Natural Selection 2 News Update - Friday Update (Build 136)



  • whoppaXXLwhoppaXXL Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58298Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    It is <i>so</i> great. I'm speechless.
  • pSyk0mAnpSyk0mAn Nerdish by Nature Germany Join Date: 2003-08-07 Member: 19166Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
    edited February 2010
    "Improved asset thumbnail rendering for models"

    Seems like it got worse. May be related to my radeon card though.

    I can confirm that there are less blank thumbnails (a few are still there), but now all the models are black or very dark for me, except the entity models (system/editor).
    A lot of the recently added props were already too dark for me, but now all are.

    For instance for me a few light props get blank thumbnails now and the light-parts of the props aren't bright anymore.
  • CricketCricket Join Date: 2009-05-31 Member: 67603Members
    Really liked the pre-alpha footage, looking great so far. I love that it still looks like it feels like NS, even with all of the new crazy stuff going on, the game still seems like good ol' NS. The pistol looks pretty beefy, I'd like to see a little more of it. And DAYUM is that one funky lookin' alien resource node! I hope that... big... gullet at the end of it kind of expands and gets fatter the more resources it collects.

    Can't wait for the alpha!
  • BadMouthBadMouth It ceases to be exclusive when you can have a custom member titl Join Date: 2004-05-21 Member: 28815Members
    I'm pretty happy that UWE has acknowledged that the video shows a build a bit "rough" around the edges. It means that the alpha is going to be pretty decent. After all, in one of their tweets, they were aiming to release a more or less "polished" alpha.

    One of the things I'm concerned about is the sprint. There seemed to be an animation for sprint in the video and an increased movement speed. Personally, I'm not really for the idea of sprinting in NS2, as I think it might take away the movement advantage aliens had over the marines. Obviously, it won't be infinite sprint but I wonder if short term sprints would be able to tip the balance too much. This is only speculation.
  • TgaudTgaud Join Date: 2009-05-01 Member: 67323Members
    Something disturbed me :

    That's the way the skulk, and moreover Marines moves.
    models are moving their legs but it's like they're floating in the air...
    The speed of the leg mouvement isnot quite syncrhonised with the speed of the model maybe ?

    And it seem that marines are homosexual when they moves. I can't say i like it.
    That's the opposite of the Ns1 Model where they moved like BadAss..

    But maybe everything will change before the end :)
  • AsranielAsraniel Join Date: 2002-06-03 Member: 724Members, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, Retired Community Developer
    edited February 2010
    i think any kind of speculation at that point is out of place. imho sprinting can be cool, specialy because the weapon seems innactive, so if you want to run away, you have to turn around, loose your waepon for some time, so if you don't have some marine friends waiting for you, your pretty much dead.

    edit: ah and i think the marine animations look cool as do the alien animations.
  • terrex26terrex26 Join Date: 2003-09-30 Member: 21353Members
  • finch07finch07 Join Date: 2008-12-06 Member: 65676Members
    I'm really excited to play this, you guys are doing a fantastic job!
  • AnthoniAnthoni Join Date: 2009-04-10 Member: 67129Members
    That sprint animation on the view model looks at bit... violent. lol Yet it is a pre-alpha so I guess I shouldn't nag on it.
  • haizdudehaizdude Join Date: 2005-01-08 Member: 33695Members
    Omg!!! It looks SO AWESOME!!!! Ahhh brings back good memories =).

    Great job guys!

  • 1mannARMEE1mannARMEE Join Date: 2008-09-23 Member: 65064Members
    I really liked the video and congratulations on your Indie Game of the Year thing :)

    The buildings the marines have look really great and fit quite nice into the background story, they are looking way more compact and tougher to me compared to the old buildings in NS1, but I didn't like the look of the Ressource Tower of the Aliens, it's way too small imho.

    Keep up the good work.

