Hmm the DAKConfig you presented looks like it should load that, can you check that messages is still there? Do you see any errors in the server console?
no comma would be needed after the last element. Could you try moving messages towards the middle of the list?
"afkkicker", "baseadmincommands", "enhancedlogging", "mapvote", "motd", "messages", "unstuck", "voterandom", "votesurrender"
Well the reason I say to delete/recreate the config is that the variable has changed for the plugin list, it should be PluginsList now (without the K). What version of DAK are you using (workshop/GitHub?).
ok the latest version has been installed, new EN and DAKconfig were created I have altered as previously stated please see below configs, messages are still not listed using sv_listplugins, the others are.
"VoteSurrender": {
"kVoteSurrenderVotingTime": 120,
"kVoteSurrenderAlertDelay": 20,
"kVoteSurrenderMinimumPercentage": 60,
"kEnabled": true
"AFKKicker": {
"kAFKKickWarning1": 30,
"kAFKKickMessage": "%s kicked from the server for idling more than %d seconds.",
"kAFKKickDelay": 150,
"kAFKKickCheckDelay": 5,
"kAFKKickWarning2": 10,
"kAFKKickWarningMessage1": "You will be kicked in %d seconds for idling.",
"kAFKKickDisconnectReason": "Kicked from the server for idling more than %d seconds.",
"kAFKKickClientMessage": "You are being kicked for idling for more than %d seconds.",
"kAFKKickReturnMessage": "You are no longer flagged as idle.",
"kAFKKickWarningMessage2": "You will be kicked in %d seconds for idling.",
"kAFKKickMinimumPlayers": 5,
"kEnabled": true
"MOTD": {
"kMOTDMessageDelay": 6,
"kMOTDMessage": [ "********************************************************************", "* Commands: These can be entered via chat or the console (~) ", "* rtv: To initiate a map vote aka Rock The Vote ", "* random: To vote for auto-random teams for next 30 minutes ", "* timeleft: To display the time until next map vote ", "* surrender: To initiate or vote in a surrender vote for your team. ", "* acceptmotd: To accept and suppress this message ", "* stuck: To have your player teleported to be unstuck. ", "********************************************************************" ],
"kMOTDMessagesPerTick": 5,
"kMOTDMessageRevision": 1,
"kEnabled": true
"VoteRandom": {
"kVoteRandomInstantly": false,
"kVoteRandomConnectAlert": "Random teams are enabled, you are being randomed to a team.",
"kVoteRandomMinimumPercentage": 60,
"kVoteRandomDuration": 30,
"kVoteRandomVoteCountAlert": "%s voted for random teams. (%s votes, needed %s).",
"kVoteRandomEnabledDuration": "Random teams have been enabled for the next %s Minutes",
"kVoteRandomEnabled": "Random teams have been enabled, the round will restart.",
"kEnabled": true
"DAKLoader": {
"kEnabled": true,
"GamerulesClassName": "NS2Gamerules",
"OverrideInterp": {
"kInterp": 100,
"kEnabled": false
"LoadFromServerLUA": false,
"GamerulesExtensions": true,
"kPluginsList": [ "messages", "afkkick", "baseadmincommands", "enhancedlogging", "mapvote", "motd", "unstuck", "voterandom", "votesurrender" ],
"kDelayedServerUpdate": 1,
"kDelayedClientConnect": 2
"MapVote": {
"kVoteMapRockTheVote": "%s rock'd the vote. (%s votes, needed %s).",
"kMapsToSelect": 7,
"kDontRepeatFor": 4,
"kVoteMapExtended": "****** Voting has ended, extending current map for %s minutes. ",
"kVoteMapNoWinner": "****** Voting has ended, no map won. ",
"kVoteMapStarted": "******* Map vote has begun. (%s%% votes needed to win) ******",
"kVoteStartDelay": 8,
"kVoteMapBeginning": "****** Map vote will begin in %s seconds. ******",
"kVoteMapHowToVote": "****** You can vote for the map you want by typing vote # ******",
