers seemed puzzled at first, then made their own dignified gestures of welcome. I'll bet that the Warpers' initial confusion stemmed from being unable to get a psychic 'read' on the androids, although they seemed to be fairly comfortable in their presence now. I called IANTO over, leaving the other two to interact freely with the Warpers.
"Okay IANTO, I want a fairly detailed biome map of Manannán drawn here. Please indicate our current position and that of The Broch to provide initial points of reference. Name the biomes in Anglic Standard, in case our Warper friends have their own names for these areas. If they do have a written language, this might be useful as a translation key. I'm definitely interested in establishing a Human/Warper lexicon. Art may nourish the soul and all, but it makes for some bloody long-winded conversations. See what you can do."
"Affirmative, Captain. JUNO and DIGBY are currently attempting to analyse the Warpers' communication modes to determine whether some mutually acceptable method may be devised. We shall keep you fully apprised of any developments."
"Good work, mates. I'm going to slip off to Aegis for a quick brew and a bite to eat. I'll be back in about 10 minutes or so."
Feeling generous with myself, I prepared a second mug of tea. These encounters with the Warpers were an exhausting business, although if we could come up with a communication system that didn't involve a mix of hieroglyphics and calisthenics, that would be absolutely A-One in my book. Ideally, we should be able to communicate telepathically after a bit of careful practice, although I'm rather glad that we can't. Human minds have this nasty habit of wandering through dark territory on certain occasions, and it wouldn't do to have one's most primitive subconscious thoughts and emotions laid open and exposed to that level of scrutiny. There was also the fact that my mind couldn't physically handle much more than the telepathic equivalent of a surprised shout. Even a mildly heated argument with Warpers would probably lobotomise me. Speaking of which, I'd better drink up. It's about time to return to the Talking Wall.
would engineer Selkirk be able to "donate" some genetic material to the emperor so that it can make out of water existence easier?
because his genetic DNA has several millions of years of land based evolutionary history while the emperor barely has any land based evolution in its genetic history.
would engineer Selkirk be able to "donate" some genetic material to the emperor so that it can make out of water existence easier?
because his genetic DNA has several millions of years of land based evolutionary history while the emperor barely has any land based evolution in its genetic history.
Interesting question.
I'd suspect having the opportunity to examine ( and possibly communicate with) a Terran would be all that's required.
He's worked on Cave Crawlers, so the Sea Emperor already has a pretty solid idea about the Leg Thing.
I'd suspect having the opportunity to examine ( and possibly communicate with) a Terran would be all that's required.
He's worked on Cave Crawlers, so the Sea Emperor already has a pretty solid idea about the Leg Thing.
I was more thinking about lungs and making sure that the senses are fine while out of the water
I wonder if Selkirk plans on teaching the Warpers how they can eventually make their own technology. I guess that their psionic abilities and portal generation meant they never had to bother with it before, but if their star system is doomed then they'll need to become capable of space travel at some point.
I mostly got this idea from the picture of Selkirk helping the Warpers out of the water, representing their planet.
I'd suspect having the opportunity to examine ( and possibly communicate with) a Terran would be all that's required.
He's worked on Cave Crawlers, so the Sea Emperor already has a pretty solid idea about the Leg Thing.
Does that mean that the Sea Emperor can consciously decide what genetic characteristics his offspring will have? That's impressive. And is he the only male of his species?
I wonder if Selkirk plans on teaching the Warpers how they can eventually make their own technology. I guess that their psionic abilities and portal generation meant they never had to bother with it before, but if their star system is doomed then they'll need to become capable of space travel at some point.
I mostly got this idea from the picture of Selkirk helping the Warpers out of the water, representing their planet.
I'd suspect having the opportunity to examine ( and possibly communicate with) a Terran would be all that's required.
He's worked on Cave Crawlers, so the Sea Emperor already has a pretty solid idea about the Leg Thing.
Does that mean that the Sea Emperor can consciously decide what genetic characteristics his offspring will have? That's impressive. And is he the only male of his species?
At the moment, yes he is the only living male of his species.
IANTO's map was about fifty per cent complete. He had accomplished more in fifteen minutes than I could have done in an hour. I started another picture of the Sea Emperor next to IANTO's map, intending to use this arrangement to locate the Torgaljin holding facility. Our tau-meson detection system had become something of a non-event, since the best tech that we could devise had a ridiculously short detection range. We're talking well under ten metres here. At this stage, it's probably better to come straight out and ask the Warpers for the Sea Emperor's location, rather than tapping around blindly in the deeps with the technological equivalent of a white cane.