    And thanks alot for the update !
  • Death DragonDeath Dragon Join Date: 2010-01-11 Member: 70072Members
    0:56 when he stops shooting at the Skulk on the ground and starts targeting the one on the ceiling, gave me an idea for a parasite replacement:
    Something the Skulk can shoot that throws off the aim of the marine hit?
    Maybe that would be a little <i>too</i> annoying.
  • elodeaelodea Editlodea Join Date: 2009-06-20 Member: 67877Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    uwe! i hope your sales figures just sky rocketed :) well deserved and well done!
  • KurvyKurvy Join Date: 2005-03-15 Member: 45406Members, Constellation
    Beautiful ... absolutely stunning. The music is amazing!!!!!!! I am very impressed.
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    edited February 2010
    I was wondering how u did the video? I mean how did u recorded 2 people playing was either of them a bot or do you have the netcode done in the game?
    allso is the game running a little bit smoother than what was shown in the video, cause I know most recording software allways takes away a minimum of 10fps from the game.
  • descendantdescendant Join Date: 2009-05-30 Member: 67547Members
    This makes me very happy! Looking very much forward to be able to play the alpha (testing all the different mechanics).
  • phoenixbbsphoenixbbs Join Date: 2003-02-10 Member: 13379Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Subnautica Playtester
    <!--quoteo(post=1751229:date=Feb 6 2010, 02:49 AM:name=cmc5788)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (cmc5788 @ Feb 6 2010, 02:49 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751229"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You're right, they're clearly discriminating against your kind in their marketing. They also need to demographically target Asperger's.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I'm currently undergoing assessment for Aspergers - not everyone with it has two heads you know, but i'm sure you think you know best :-}

    I have computer and electrical qualifications, worked full time continuously since leaving school (almost 25 years now), been married for 16 years, I just don't do "social" very well.

    If focus, intelligence, and honesty aren't your thing, we'll pretend it's our loss if it makes you feel better :-p
  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1751322:date=Feb 6 2010, 01:30 PM:name=rammaj)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (rammaj @ Feb 6 2010, 01:30 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751322"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I was wondering how u did the video? I mean how did u recorded 2 people playing was either of them a bot or do you have the netcode done in the game?
    allso is the game running a little bit smoother than what was shown in the video, cause I know most recording software allways takes away a minimum of 10fps from the game.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I'm sure they can play it over LAN without having to worry too much about bandwidth.
  • IeptBarakatIeptBarakat The most difficult name to speak ingame. Join Date: 2009-07-10 Member: 68107Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited February 2010
    <!--quoteo(post=1751329:date=Feb 6 2010, 09:06 AM:name=Chris0132)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Chris0132 @ Feb 6 2010, 09:06 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751329"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I'm sure they can play it over LAN without having to worry too much about bandwidth.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Then when ns2 multiplayer alpha/beta launches..

    zomg the laaag
  • Mr. EpicMr. Epic Join Date: 2003-08-01 Member: 18660Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1751345:date=Feb 6 2010, 10:14 AM:name=IeptBarakat)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (IeptBarakat @ Feb 6 2010, 10:14 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751345"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Then when ns2 multiplayer alpha/beta launches..

    zomg the laaag<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    cant be worse than a large room (or long corridor) full of laser mines.
  • Tylerm1983Tylerm1983 Join Date: 2009-08-07 Member: 68374Members
    I think the game looks great but the only thing that stood out to me is the marine rifle. It could be me though and it could be just the alpha stages but the overall rifle seems unrealistic to me.. One issue I have with it .. is with the way the rifle sounds when you shoot it and the second issue is the way it looks when you shoot it. I dont have a problem with the way the weapon looks though. N E ways just my 2 cents... keep up the good work guys!
  • Squeal_Like_A_PigSqueal_Like_A_Pig Janitor Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 66Members, Super Administrators, NS1 Playtester, NS2 Developer, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Developer
    edited February 2010
    <!--quoteo(post=1751223:date=Feb 6 2010, 02:24 AM:name=Machinaster)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Machinaster @ Feb 6 2010, 02:24 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751223"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Again, I'm <u>really</u> diggin' the music! And the visuals are really comin' along. Can't wait to see more!