"kVoteMapWinner": "****** Voting has ended, %s won with %s votes. ",
"kExtendDuration": 15,
"kVoteMapMapListing": "****** vote %s for %s ",
"kVoteMapInsufficientMaps": "****** Not enough maps for a vote. ******",
"kVoteNotifyDelay": 6,
"kVotingDuration": 30,
"kVoteMapCurrentMapVotes": "****** %s votes for %s (to vote, type vote %s) ******",
"kVoteMapCancelled": "****** Map vote has been cancelled. ******",
"kVoteMapAutomaticChange": "****** Advancing to next map in mapcycle. ",
"kVoteMapTimeLeft": "****** %.1f seconds are left to vote ******",
"kVoteChangeDelay": 4,
"kVoteMapMinimumNotMet": "******%s had the most votes with %s, but the minimum required is %s.******",
"kVoteMapTie": "****** Voting has ended with a tie, A new vote will start in %s seconds ******",
"kVoteMinimumPercentage": 25,
"kRTVMinimumPercentage": 50,
"kMaximumExtends": 3,
"kEnabled": true
"Unstuck": {
"kMinimumWaitTime": 5,
"kTimeBetweenUntucks": 30,
"kEnabled": true
"EnhancedLogging": {
"kServerTimeZoneAdjustment": 0,
"kEnhancedLoggingSubDir": "Logs",
"kEnabled": true
"messages": {
"kMessageInterval": 1
"kMessagesPerTick": 4
"kMessageStartDelay": 1
"kMessageTickDelay": 5
"BaseAdminCommands": {
"kEnabled": true
"_COMMENTS": "This file should not be edited, it is re-created every map change. To edit default messages, You will want to make a copy of this file, and rename
it to EN.json. By Default, EN is the default language for all players, and will be used as the primary source. This file is only used if the EN.json file doesnt have the needed strings
or doesnt exist. You can also configure additional languages by creating multiple versions of this file, and adding them in the config. Clients can set their language ingame with \lang.
You can delete this line in your custom files.",
"AFKKickClientMessage": "You are being kicked for idling for more than %d seconds.",
"AFKKickDisconnectReason": "Kicked from the server for idling more than %d seconds.",
"AFKKickMessage": "%s kicked from the server for idling more than %d seconds.",
"AFKKickReturnMessage": "You are no longer flagged as idle.",
"AFKKickWarningMessage1": "You will be kicked in %d seconds for idling.",
"AFKKickWarningMessage2": "You will be kicked in %d seconds for idling.",
"AvailableLanguages": "Available Languages are - [%s].",
"GaggedMessage": "You have been gagged.",
"InvalidMap": "Invalid Map Provided.",
"MOTDAccepted": "You accepted the MOTD.",
"MOTDAlreadyAccepted": "You already accepted the MOTD.",
"MOTDMessage": [
"* Welcome to the Server, Play nice and have fun ",
"* rtv: To initiate a map vote aka Rock The Vote ",
"* random: To vote for auto-random teams for next 30 minutes ",
"* timeleft: To display the time until next map vote ",
"* surrender: To initiate or vote in a surrender vote for your team. ",
"* acceptmotd: To accept and suppress this message ",
"* stuck: To have your player teleported to be unstuck. ",
"PregameNotification": "****** %.1f seconds remaining before game begins! ******",
"SetLanguage": "Language changed to %s.",
"SetLanguageAdmin": "Language changed for %s to %s.",
"SurrenderTeamQuit": "Team %s has voted to surrender.",
"SurrenderVoteAlreadyVoted": "You already voted for to surrender.",
"SurrenderVoteCancelled": "Surrender vote for team %s has been cancelled.",
"SurrenderVoteExpired": "The surrender vote for your team has expired.",
"SurrenderVoteStarted": "A vote has started for your team to surrender. %s votes are needed.",
"SurrenderVoteToSurrender": "You have voted to surrender.",
"SurrenderVoteUpdate": "%s votes to surrender, %s needed, %s seconds left. type surrender to vote",