It was a safe bet that the Torgaljin Corp base would be extremely well established by now. They've had over seven years to dig in and make suitable preparations to keep prying eyes away from their operation. One of the encrypted log entries also mentioned an automated defence system guarding the facility, but contained no information about its nature and the size of the area it was intended to protect. My best guess was that the defences were based on semi-autonomous torpedo launcher turrets, blue-green lasers or hypervelocity cannons. Definitely not geared towards non-lethal restraint or repulsion.
The Warpers became excited again when they saw that I was drawing the Sea Emperor. IANTO was making good progress, with only the lower western region still to complete. Roughly another ten minutes more at this pace, and he would be done. I finished off my sketch, pointed at the Sea Emperor then at the incomplete map. The Warpers didn't seem to comprehend at first, so I had to show them where we were now in relation to the image on the map. JUNO swam forward and made some unfamiliar hand gestures at the Warpers, apparently explaining in some detail what I was attempting to say. It worked. One of the Warpers swam over to the map and pointed vaguely in the unfinished area. Well, that narrows the search area down considerably.
The second Warper had started on another drawing. It resembled a tightly-packed cluster of oddly angular blocks. Almost reminiscent of a old Terran city skyline, in fact. By the time it had finished, this structure had taken on the appearance of an ancient fortress. Complete with a working dungeon, by the look of it. There was a huge cavity below the fortress and the Warper had drawn the Sea Emperor, imprisoned under a dome-like structure. That would have to be the tau-muon phase shield. I was beginning to understand what was happening here. The phase shielding would prevent any Warpers from entering the Sea Emperor's chamber and assisting in its escape. Possibly, the Sea Emperor could summon its own warp portal once the shield had dropped, although that might be far too much to hope for.
I guessed that the Torgaljin snatch team had partially sealed the entrance to this prison chamber after securing the subdued Sea Emperor inside the phase shield. There might even be a conventional force-field in operation as well, although I'm not certain that a basic force field would stop a Warper from passing through. No energy impingement is involved. However, it seemed that the tau-muon barrier's sole purpose was to prevent Warpers from entering that chamber.
From what I'd seen thus far, this was beginning to look like a ridiculously dodgy rescue operation. No idea of the disposition of the base's defences, no idea of what level of armed opposition we could expect and no expectation of any significant backup. Rather than dwell overlong on all of the negative aspects of this mission, I decided to concentrate on making the most of what we did have.
Four Gen II ExoSuits, three whip-smart androids, two Warpers... And one crazy Martian Scotsman.
From what I'd seen thus far, this was beginning to look like a ridiculously dodgy rescue operation. No idea of the disposition of the base's defences, no idea of what level of armed opposition we could expect and no expectation of any significant backup. Rather than dwell overlong on all of the negative aspects of this mission, I decided to concentrate on making the most of what we did have.
Four Gen II ExoSuits, three whip-smart androids, two Warpers... And one crazy Martian Scotsman.
Will Selkirk YOLO it or plan his approach carefully? OMG the tension is unbearable STAY TUNED FOLKS!
On the fourth day of Manannán, the Sea Emperor gave to me: Four Gen II ExoSuits, three whip-smart androids, two War-pers... And one crazy Martian Scots-man.
On the fourth day of Manannán, the Sea Emperor gave to me: Four Gen II ExoSuits, three whip-smart androids, two War-pers... And one crazy Martian Scots-man.
On the fourth day of Manannán, the Sea Emperor gave to me: Four Gen II ExoSuits, three whip-smart androids, two War-pers... And one crazy Martian Scots-man.
I wouldn't be too sure of that. Naturally, I'd have to inquire precisely how you reached that conclusion.
"Negative, Captain. IANTO has confirmed that all specimens collected by the Magellan expedition share the same basic genetic structure. All life forms of Manannán are merely highly specialised variants of a unique primal genotype. An ancient genetic precursor organism. In this case, it is the Sea Emperor. Its DNA structure is more mutable and significantly more genetically flexible than Terrestrial DNA. Theoretically, a Sea Emperor could sire an entirely new species with each new mating."
" I'd say he's more than a king, but less than a god... But what other organism would it mate with?"
