XXL Multipurpose room, Giant Aquarium and 45° corridor and construction
Deep in the NW Pacific Ocean Join Date: 2016-04-14 Member: 215773Members

I posted these in a general discussion post, then realized this is probably the better place.
Suggestion #1:
It would be great to see a very large Multipurpose Room (I call it an XXL Multipurpose Room as seen below), along with a Huge Aquarium. These would be stack-able just like the existing Multipurpose Room. The idea is pretty self explanatory and is pictured here:

Suggestion #2:
The ability to build at 45° angles off the multipurpose rooms (not just the current 90°) along with an added 45° corridor would be fantastic. Building at a 45° or diagonal would vastly increase the variety of building options, design elements and esthetics of ones undersea base. Angle construction would allow for a huge variety in large and small sea-base designs. Additionally, this diagonal construction would allow for one to build around and preserve Iconic and beautiful natural undersea fauna and terrain, and would be very alien-eco-friendly. See examples below:

What do you think, let me know below?
Suggestion #1:
It would be great to see a very large Multipurpose Room (I call it an XXL Multipurpose Room as seen below), along with a Huge Aquarium. These would be stack-able just like the existing Multipurpose Room. The idea is pretty self explanatory and is pictured here:

Suggestion #2:
The ability to build at 45° angles off the multipurpose rooms (not just the current 90°) along with an added 45° corridor would be fantastic. Building at a 45° or diagonal would vastly increase the variety of building options, design elements and esthetics of ones undersea base. Angle construction would allow for a huge variety in large and small sea-base designs. Additionally, this diagonal construction would allow for one to build around and preserve Iconic and beautiful natural undersea fauna and terrain, and would be very alien-eco-friendly. See examples below:

What do you think, let me know below?
Someone smarter than me see any complications with the 45° building ?
I was suggesting something similar before but your idea sums mine up on a much larger scale. I hope the devs see your designs!
I wish devs would also answer our suggestions from time to time, so we know they read them.
Then the aquaria. I never understood why the devs squeezed these inside the MP rooms, when it's still too small for creepvines or medium creatures anyway (not even talking about squeezing big fish inside tiny aquaria - shame of the century if it was real).
But really, even the 4x sized MP room is a bit small. It would allow normal sized predators and creepvines inside, but still a tight space for medium creatures. And all the 4xMP is good for is allowing a bigger aquarium or holding 4 central structures. Yet it would mean a whole lot of work.
So why not make a special aquarium solution that really works: The geodesic aquadome
Yes! Awesome ideas.
I suggested the 45 degree ones a while back. Glad you are suggesting that one.
The more posts about it, the more chances it could happen.
It would add so much more to making cool habitats.
You drew up the concept nicely with your pics. Kudo's
I really hope the devs consider these ideas...
I'm loving that idea. I hope the devs see this!
The XXL multi-purpose room is another great idea. I'm thinking that because it's so big it would reduce base integrity, so the player would have to add reinforcing plates to compensate. Or perhaps the XXL room should require pasteel ingots to construct?
Should you be able to mix-and-match a stack of regular and XXL multi-purpose rooms?
Don't forget the glass version of the T and X section, would be cool.
Excellent ideas, but would require a rework of the base building system to implement either.
Hope devs see these ideas too
This idea is beautiful!!! Can we have it fit 80 plants (20 big plants)? I pride myself as a creature and plant collector, and I always have 3-storey aquariums in my seabase.
Excellent!! I always thought that those diagonal build points were underused.
It would be neat if a giant planter was also possible.
Such a room should have real resource/structural/power requirement penalties to make it feel like an accomplishment.
Also how about a larger connecting tube, or it could just be a long multipurpose room. Thus kinda like the moon pool but sealed, also would make connecting the XXL rooms a lot nicer looking.
Whatever's clever, ya know. This Is their creative project. Whatever they want in and whatever they don't want in. It's all up to Their vision of what Subnautica is and should be. It's up to you, as the player, to explore Their vision of this incredible alien world.
Nice. Also, necro, but hey, maybe this needed a necro..
Someone made this.. hang on.
It were @NepsterCZ - here: