Squad 5 Nominations!
Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts

Do you know someone who deserves to be recognized and awarded with Squad 5?
This is the place to speak up about them!
That's it!
Contributions can be maps, mods, guides, events, server support, technical support, art assets, you name it!
As long as it is contributing to NS2 and its community, it is worth nominating.
Just so everyone is aware : Squad 5 awards are given in order starting with Blue, then Silver, and finally the very rare Gold. You earn one tier, and if you continue to contribute new things you are eligible for an upgrade if nominated again!
This is the place to speak up about them!
- Include their name with the @ symbol (eg: @IronHorse ) to ensure it's a properly working link to their forum profile
- briefly explain why you believe they should receive Squad 5
- and double check that you aren't recommending them for something they already have.
That's it!
Contributions can be maps, mods, guides, events, server support, technical support, art assets, you name it!
As long as it is contributing to NS2 and its community, it is worth nominating.
Just so everyone is aware : Squad 5 awards are given in order starting with Blue, then Silver, and finally the very rare Gold. You earn one tier, and if you continue to contribute new things you are eligible for an upgrade if nominated again!
I'd like to nominate @Tudy for being an hardworker in regard of the following groups: TAW, NSL and now NS2News. Examples: NSL Season 6, Skulks with Shotguns, Competitive shoutcasting, NSL Reviews, etc. I can't see him not being rewarded for all the stuff he's done so far and the constant boost he keeps providing inside the NSL and the NS2 community in a whole (even amongst the admins). I can honestly say the NSL wouldn't have gotten this far without him. Although he's not looking for any reward he truly deserves some.
@Supafred - There's so many things to talk about him. He provides many servers (including PT and MT servers): some of the most famous european servers. Join his servers and you'll notice a lot of advices for new players, advertising for the NSL and other events or supporting the CDT in its work, and now NS2News. Take away the Thirsty Onos servers and Supa from NS2 and the game would become quite sad in my honest opinion. He leads an NSL team called GIEF ROBOT which won Div 3 Season 6. One thing leads to another. He recruited Prommah in his team and just this, is a challenge. A challenge that requires a reward.
And also being an awesome admin who's quite happy to help newer admins figure out server setups, esp on Linux Boxes.
And because he's French.
Also becouse of ns2 news
I would also like to nominate @Phoenix_Faded_Mod for his help on the Faded mod:
* Releasing a teaser video (A second one is planned for the next months)
* Give a lot of time for feedbacks, conception review, game design, server seeding, pre-release betatesting.
* Made 1 map (unfinished, "Underwater"), and an other one is in progress with the skills earn while making the first one
* Researched creepy and ambiant sounds (cleaned of noise (alien beeper, whisper, ambiant music, etc)) ready for me to use
Unfortunatly he does not own a forum account for now. (pushing him to create one and hoping he won't jump over there too soon, it will be also to make him create a thread for feedbacks on his maps)
Edit and ps: I was wondering why this was called "Squad five", why five ? (curiosity kills a cat already, but I am taking the risk
Keep em coming!
And if you know someone who doesn't have a lot of friends but puts a lot of time and effort into contributing, be that friend and mention them. There's still plenty out there who have never been nominated.
Edit: Note that I cannot award a member with Squad 5 unless they have a forum account registered @Katzenfleisch
"The combat gang" (Who isn't in Squad 5 yet):
The created Combat and Xenoswarm and brought us thousand hours of joy.
Beyond each of them had their own "pet project" influencing the community in one way or the other.
@Rio Hidden Mod, modding guides
@Person8880 Deserves an upgrade as creator of Shine
@Grissi | Consistently measured, positive and well argued contributions to balance discussions
This is what I got initially after release. I have basically been part of gameplay and balance discussions almost from the start of ns2. Worked tons with Andi when he did his big patch and pushed comp mod after he stopped working on ns2.
''Unfortunatly he does not own a forum account for now. '' Now i have my Account
Like I mentioned in that comment the explanations aren't that accurate, unfortunately, because it's just too much to fit on a list. But we definitely should try to get it somewhere in the same ballpark
Keep the nominations coming ppl!
EDIT: clarification, promote him from blue to silver.
Isn't he allready in squad 5?
I removed it from my account once and it was put right back on in another month or so?
I've contemplated removing it from my account again since it never felt right or legitimate, and as such I never display it publicly anywhere.
At this point tho, as the person who is responsible for awarding nominations, I could never ever give it to myself. *shrug*
I do appreciate the thought though
I think you've done enough on NS2 to deserve it. I don't see why you shouldn't display it ingame. But if you need to feel legitimate to do so, I support Beige's nomination in this regard.
I was nominating you for a promotion from S5 Blue to Silver, you unquestionably deserve it.
Provides many backgrounds/arts when we're in need and this, really quickly. You can find all his work on the following link: http://ns2news.org/wallpapers/ - As you may notice, he's also done some arts for the NSL.
Both of them contribute a lot to NS2News so this project couldn't work without their precious help.
On a side-note, they both carry the NS2News tag ingame, that shows how dedicated they are!
I second that. Both are working a lot in the background and their results are only seen indirectly most of the time. And they are good at it, as well