"Our consensus is that Dragon Leviathans are exclusively female, and appear to be of the same species as the Sea Emperor. Sexual dimorphism would account for their differing physical appearance. They are effectively the brood mothers for the entire planet's life forms. The existence of a single Alpha male organism and multiple females would ensure long-term stability in the core genome, allowing the Sea Emperor to maintain precise control over the evolutionary process. This also explains how the planet is able to produce new species within a remarkably short time. As the need arises, the Sea Emperor simply designs a new species capable of dealing with rapidly changing environmental conditions. Since any resultant organisms are only equipped with conventional dual-helix DNA, they will continue to breed true to their species. At least, until the Sea Emperor introduces a new variant of that species. Although this is an elegant biological adaptation, its main drawback is that it renders the Sea Emperor and therefore, all other life on this planet extremely vulnerable to outside interference."
"I'll bet. It would certainly explain why Torgaljin Corp would want to capture a Sea Emperor and effectively hold it for ransom. I believe the term 'total compliance' was bandied about in that message to Paal Torgaljin. Anyway, we can discuss this later. It looks like the Warpers have finished telling this part of their story."
I studied the image closely for at least ten minutes, then turned to the Warpers and gestured that I understood what they had told me so far. My response was to start drawing a similar picture, only this time it involved various items of technology. I started with the (now) customary image of me standing next to a Fabricator console. I showed the Fabricator making a range of tools and objects. The second image echoed the Warper's genesis saga. I drew the same image as before, but added three 'friendly' human outlines appearing below a Fabricator unit. Next, I showed De Ruyter's attack on the planet and its subsequent destruction. The final image of this sequence showed all three androids and me replanting and restocking the ruined areas with sea life.
One of the Warpers delicately traced a talon over the image of an android. It looked at me inquiringly, as if to say "Why do these ones look different to you?"
This was a tricky one. How do you explain the concept of a machine to an intelligent species that doesn't use machines? I pointed at Gawain standing nearby, then swam over to retrieve a Builder tool and some raw materials. I moved over to a clear patch of ground, then fabricated a foundation slab and a basic habitation module. Apparently, the Warpers were astonished by this demonstration. Naturally, I only had an intricate series of talon motions and rapid colour changes to base this impression on, although I could safely say that they were basically impressed.
I came to that conclusion simply due to the fact that life cannot start evolving at such a complex level. Your subsequent writings explain it as being a more literal form of progenitor for all of the planets life, but the same issue remains: such a complex creature would have to have evolved from a long series of simpler creatures. Which can't be if it is the progenitor of all life on this planet. Of course, I suppose it is theoretically possible that all creatures that came before the sea emperor are simply extinct.
Ever wonder about the gigantic skeleton that's slated for the Lost River biome?
The Sea Emperor is the final product of a long line of highly developed precursor organisms.
The new evolutionary paradigm for the planet.
Clock's ticking, and someone will have to develop progressively advanced technology in the (relatively) near future.
Don't forget, the Alpha Hydrae star system is doomed. 15MY remaining, max.
I figured that must have died because it's jaw was not articulated and it had no throat.
Love your work!
"Affirmative, Captain. ETA, ten minutes."
To pass the time, I started work on another image sequence depicting how the floating islands were formed. To my surprise, the Warpers crowded in to watch more closely. Judging by the amount of excited gesticulation and flashes of colour on their mantles, I'd have to say I had their complete attention at this point. I drew a Warper waiting at the water's edge, followed by an image of me standing in the shallows, holding out a helping hand. Another Warper was added standing beside me.
Their reaction was nothing short of ecstatic. I drew a quick sketch of the Sea Emperor, followed by me making the same 'helping hands' gesture. It wouldn't be too long before the crew rolled up, so I directed the Warpers' attention to their anticipated point of arrival. Sure enough, Aegis sailed slowly into view and stood off 50 metres from our position. The three androids exited the Cyclops and swam over to greet the Warpers. One by one, JUNO, IANTO and DIGBY raised their right hands in greeting. The Warpers seemed puzzled at first, then made their own dignified gestures of welcome. I'll bet that the Warpers' initial confusion stemmed from being unable to get a psychic 'read' on the androids, although they seemed to be fairly comfortable in their presence now. I called IANTO over, leaving the other two to interact freely with the Warpers.
"Okay IANTO, I want a fairly detailed biome map of Manannán drawn here. Please indicate our current position and that of The Broch to provide initial points of reference. Name the biomes in Anglic Standard, in case our Warper friends have their own names for these areas. If they do have a written language, this might be useful as a translation key. I'm definitely interested in establishing a Human/Warper lexicon. Art may nourish the soul and all, but it makes for some bloody long-winded conversations. See what you can do."