"UngaggedMessage": "You have been ungagged.",
"Unstuck": "Unstuck!",
"UnstuckIn": "You will be unstuck in %s seconds.",
"UnstuckMoved": "You moved since issuing unstuck command?",
"UnstuckRecently": "You have unstucked too recently, please wait %.1f seconds.",
"VoteMapAlreadyRTVd": "You already voted for a mapvote.",
"VoteMapAlreadyRunning": "Map vote already running.",
"VoteMapAlreadyVoted": "You already voted for %s.",
"VoteMapAutomaticChange": "****** Advancing to next map in mapcycle. ******",
"VoteMapBeginning": "****** Map vote will begin in %s seconds. ******",
"VoteMapCancelled": "****** Map vote has been cancelled. ******",
"VoteMapCastVote": "Vote cast for %s.",
"VoteMapCurrentMapVotes": "****** %s votes for %s (to vote, type vote %s) ******",
"VoteMapExtended": "****** Voting has ended, extending current map for %s minutes. ******",
"VoteMapHowToVote": "****** You can vote for the map you want by typing vote # ******",
"VoteMapInsufficientMaps": "****** Not enough maps for a vote. ******",
"VoteMapMapListing": "****** vote %s for %s ******",
"VoteMapMinimumNotMet": "******%s had the most votes with %s, but the minimum required is %s.******",
"VoteMapNoWinner": "****** Voting has ended, no map won. ******",
"VoteMapNotRunning": "Map vote not running.",
"VoteMapRockTheVote": "%s rock'd the vote. (%s votes, needed %s).",
"VoteMapStarted": "****** Map vote has begun. (%s%% votes needed to win) ******",
"VoteMapTie": "****** Voting has ended with a tie, A new vote will start in %s seconds ******",
"VoteMapTieBreaker": "****** Voting has ended with a tie, %s was selected as the nextmap. ******",
"VoteMapTimeLeft": "****** %.1f seconds are left to vote ******",
"VoteMapTimeRemaining": "%.1f Minutes Remaining.",
"VoteMapWinner": "****** Voting has ended, %s won with %s votes. ******",
"VoteRandomAlreadyEnabled": "Random teams already enabled.",
"VoteRandomAlreadyVoted": "You already voted for random teams.",
"VoteRandomConnectAlert": "Random teams are enabled, you are being randomed to a team.",
"VoteRandomDisabled": "Random teams have been disabled.",
"VoteRandomEnabled": "Random teams have been enabled, the round will restart.",
"VoteRandomEnabledDuration": "Random teams have been enabled for the next %s Minutes",
"VoteRandomTeamJoinBlock": "Random teams are enabled, you will be randomed to a team shortly.",
"VoteRandomVoteCountAlert": "%s voted for random teams. (%s votes, needed %s).",
"PeriodicMessages": [
"******************** Welcome to the NS2 Servers ********************",
"*********** You can also visit our forums at 123.NS2.COM ***********",
It looks like web admin bans aren't properly recording the reason that's set. Much of the time the reason will be missing some words, or no reason will be set at all. I do know UWE changed a bit of the code when recording bans in web admin. That might explain why I'm encountering this issue.
For the messages plugin, it looks like your looking at an older DAKConfig.json file, is there a chance its being created in a different place on the server?
Regarding votekick plugin, I've asked this before and you declined because you're worried it will be abused.
Would you reconsider if you made it require the majority of players to agree to the vote or something like that? There will always be a chance it can be abused but it's still worth using it on servers.
Admin's most of the time aren't on when griefing/hacking happens. Players can report it but it won't be taken care of until after the damage has been done. Votekick is really needed.
Hello Dragon and thank you for your hard work.
