Vanilla Draft Tournament(Hosted by
Join Date: 2013-07-30 Member: 186474Members, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester

After the death of both CompMod and NSLMod(made by dragon) this morning. We'd like to show the entire NS2 community the importance of mods like Compmod, NS2+, NSLMod or any other mod.
For those that are not aware of what NSLMod is, here is a quick summary of some important features:
- Ready/unready before match start(no longer on both teams having commander)
- Pause (for when players crash and have to get back in)
- our anti-cheat which caught someone with aim assist earlier this year.
- Setting up server permissions through the API instead of a server config
- many small things like setting team names, score, max of 6 players on a team(in official mode), etc
To show this, there will be a tournament that is 100% vanilla NS2, to show the balance, gameplay and other things NS2 is lacking and modders fix. To see how much Comp mod changed about NS2, go here is hosting a Vanilla Draft Tournament tonight and tomorrow night.
This tournament will be played without ANY mods(no NS2+, no NSLmod, no compmod, looking at turning off all clientside mods by means of consistency check including crosshairs). For the real vanilla experience.
The tournament will start tonight at 7 PM CET on the teamspeak(address = in the channel close to the top called "Vanilla Draft Tournament" and under that the "Player Lobby".
The tournament is open to ANYONE to join, just show up if you sign up please:)
Tonight: Picking of teams and round robin matches
Tomorrow: Replacing missing members with substitutes and playoffs.
If you are unable to play today, you can come to teamspeak tomorrow at 7 PM CET so you are able to be picked as substitute for playoffs. If you can only play today, that is fine too.
And again, this is for ALL skill levels, don't worry about being bad or too good. We have captains that will handle team balance:)
Yeah, will be weird having to play without goldenmode.
How would you define succes for this event? If it goes like shit or if it goes great and players have a good time?
Anyhow, even if i had time i would pass for this. #toomuchdrama
Concerns not considered. Modders left in a void. Modder morale at an all time low because of a company that supposedly "cares deeply" about mods are just not listening.
Without mods ns2 is worse off.
I'm just guessing here, but considering they're playing without NS2+, it's more about mods than it is about comp itself. I mean, they can't play with NSL/Compmod if they wanted, but they can play with NS2+ and they chose not to... so I'm guessing that's the point.
But just guessing here.
I know Cr4zy will do it.
I got cancer the last time.
If your PC can handle that, why not? I know mine can't
Crosshairs are by default not consistency checked along with AV etc
Changing default settings wouldn't really be "vanilla".. esp considering how rarely that's been done over the years.
Watch several streams @ Twitch
I would guess player retention.
You want to prove that the vanilla balance is off?
Well, you used comp mod for a reason i think
You want to prove that this game need comp mod after XDragon left and UWE had to revert there changes on how mods get handled?
Well, you used comp mod for a reason i think
How about contacting the devs like obraxis mentioned here?
But instead you prefer the drama.
Its just amazing that we play a game wich is very moddable but in the end its the Devs fault if a group of players cant find a consensuses about what has to be changed for a specific mod and cant find a new modder after one left.
Its not UWE who are killing the comp scene, you are killing it by yourself.
Shouldn't be so that when devs decide they want to make their game very modding friendly that every patch coming out every week breaks them all.
With normal crosshairs or not vanilla is still fucking unplayable. I can not see in vanilla I can not see
Well I think that is a very negative way to look at all this. I look at it more like a tournament of appreciation. Appreciation of modders and the important mods that are integral to the game, and they ARE the game to a lot of people. This is to appreciate all of that. A great thing to come out of it would be if better communication is done going forward between UWE and the modders that have such a huge effect on the overall game/community.
No ready, live on hive. (Nsl mod)
Spawn facing the wrong direction on map. (Nsl mod)
Silence/Camo mix with gorge aura for OP engagements. (compmod)
No gorge bhop making it a gimp lifeform. (compmod)
No crosshairs. (no mods)
Performance issues .(ns2+ particle effects and low lights)
Can't see accuracy, sdmg, pdmg, build time, tech route, RT graph, Kill graph, med pack acc%. (ns2+)
No hit sounds (ns2+)
Can't have lifeform / faction specific sensitivies (ns2+)
Can't have faction specific FoV (ns2+)
No pause (nsl mod)
No admin kicks (shine)
Holograms obscuring vision (ns2+)
No HP numbers (ns2+)
Fast lerk egg (compmod)
All mods have to be updated after a patch, yes.
Just to clarify this. No, not all mods have to be updated after every patch. Most of my own mods haven't been updated specially for a ns2 update since over half a year.
NSLmod / comp mod need constant updates, ofc some are excluded from having to be updated(like crosshairs among others)
Iirc hit sounds are in vanilla, you just have to turn up the sound right?
And custom crosshairs?? Please, you put that on yourselves guys - ccrosshairs have been in the game forever, it's definitely not uwe's fault.
No ready/live and pause are also things that you don't actually want in vanilla. What use are these in pub games? These should stay as a separate mod.
Not saying the rest are not legitimate grievances, just saying lets target the rage appropriately here boys.
Hit sounds are in vanilla. Admins can kick in vanilla. 10 minute concede is absurdly high, but also server configurable.
Edit: Supa, why do you continue to disagree with my posts when the facts are easily check able yourself.
Vanilla hitsound exists yes, however the sound sucks.
Crosshairs sure whatever we can probably ignore that, but it's not vanilla without vanilla.
Ready/Pause are not in a mod right now, because UWE have made the implementation a pos and the upkeep is not something the modder wants to keep having to deal with because it breaks each time.
It should be in the game under a tournament mode setting that servers can select, this is how it is for other good competitive games, even NS1 had tournament mode.
Why should it be up to the community to keep fixing things, when the things UWE are doing actively break it and then fail to respond or help in any meaningful way.
I feel you with the upkeep. I was against the rapid iteration from when it was announced. But the alternative is that you have UWE dictate the tools of the competitive format. I think that is best left with the community, both in theory and as history tells us; in practice.
xDragon has send his questions to the wrong channel, getting no answer (well, he was in the wrong channel) and yelling "noone is answering me, im out".
After that obraxis posted this in the ensl forum:
"Let's have clear communication. The questions you've asked deserve answers and although I'm not a programmer, you can either PM any of us on Discord or if you'd like, email me at scott[at] and I'll start a discussion with the programmers."
And what is the answer to this?
And ALOT of drama.
So instead of investing time to make things clear, you invest time in a useless tournament.
The only result of this is:
You lose 2 days and more from now if you continue with the drama instead of doing what Obraxis mentioned.
But its the Devs fault for sure that the modder is sitting in the wrong channel and that you cant play a few days vanilla till things sorted out.