    I'd also like to point out how I'm hoping for a soundtrack even more so, now.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Glad you like the music. We are really happy with the direction the music is going in, and I've been enjoying listening to the songs while I work. Currently there are plans for a soundtrack.

    <!--quoteo(post=1751223:date=Feb 6 2010, 02:24 AM:name=Machinaster)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Machinaster @ Feb 6 2010, 02:24 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751223"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->That obs: someone pointed out as being an NS1 model earlier today; it looks like it has a lot more to it than the NS1 model had.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    The observatory shown in the vid is indeed an NS2 model, not an NS1 stand in. It was the one NS1 marine building design that seemed to still fit in perfectly, and we felt that redesigning it would just have been changing it for the sake of changing it. That said, however, the model and texture are both completely new, and, while it may not be easy to see from the vid, it is much more detailed and high res and cool looking then the old one.

    <!--quoteo(post=1751322:date=Feb 6 2010, 01:30 PM:name=rammaj)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (rammaj @ Feb 6 2010, 01:30 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751322"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I was wondering how u did the video? I mean how did u recorded 2 people playing was either of them a bot or do you have the netcode done in the game?
    allso is the game running a little bit smoother than what was shown in the video, cause I know most recording software allways takes away a minimum of 10fps from the game.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    That was multiple people connected in a game. For instance, the scene where the skulk runs into the vent, the skulk was Max, and the marine shooting him was Charlie.

    And yes, while there is still loads of optimizing that will be done to get the frame rate up, the frame rate did take an additonal drop when the recording software was on.

  • C4K3C4K3 Join Date: 2008-01-26 Member: 63502Banned, Constellation
    edited February 2010
    <!--quoteo(post=1751350:date=Feb 6 2010, 09:24 AM:name=CyberMantis)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (CyberMantis @ Feb 6 2010, 09:24 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751350"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->cant be worse than a large room (or long corridor) full of laser mines.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    As you know, NS2 it's CPU intensive and laggy with all those dynamic lighting and procedural infestation with huge poly models and several bump, displacement, shine, reflection and lighting layers for render a single frame... It could work as a cinematic engine for sci-fi movies with low budget production if anything. Or perhaps it could be a decent stand alone like deadspace or fallout 3 if they optimize it somehow but, eh, that's not NS. At all. I don't know why I'll not be shocked with the crappy performance quality of this... thing in 2011 - 12. The only hope is a new generation of computers that can handle this... thing... without lag, but even in that scenario there will be a couple of stereographic amazing games waiting to be played in those ubermachines instead a cheesy plain shooter released in a hurry so, no.
  • 7th.Wrath7th.Wrath Join Date: 2008-05-31 Member: 64363Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1751358:date=Feb 6 2010, 07:46 AM:name=C4K3)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (C4K3 @ Feb 6 2010, 07:46 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751358"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->As you know, NS2 it's CPU intensive and laggy as fack, with all those dynamic lighting and procedural infestation with huge poly models and several bump, displacement, shine, reflection and lighting layers for render a single frame... Is a pile of trash for a multiplayer online game almost as bad as AvsP. It could work as a cinematic engine for sci-fi movies with low budget production if anything. Or perhaps it could be a decent stand alone like deadspace or fallout 3 if they optimize it somehow but, eh, that's not NS. At all. I don't know why I'll not be shocked with the crappy performance quality of this... thing in 2011 - 12. The only hope is a new generation of computers that can handle this... thing... without lag, but even in that scenario there will be a couple of stereographic amazing games waiting to be played in those ubermachines instead a cheesy plain shooter released in a hurry so, no. What a shame of sadsauce.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    That was all on a pretty low end machine.
  • Mr. EpicMr. Epic Join Date: 2003-08-01 Member: 18660Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1751358:date=Feb 6 2010, 10:46 AM:name=C4K3)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (C4K3 @ Feb 6 2010, 10:46 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1751358"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->As you know, NS2 it's CPU intensive and laggy as fack, with all those dynamic lighting and procedural infestation with huge poly models and several bump, displacement, shine, reflection and lighting layers for render a single frame... Is a pile of trash for a multiplayer online game almost as bad as AvsP. It could work as a cinematic engine for sci-fi movies with low budget production if anything. Or perhaps it could be a decent stand alone like deadspace or fallout 3 if they optimize it somehow but, eh, that's not NS. At all. I don't know why I'll not be shocked with the crappy performance quality of this... thing in 2011 - 12. The only hope is a new generation of computers that can handle this... thing... without lag, but even in that scenario there will be a couple of stereographic amazing games waiting to be played in those ubermachines instead a cheesy plain shooter released in a hurry so, no. What a shame of sadsauce.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Lag refers to network latency, not to low framerate... in the context of the discussion. Concerning the game performance, we know already that turning shadows off makes the game completely playable. No concern about performance for this game. With LOTS of shadows, it does slow down quite a bit. That is unfortunate because the shadows give a lot of atmosphere. Worst case its just slow with shadows. Best case the optimization makes it run well and keep the shadows dynamic like it is. Alternative case the way the shadows are done is changed eg: the dynamic shadows for certain props could be converted to static lightmaps or something. With the exception of shadows, the game seems to run just fine even with all of the other stuff going on.
  • KhazeKhaze Join Date: 2006-12-12 Member: 59031Members
    Seems to be coming together nicely. Glad to see some footage, even if it is stampted with work in progress.
  • xXSMGXxxXSMGXx Join Date: 2009-12-22 Member: 69757Members
    <u>Here is some constructive criticism from me </u>:)

