When the next update



  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    @Dinkelsen I think the abondoned and precursor ones might be different, but I could be wrong.
  • DinkelsenDinkelsen Graz Join Date: 2015-10-05 Member: 208309Members
    @zetachron: I so hope you are right simply because it would be so cool, but when reading trello cards I get the opposite impression.
  • DAOXDAOX denmark Join Date: 2015-04-28 Member: 203909Members
    @sabin77 Sorry, but the terraformer is going away for good.

    they could allways change his behavier making him/her/it deffend nests or mid in game they somthime come to your bases and have to make som thing to keep em off
  • sayerulzsayerulz oregon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203493Members
    I think a good idea for the rock puncher would be that it hunts some sort of large, mostly or entirely immobile shelled creature, and that it punches the shell to crack it open.

    While it shows no interest in the player, perhaps it may try and break open submarines and bases, thinking that they are some sort of odd shelled creatures.
  • crane476crane476 United States, Tx Join Date: 2015-08-07 Member: 206850Members
    Dinkelsen wrote: »
    I thought of the precursors also as aliens first but since "precursor" means "came before" I would now rather think that we already saw 2 of those "precursor" bases. On the floating island and in the JellyShroom (TM) caves.

    Actually, those bases belonged to scouts from the Torgaljin corporation if I remember correctly from the PDA's you find there. We are not the first people to visit the planet.
  • DAOXDAOX denmark Join Date: 2015-04-28 Member: 203909Members
  • sabin77sabin77 edmonton Join Date: 2015-08-12 Member: 207081Members
    edited April 2016
    So when is it going to be released guys. I really want to know, real badly.
  • ComicalSkateComicalSkate Canada, ON Join Date: 2015-05-28 Member: 204993Members
    I was told that they are aiming to release the Machinery Update for Thursday April 28th.
  • sabin77sabin77 edmonton Join Date: 2015-08-12 Member: 207081Members
    I was told that they are aiming to release the Machinery Update for Thursday April 28th.
    thx so much
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    I was told that they are aiming to release the Machinery Update for Thursday April 28th.

    That's 4 working days from monday to thursday to implement
    • Rest of scanner room (holocontrols, cam health, working upgrades)
    • Both reactors (functional)
    • Recharger stations (functional)
    • Rest of Scott T's cyclops rework (cams)
    • Aurora expansion for exosuit (probably shifted to next month)
  • sabin77sabin77 edmonton Join Date: 2015-08-12 Member: 207081Members
    The wait is torture.
  • nitay1998nitay1998 Isreal Join Date: 2016-02-21 Member: 213278Members
    edited April 2016
    I wonder if the first part of the lost river would be ready for the update :#
  • yomamayomama On the freeway Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215861Members
    edited April 2016
    It's amazing to watch the game get better and better on Trello. As far as the update, I think they would already have changed the card for it with a date rather than "TBA". This gives me the feeling...maybe incorrectly...that the big update is further out than this week just because they have added SO MUCH GREAT STUFF. As they are adding some substantial features they are also chasing hordes of bugs. Look at the xb1 release announced for 4/1 and still not ready. Patience, when it's ready it will be worth the wait. These guys make up for the many abandoned EA crap piles on Steam. Just my $0.02, but I wish they would give a realistic rough target date instead of the "TBA"
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    nitay1998 wrote: »
    I wonder if the first part of the lost river would be ready for the update :#

    Let's see:
    • Lost River Geometry (about 2 areas inside)
    • Lost River Skeleton (roughly inside)
    • Lost River Flora and Terrain Art (still in development)
    • Lost River Fauna (most is spawnable)
    • Lost River Flora Placement and Atmosphere (still in development)
    • Lost River Creature Placement (probably some time later)

    I'd be surprised to see more than a polished skeleton, basic terrain, light athmosphere and some basic plants this week. But April's update is called machinery anyways (of course the machinery is still missing and they need to speed up for this week).

    Now only 3 working days left for April 28th. Or 4 working days till end of April and begin of May update. Still no machinery to be seen (a partial scanner room and most cyclops rework is done).