But for me there is always something missing for the reserved slot. It would be great to disable the kick for the reserved slot in the config file. It is more fair for players and wont be kicked for a slot.
For the time being i'm deleting a line in reservedslots.lua but i'm still using the old version to integrate DAK on our server (to bypass the old mod filter) and i'm afraid that wont work forever...
If the reserved slot does not kick anyone what does it do? Or do you want to just have 1 extra slot that only reserved slot users can play on (which still requires kicking those that try to occupy that slot)?
It's just lock the server with a password.
It's true that server can be full if 3 people are joining at the same time but it is extremely rare.
My server work this way for 3 months now and dont have problem...
Regarding votekick plugin, I've asked this before and you declined because you're worried it will be abused.
Would you reconsider if you made it require the majority of players to agree to the vote or something like that? There will always be a chance it can be abused but it's still worth using it on servers.
Admin's most of the time aren't on when griefing/hacking happens. Players can report it but it won't be taken care of until after the damage has been done. Votekick is really needed.
To help amend this issue, we give our res slot holders access to the sv_eject command. It's useful when dealing with troll commanders (especially when an admin can't be reached).
For the messages plugin, it looks like your looking at an older DAKConfig.json file, is there a chance its being created in a different place on the server?
xDragon, thanks for your help, provider has now updated again and messages are now working
Added an option to configure what teams the AFK plugin monitors. Also, DAK should now support banning by steam IDs even if that user is not connected (it converts it to an NS2ID internally).
Its still something that isnt finished, the basic admin menu framework is done (currently supports kick/ban/slay, just basics for testing). I also finished a basic confirmation menu system, I just need to implement an additional feature or 2 to finalize things. Then I can work on adding the remaining things people would like to have in a basic admin menu, and optionally converting other plugins to use the menus over message spam.
There is an option to turn it on, but it would require that you be running the mod via workshop currently, as the client side only mod for just the menu isnt finished yet. If you look under loader in the DAKConfig file you might see the option .
Also can we please get alien commander actions added to log files such as when they start an upgrade for something and cancel it and when they drop a hive. This is important for stats and for being able to catch trolls.
Thanks again for all the great work you do on this mod!
"kPluginsList": [ "afkkicker", "baseadmincommands", "enhancedlogging", "mapvote", "motd", "unstuck", "voterandom", "votesurrender", "messages" ],
"afkkicker", "baseadmincommands", "enhancedlogging", "mapvote", "motd", "messages", "unstuck", "voterandom", "votesurrender"
doesnt show up in sv_listplugins
Also have you tried deleting the config and letting it be re-created?
I reinstalled the mod this morning using their web interface
Ok I have asked them to ensure that the latest version is installed, I will report back here with the outcome, thanks for your help (so far)
Would you reconsider if you made it require the majority of players to agree to the vote or something like that? There will always be a chance it can be abused but it's still worth using it on servers.
Admin's most of the time aren't on when griefing/hacking happens. Players can report it but it won't be taken care of until after the damage has been done. Votekick is really needed.
But for me there is always something missing for the reserved slot. It would be great to disable the kick for the reserved slot in the config file. It is more fair for players and wont be kicked for a slot.
For the time being i'm deleting a line in reservedslots.lua but i'm still using the old version to integrate DAK on our server (to bypass the old mod filter) and i'm afraid that wont work forever...
It's true that server can be full if 3 people are joining at the same time but it is extremely rare.
My server work this way for 3 months now and dont have problem...
To help amend this issue, we give our res slot holders access to the sv_eject command. It's useful when dealing with troll commanders (especially when an admin can't be reached).
xDragon, thanks for your help, provider has now updated again and messages are now working
I can't find any option to achieve this.
There is an option to turn it on, but it would require that you be running the mod via workshop currently, as the client side only mod for just the menu isnt finished yet. If you look under loader in the DAKConfig file you might see the option
Thanks again for all the great work you do on this mod!