The weirdest key bindings I've ever seen (nxzl. GLISS)
Join Date: 2009-06-04 Member: 67683Members

I was watching Gliss's videos on youtube and came across this - he started evolving lerk and then opened his options bindings tab - I was like wtf, how do you even play like that?
I once tried binding V for shoot/hit - that is so horrible because you're using one hand for movement and attacking and I find it very confusing.
I once tried binding V for shoot/hit - that is so horrible because you're using one hand for movement and attacking and I find it very confusing.
mine is a bit different too. it's just what I grew up using, haven't found a reason to change it yet. still feel it's better than the generic wasd. i can press any key you can while moving and a few more.
w forward
e left
r right
s back
my pinky manages
a quickswitch (if the game had it)
ctrl crouch
shift walk/run
capslock mumble
Now the weirdest thing I have is that I use invert.
g = forward
h = backwards
f = strafe L
j = strafe R
space = jump
k = sprint
m = duck
u = use
d = flashlight
i, o and l are filler keys.
Alt gr is for voice chat.
mousebuttons are attacks, evolve & scroll weapon.
anything else is shoved on another key as I dont need it in immediate reach.
I know someone who used arrow keys for movement, right ctrl for fire etc.
I've bound K for kill, mouse2 for pistol script, p was for pause lag teleporting that's been patched out, M for MAP. Nah it's c.
Why would you bind forward and backwards so you waste two fingers on it?
Anyway. I deem all your bindings vastly inefficient! The only true binding looks like this:
wasd = regular
shift = reload
space = blink etc
Alt = sprint etc
Control = crouch
f = flashlight/alienvision
r = mumble
lmb = shoot
rmb = jump
mouse4 (thumb) = map
mouse5 (thumb) = ingame voice
Oh, and mouse inverted ofc!
Now that's just reckless ornithopter flying.
Move Forward = Arrow Up
Move Backward = Arrow Down
Strafe Left = Arrow Left
Strafe Right = Arrow Right
Jump = Right Shift
Movement Special = Right Control
Crouch = NumPad 0
Scoreboard = Tab
Primary Attack = LMB
Secondary Attack = RMB
Reload = MMB
Use = Enter
Drop Weapon = NumPad Del
Evolve Menu = Home
Show Map = \
Flashlight = /
Taunt = '
Chat = .
TeamChat = ,
Request Medpack = Delete
Request Order = End
Request Ammo = Page Down
Basically everything around the Arrow keys. Been using that in pretty much every game. Worked out pretty well back in my UT days.
The default WASD bindings are not my thing for whatever reason. Perhaps the gap around the Arrow keys helps me to orientate where all the keys are.
NumPad keys are usually used for all kind of special ability stuff, extra mouse buttons for actions that I need to perform often and quick in combat, like a "Switch to Shieldgun and use it's AltFire and switch back to previous weapon on release" macro in UT2k4 against falldamage deaths or a "Switch to Linkgun and use it's AltFire and switch back to previous weapon on release" macro in ONS to quickly heal whatever I run across.
d = jump
c = crouch
space = blink,leap
mouse3 = ss, sprint
To explain: 3 fingers are dedicated to directional controls, one each for "left" and "right", and one finger that alternates "forward" and "back". That leaves two fingers to cover 3+ remaining movements, jump, crouch, and sprint. I use space for jump and left-alt for crouch so it's possible for one finger (thumb) to handle both of those. The remaining finger, pinky, handles sprint and walk (if the game has both). That's all my fingers, dedicated to all my movement. Anything else I want to accomplish with my left hand, like flashlight or map, means sacrificing momentary control over my ability to maneuver. I don't like doing that, so I bind as much as I can to my mouse. The only thing I have bound to the keyboard besides movement is the flashlight and chat. The rest is crammed onto the thumb area of my mouse. BUT, if I could move all my movement controls to the mouse, I could simply dedicate my whole right hand to all my movement, and never, ever, have to sacrifice maneuverability for other actions. It also means instead of anchoring three fingers on the left hand to one spot (WASD or ESDF), really only the primary fire needs to be an anchor, and four other fingers are free to move about and adapt to situational needs.
Simple.. because I aint.
wasd cramps fingers together and always felt off for me. Not counting the thumb I do place my other 4 fingers on fghj yes. It feels more relaxed and ergonomic.
Also easier to rest the rest of the hand on the bottom of the keyboard, below the spacebar.
"But you said you do not waste a finger by having both forward/back keys".
Those fingers are responsible for ty and nb fillter. Also if I move my finger for rightstrafe to a key like k or I, I can use my finger for backwards to keep hitting strafe.
All in all I hardly need to move my hand as most of the keys I use are within reach.
R is also a filer key I use for reload for example. It can be a ok way to move when you are used to it, I think.
It's not! The inverted mouse shadow on the second moon has spoken!
Most of my other keys are default, except the two thumb keys take care of secondary attack/movement special and voice is always left shift, unless it's 3rd party voice then it's left control.
I did a double bind for jump on both spacebar and middlemouse specificly for bunnyhop. (NS1)
Configurability is one of the features of PCs which I value the most, and luckily it's a popular one.
And I'll add : people who don't use inverted mouse are not glorious quake 1 / flight sim players. :-P
I actually made custom bindings that i use to this day, using z and x for strafing in quake 2 (lithium and action mods) because I found that it opened up the keys around the s, z, x area for everything else far better than the embedded wasd format.
It lasted all the way up to Mechwarrior 4 and then finally died on me. I switched back to keyboard-only and didn't really use the mouse outside of RTS and adventure games. When I did start using the mouse in FPS games, I got used to the standard WASD scheme, and I think it works a lot better.
I've had a few tf2 players use ESDF and IJKL movement simply because they have more keys on the board to play with
Hey now, you can't lump all inverted mouse users into that! lol... I got my inverted mouse habit from playing... some old star wars game.. think it was called x-wing fighter or tie fighter.... something like that. (guess you could make the argument as being a flight sim.)
idk how you WASD plebs do it
Only pro pong players from back in the days will know...