Onos Mount
Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow

Onos should be mountable. There should be an onos mount researchable in the armory/robotics lab. When it is researched both the onos mount and the onos lasso are researched. To mount an onos you need at least three marines. Two will need onos lassos which will have an electrical lasso like animation that holds the onos. You need at leasts two onos lassos to hold the onos still enough for a marine with a jetpack to fly up and mount the onos, only if he is brave enough. While lasso'd the onos can still attack and move a little bit. The onos moving around makes it harder for the marine to find the position needed to place the onos mount. An onos can turn and attack the would be mounter. With 3 marines lassoing the onos it can't move around making it easier to mount but can turn and attack. With 4 marines lassoing the onos is held perfectly still unable to attack and can and will be mounted by the marine with the onos mount.
After the onos has been mounted, the onos player dies. Then the marine gets to ride an onos around until he dies. The marine will get a third person view model of himself riding an onos. He can still shoot. He controls the onos with WASD. When with in range of an enemy or enemy structure the onos will attack it, while the marine can also shoot. This marine can not be welded and is stuck on the onos. He will have whatever gun he had when he mounted the onos, although rifle or grenade launcher would obviously be the most powerful while riding the onos. The marine/onus's health will be twice that of the onos. The only way he can heal is by natural alien regen speeds.
This is balanced because the massive amount of tres and coordination needed to mount the onos. The marine equivalent of a gorge hydra rush is what this would be, although more expensive but far more lol worthy.
After the onos has been mounted, the onos player dies. Then the marine gets to ride an onos around until he dies. The marine will get a third person view model of himself riding an onos. He can still shoot. He controls the onos with WASD. When with in range of an enemy or enemy structure the onos will attack it, while the marine can also shoot. This marine can not be welded and is stuck on the onos. He will have whatever gun he had when he mounted the onos, although rifle or grenade launcher would obviously be the most powerful while riding the onos. The marine/onus's health will be twice that of the onos. The only way he can heal is by natural alien regen speeds.
This is balanced because the massive amount of tres and coordination needed to mount the onos. The marine equivalent of a gorge hydra rush is what this would be, although more expensive but far more lol worthy.
Keep this game realistic please, this community demands realism!
Good. There is a model already.
This is no ordinary rope lasso. This is an onos lasso powered by naniites. The model/animation would have to be one similar to electricity.
Also, the Onos saddle™ grants a +25% hp/armor through it's forcefield.
Now now @F0rdPrefect, we don't want this being too OP.
9 days left UWE. Yes this a proper allocation of resources. Remember all the new people who saw the exo trailer and bought the game for that. Wait till they hear they can ride the aliens most powerful species.
More ideas on the lasso animation. I imagine it like a blue thunderbolt that you must aim strait at the onos. When hitting the onos it makes circular thunderbolt at the end. Kinda like below.
The gun itself could look something similar to the portal gun but not so valvish.
My question is how does the alien team counter the Lasso? Does a gorges Bile Bomb destroy the Lasso, forcing the marine player to run back to back and buy a new Lasso? Maybe have another alien player bite the Lasso, or kill the marine hold the Lasso?
Interesting concept, but don't think it would work very well. Moving your camera into 3rd person while on the back of an Onos would be rather hard on certain maps. With a lower ceiling(Hallways), this would be difficult to navigate where you're heading. Unless you are pretty awesome with using your mini map displayed in the HUD.
Please expand on your idea. I like it, but not enough detail for me personally to agree with it being put into the game.
You could get two marines to hold the onos down while the rest of the team shoots it dead, but researching lassos and lassos them selves would have to be expensive. There is a strong incentive to not kill the onos. If you can get the onos mounted/saddled it would be the strongest unit and the most lol worthy. The sheer cost and teamwork involved would be enough to make most not attempt this. Those who do will have initiative. Lassoing should have some more skill than just aim at onos and lasso'd but I am not sure how. Making mounting the onos take skill would not be too difficult. Just make the exact location where you have to place the saddle difficult to find.
You can kill the marines holding the lassos releasing the onos. That seemed self explanatory to me. It is a nanite lasso with a marine on the other end not a nanite net.
Moving around the map would be no harder than it already is for an onos. The actual hitbox will be that of the onos. The marine will just be on the model of the onos. The view point will be from the marine though.
The lasso(gun?) has a long cooldown and a short range. The lasso-effect only lasts a really short time. The 2 lasso marines need to time their trap perfectly (both at almost the same time) and get real close.
Btw: You should call it 'ensnare' for general game recognition.
Edit: the ensnare-gun might also be used to slow/trap fades, lerks etc for a short time.
The lassoing marines should play a really quick minigame of space invaders during the process, rendering them vulnerable and raising the skill required to perform the action.
Yes yes. Short range so you have to take the risk of getting near the onos. Needs to be times for more coordination. The more marines using them the better the effect, as I said four marines will hold an onos perfectly still, but two will only prevent it from moving more that a few feet. More marines lassoing/ensnaring the better the effect but the harder to pull off. Maybe not a long cool down but a fire delay and a visual audio cue so the aliens know it is coming.
I prefer lasso to ensnare. Fits much more with the onos riding theme.
The lasso gun could be used on all life forms I guess.
It would be a quick but very hard minigame of space invaders, that if you win you are invincible while lassoing. If you lose the minigame you are vulnerable.
Can you use alien vision on an captured onos? Via neurolink?
add a secondary gunner spot on the back that a jp can land on and hit E to hold on and shoot... but still be able to fly away...
I think that this would be a good way to discourage lasso spam from players: If you lasso a lifeform like an onos by your self or with too few others, the onos will drag you around, dealing constant damage to you for either a set amount of time or until you die.
I like the dragging idea but not everything else. This is no regular lasso where an onos could pull 6 marines. This is a nanite lasso, and quite powerful. It is more like a force field rope. It is both elastic and rigid. It does have its limits. One marine would slow down and onos 30% and would drag the marine, a second 60% which would be a walking pace for the marines, a third 90% basically making the onos immobile but still able to attack those close enough, a fourth 120% making the onos unable to defend itself.
Even if this doesn't make it into the game (unlikely I know), someone should definitely make an Onos rustling mod where marines have x amount of time to lasso wild onos without dying and hog tie them.
Vortex is ok. Give fades the ability to blink into ones body possessing it.
Most of these ideas are pretty lol. I do really like the lerk lift though, and onos mount would be pretty cool also.
How about... parasite infects every other marine the infected marine touches?
I have a better idea. Aliens can research "Infection" at the hive, similarly to how marines have to research nanosheild. Infestation is bacteria, so aliens can research on to infect the marines. So when a marine walks on infestation he becomes visible till he walks back to an armory. Brings back hive site, but called infection.
That's actually a pretty nice idea.