    So maybe they really do it. Work to finish some LR flora and fauna and call this month update Lost River update, shifting all machinery to exosuit update, which is also a tech update.
  • yomamayomama On the freeway Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215861Members
    I'm kind of wondering if it will be more like an early May update. Personally I'd prefer a delay to releasing a very buggy stable update. That sort of thing is fine for those of us who choose to play experimental. Btw, anyone else notice issues with the powerglide spinning when equipped?
  • j0ndavj0ndav Bristol Join Date: 2016-03-17 Member: 214373Members
    I hope it is Thursday - i'm running out of things to do lol
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    I would also be very impressed to see any major update happening this month. dont want to blow anyone's hopes but most of what they hope to release in that major update isnt added to the Experimental branch as of now for some testing and fine tuning.

    either they drop alot of what they were planning to in order to release it faster, which i highly hope they wont do .... either that machinery update will happen sometimes in may (closer to mid may im guessing)
  • AdmiralPainAdmiralPain Germany Join Date: 2016-04-02 Member: 215206Members
    Obraxis said this yesterday on Steam Forums-

    We're aiming for next week for the update. Probably mid-week. We have a lot of it done now, but it needs some polish and bug fixing for the stable branch. :)

    So the Machinery Update will come in a few Days.
    For me, who plays Stable Build most of the time, it will be a huge Update with big and much new Content ;)
    Can´t wait for it :)
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    Maybe they want a machinery update with beautiful new Lost River pictures. They focused much on bringing in all creatures, giving everything LODs and creating the base LR areas. That probably suspended the machinery work.

    If you'd ask me what tech should come this update at all costs, I'd say:
    • Scanner room (almost ready and can be tuned later, also could be used to scan creature attacks)
    • ScottT's cyclops rework (only cams missing and we could see acceptance and future cyclops rework early)
    • Interior reactors (test case for creature attacks and maybe usable for cyclops too)

    What I don't get is the non-modularity of the scanner room. Because all elements (camport and holomap) could be used inside the cyclops too. And while the camports stack, the holomap itself only needs 1 single central place or even a smart HUD interface.
  • ElementorElementor Australia Join Date: 2016-03-08 Member: 213984Members
    I do know that in the new update (apart from the lost river) they will be adding the crabsquids, spine eels, spine fish, and a couple other creatures. They will also be adding new scanning graphics. So instead of the tools being boxes and safes, it will be a part of the actual item. They will also be extending the map, adding the prototype for the Cyclops docking and adding more story line.

    Next I think they will probably finish the Cyclops docking station, add more storyline, and if the map will be extended, possibly a new sub.

    Hope this helps..
  • sabin77sabin77 edmonton Join Date: 2015-08-12 Member: 207081Members
    I was told that they are aiming to release the Machinery Update for Thursday April 28th.

    it not here the update nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    According to @AdmiralPain it'll most likely be middle of next week, based on the quote he gave us from @Obraxis.
  • NamelessChaosNamelessChaos Germany Join Date: 2016-02-17 Member: 213158Members
    edited April 2016
    Terraformer was one of the best things inside the game, giving the players massive creative choices.

    Besides, Machinery update is already late. At this time all Updates normally are already available (usally on Thursdays). I hope this doesn`t mean they postpone the 2nd content update (and maybe even worse cutting (more) Stuff).

    As always, their policy on letting people know what they work on is great, but letting people know if an update comes (known via tello or not) or is being postponed simply sucks. Sorry to say it that clear.
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    That looks SO much better than the old one.
  • BobythebeeBobythebee France Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214045Members
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    Maybe we get a roughly usable exosuit and the Aurora expansion already with the delayed machine update?
  • NamelessChaosNamelessChaos Germany Join Date: 2016-02-17 Member: 213158Members
    edited April 2016
    Nope zetachron, this is the 2nd postponed content update, meaning they`re way behind with stuff, so don`t think about future stuff coming earlier xD
    Even worse, no Trello Roadmap update. Either they throw it out today what is unlikely since they normally use Thursdays, or again they simply don`t feel the need to tell us what`s going on with the updates like always.
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    Nope zetachron, this is the 2nd postponed content update, meaning they`re way behind with stuff, so don`t think about future stuff coming earlier xD
    Even worse, no Trello Roadmap update. Either they throw it out today what is unlikely since they normally use Thursdays, or again they simply don`t feel the need to tell us what`s going on with the updates like always.

    Sorry for you, or better happily, the picture above is ingame and no concept art. The lowpoly model already is there. And try to spawn your ingame exosuit and realize (although still with the old clumsy model): The exosuit controls are ready and there. Programming implementation is ready.

    No, I think now only the Aurora expansion is missing to get the exosuit. Or it could even happen in experimental the next days.

    Exosuit components:
    • Controls & HUD (move, jump, health, depth, etc.) - now there!
    • Lowpoly model for game (see picture) - finished, but only accessable for devs
    • Animations for model (?) - probably finished enough to be playable (just like the crude sea dragon animations)
    • Aurora expansion for scanning the exosuit to build it - in development, to be May or not that is the question, maybe
    • upgrades like drill arm and jump jets - probably May update
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