Alien vision default = on?
Join Date: 2002-11-30 Member: 10289Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor

Given how powerful alien vision is, the majority of aliens have it on quite often. So I'm wondering if the default can be to have it on instead of off when you spawn. If it was default on you could still turn it off. I think it might also help new players, since many have no clue what it does since they have never used it.
however it's the (IMO, incorrect) position of the devs that alien vision is meant to be an ability and as such should have tradeoffs (in the past it drained energy, for example).
this seems to be a poor choice because
1) players do not view it as an ability that should have drawbacks, many players (especially from other competitive shooters) see it as a simple convenience. it blends with the alien abilities of vision obstruction. aside from the few nuisances listed above, it basically is a UI feature.
2) gameplay-wise there doesn't seem to be a way to make a drawback that doesn't feel forced to the point where it won't be either a) too weak and a nuisance to toggle on and off repeatedly or b) too good and people just won't use it because it's not that difficult to see in the first place
3) the moddability of alien vision was one of its selling points, I distinctly recall a youtube video where a dev was editing the alien vision real time and showing off the different kinds of alien vision that could be possible. if alien vision is supposed to have drawbacks then I don't really see how you can market it as moddable without running into point #2: introducing a drawback that seems lame and forced
4) vision obscuration has yet to prove itself as an interesting or fun balance mechanic
just another thing that needs a clear design direction on what the intent is, but as far as I know it was intended to be the latter and only turned out this way due to time constraints.
I think alien vision should remain on (once you turn it on) throughout the game until you physically turn it off (even if you die and respawn).
<---- Runs for cover
And I agree that alien vision should stay on after evolving, but I don't think you should spawn with it on. Also in future, it would be dandy if we were allowed to modify alien vision RGB colors from options instead of having to modify the actual file. It's not a problem or anything, but for the general users it would be an awesome addition in the future!
That is how the game looks and the graphics are that crappy if you want to play aliens well. There's very little reason to turn it off so I tend to play the entire game like that. Except, amusingly, for when the horrible graphics get too much for my eyes and I turn it off to get some relief.
Less crappy alien vision graphics would be nice.
You don't understand, it's the first impression it makes on a new player used to games where there are no alternate vision modes. Think of it from a user experience standpoint as opposed to optimum amount of win while playing aliens.
I'm saying it would be an accurate first impression. You will spend the vast majority of your time with alien vision turned on when playing aliens, there is very little reason not to do so. If a player joined aliens and thought 'this looks like crap' he would be accurate in that assessment, because it does look like crap most of the time, because you'll be playing with alien vision on, especially if you're a new player and stand to gain most from the obvious advantages of it.
It looks so much nicer, has less strain on the eyes.
I had the mod loaded for some time, but came accross only 1 server which allowed for the use of it.
Don't look for a white-list anytime soon.
I rarely use it - sometimes spiking in chaotic environments, or approaching the enemy in the dark - and personally feel like its a crutch. It isn't training you to better your target acquisition.. it just makes it so when you turn it off (or go marines) that you were used to that aid.
But I realize that's my personal preference and playstyle and does not reflect everyone else's.
And as for other reasons not to use it in it's current form, there's a list of why, but mostly it all boils down to less situational awareness. Here's just a few: (dont forget seeing your own weapon usage like BB)
Edit: And YES to that Alien vision mod from @Paajtor .. that thing is a beauty
On the one hand the game 'looks better' with alien vision off. No dispute here. However, an alien (especially newer player) will usually be more effective with it on. So if the new player knows nothing about alien vision, they may get disenchanted with the alien team since it will be overly hard to play.
On the other hand if it starts with it on, it may not look as good, but the newer player will be more effective. Furthermore, I would think if a new player saw the colours they might think it was a bug and say something in chat. At which point people would tell them how to turn it off if they want.
No one ever asks about turning it on since new players don't know it exists. See the conundrum here?
Considering it is a toggle, I don't see why it would be a big deal to start with it on. What's the downside, aside from your concern about what people will think about the graphics?
I agree with fixing it's issues still though, especially having to re toggle it back on.
I really don't care about this issue, but do not understand why you're so against it being on by default. Then you'd have to do what the majority already have to do, you have to press flashlight. Ohnoes.
Default on or a button to switch between on/off tbh makes more sense to me. I imagine that majority of people play everything with alien vision on, most good players probably only play with it off when they are gorge and even then it's still good for spotting targets.
this, awesome idea. maybe it should also slow your movement down. i remember people asking for p.res sinks and some complain about the game being too fast
If this would be implemented, just make it a toggle option in the menu. Would solve your "problems" either side of this thread...
That argument goes both ways.
The built-in tutorial system prompts the player to activate it as soon as he enters a room where the power went down. Which is pretty often, given how much new players like to chew on some power node after a victory.
Anyway alien vision is situation as well. (ie gorge bilebomb, glass windows, etc...)