"Affirmative, Captain. JUNO and DIGBY are currently attempting to analyse the Warpers' communication modes to determine whether some mutually acceptable method may be devised. We shall keep you fully apprised of any developments."
"Good work, mates. I'm going to slip off to Aegis for a quick brew and a bite to eat. I'll be back in about 10 minutes or so."
Feeling generous with myself, I prepared a second mug of tea. These encounters with the Warpers were an exhausting business, although if we could come up with a communication system that didn't involve a mix of hieroglyphics and calisthenics, that would be absolutely A-One in my book. Ideally, we should be able to communicate telepathically after a bit of careful practice, although I'm rather glad that we can't. Human minds have this nasty habit of wandering through dark territory on certain occasions, and it wouldn't do to have one's most primitive subconscious thoughts and emotions laid open and exposed to that level of scrutiny. There was also the fact that my mind couldn't physically handle much more than the telepathic equivalent of a surprised shout. Even a mildly heated argument with Warpers would probably lobotomise me. Speaking of which, I'd better drink up. It's about time to return to the Talking Wall.
because his genetic DNA has several millions of years of land based evolutionary history while the emperor barely has any land based evolution in its genetic history.
also im not a command block god so dont expect the adventure map to have an actual reaper and stuff like that
Interesting question.
I'd suspect having the opportunity to examine ( and possibly communicate with) a Terran would be all that's required.
He's worked on Cave Crawlers, so the Sea Emperor already has a pretty solid idea about the Leg Thing.
I was more thinking about lungs and making sure that the senses are fine while out of the water
I mostly got this idea from the picture of Selkirk helping the Warpers out of the water, representing their planet.
Does that mean that the Sea Emperor can consciously decide what genetic characteristics his offspring will have? That's impressive. And is he the only male of his species?
At the moment, yes he is the only living male of his species.
It was a safe bet that the Torgaljin Corp base would be extremely well established by now. They've had over seven years to dig in and make suitable preparations to keep prying eyes away from their operation. One of the encrypted log entries also mentioned an automated defence system guarding the facility, but contained no information about its nature and the size of the area it was intended to protect. My best guess was that the defences were based on semi-autonomous torpedo launcher turrets, blue-green lasers or hypervelocity cannons. Definitely not geared towards non-lethal restraint or repulsion.
The Warpers became excited again when they saw that I was drawing the Sea Emperor. IANTO was making good progress, with only the lower western region still to complete. Roughly another ten minutes more at this pace, and he would be done. I finished off my sketch, pointed at the Sea Emperor then at the incomplete map. The Warpers didn't seem to comprehend at first, so I had to show them where we were now in relation to the image on the map. JUNO swam forward and made some unfamiliar hand gestures at the Warpers, apparently explaining in some detail what I was attempting to say. It worked. One of the Warpers swam over to the map and pointed vaguely in the unfinished area. Well, that narrows the search area down considerably.
The second Warper had started on another drawing. It resembled a tightly-packed cluster of oddly angular blocks. Almost reminiscent of a old Terran city skyline, in fact. By the time it had finished, this structure had taken on the appearance of an ancient fortress. Complete with a working dungeon, by the look of it. There was a huge cavity below the fortress and the Warper had drawn the Sea Emperor, imprisoned under a dome-like structure. That would have to be the tau-muon phase shield. I was beginning to understand what was happening here. The phase shielding would prevent any Warpers from entering the Sea Emperor's chamber and assisting in its escape. Possibly, the Sea Emperor could summon its own warp portal once the shield had dropped, although that might be far too much to hope for.
I guessed that the Torgaljin snatch team had partially sealed the entrance to this prison chamber after securing the subdued Sea Emperor inside the phase shield. There might even be a conventional force-field in operation as well, although I'm not certain that a basic force field would stop a Warper from passing through. No energy impingement is involved. However, it seemed that the tau-muon barrier's sole purpose was to prevent Warpers from entering that chamber.
From what I'd seen thus far, this was beginning to look like a ridiculously dodgy rescue operation. No idea of the disposition of the base's defences, no idea of what level of armed opposition we could expect and no expectation of any significant backup. Rather than dwell overlong on all of the negative aspects of this mission, I decided to concentrate on making the most of what we did have.
Four Gen II ExoSuits, three whip-smart androids, two Warpers... And one crazy Martian Scotsman.
Will Selkirk YOLO it or plan his approach carefully? OMG the tension is unbearable
yes, as far as I can recall he still has the lifepod secured.
My favorite quote from this story so far XD
Son of-... I completely missed that! XD
In the pipeline: 'Aurora Falls, The Musical.'