    I dislike the new design of marine buildings. They look proportional, but maybe its the artstyle
    or the size i don't know. They are just not that appealing.

    Also the weapon models look too bulky, similar to that of Doom 3. The weapons in Doom 3 looked too big
    and crude. I prefer NS1 design over this new of NS2. Especially the pistol, it looks more like a taser?

    Now the skulk model. It looks like a monkey on all fours, not an alien.

    <u>Things that impressed me </u>:)

    Marine movements, look really fluid and functional. (Mo-Cap?)
    Level design. It looks like it stays true to its predecessor, dark edgy and slick. Very good atmosphere.
    Gorge and resource tower looked amazing. An improvement from NS1.
    The marine ability to sprint. Very cool, however im disliking the weapon wobble animation. Hopefully its a placeholder.
  • AtoneAtone Join Date: 2009-09-21 Member: 68839Members
    edited February 2010
    Looking great for a pre-alpha. My only complaint so far are the resource towers. They just don't look nearly as cool as their predecessors.

    Also, what's up with the gun's display spazzing out when the marine is entering the command console?
  • palliepallie Join Date: 2009-10-12 Member: 69028Members
    Nice video, good to see the game is in a sort of play-able state.

    I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet but the part where a skulk is running up to a marine from the skulk's POV you can clearly see a parasite circle in the screen. This seems to contradict the skulk reveal which stated parasite was out.
  • GutterGutter Join Date: 2003-11-02 Member: 22235Members, Constellation
    Honestly, I believe UnknownWorlds is changing too much. This <u>MOD</u> has lasted 7 years for a damn good reason. That is 7 years of development they are throwing out when they start changing stuff. Change is great but only when warranted or needed. The new engine looks great it seems. Glad they went away from Source. However, changing game dynamics either because they don't fit in with the engine or because they want to go in a different direction is a bad move honestly.

    Also, only 10 rounds in the pistol? Looks like a full size pistol to me, so it must be holding something like a .44 mag or .50 AE to limit its rounds to such a small amount. It does have a bar left over so perhaps the capacity changes with upgrades?
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