Tales from the frontlines



  • ZcaliberZcaliber Join Date: 2002-01-26 Member: 93Members
    *Drool* Tell us, what is this 'Mod' called?

    *Has AvP2 disk in hand anxiously waiting the response*
  • RenegadeRenegade Old school Join Date: 2002-03-29 Member: 361Members
    I'm not <i>too</i> sure what the name of the mod is, but I know a friend of mine who runs a server that uses it would know. He could tell you, but his comp was fried by a virus from a hacker who didn't like being kicked for hacking (was an alien and managed to kill anyone he came within 10 feet of  <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo--> ). I'll let everyone know when my bud gets back online.
  • ZcaliberZcaliber Join Date: 2002-01-26 Member: 93Members
    At this point i'd even take a guess. ^^;;

    Something to hold out till NS anyways...

    God I hate hackers. >=\
  • alius42alius42 Join Date: 2002-07-23 Member: 987Members
    Woohoo! I just bought it. The first alien missions are alot of fun.
  • RenegadeRenegade Old school Join Date: 2002-03-29 Member: 361Members
    ... Did I convince you to but AvP2? Weird  :|

    Anyways, back to fantasizing about playing Natural Selection. MmmMmMmmMmmm... Big @$$ gun.
  • Silver_FoxSilver_Fox Spammer Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 34Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    *Please excuse any spelling mistakes, must type this before I forget it*


    Just had one <b>hell</b> of a game on Bast ...

    oh my oh my ..

    Lets hope I dont forget too much of it.

    I had joined the alien team this game, ended up being 5 vs 5.  We started in the refinery and I begined the game like any other, rush the marines for the first death, then hang back a bit and pick em off.

    I had run up into a vent and instead of droping down and trying to kill a few marines, I stayed up there and paracited a few.  I end up dying, but I figured it was worth it.

    When I respawned I notice we were starting to be attacked, this was a suprise, cause usually marines build up a defence then attack.  They started their attack very early ... and it was working.  Eventually, we clear out the refinery and I trot off to build another Hive.

    I evolve into a builder with just enough resources to build a hive.  I also built a few resource collecters along the way.  I then noticed something odd; the marines didnt capture the atmospheric processing area.  That area has two resource nossles and is pretty much vital to secure a win.  I drop down two collecters and a few offence chambers to guard it.  I run back to the hive and its almost done building (I had also dropped 3 defence chambers).

    I press tab, more or less out of habbit, and I notice ... I'm the only one left alive ...

    I'm like .. 'greeeaaat'.  So then I try to build a few more offence chambers to guard the hive, but ... for some odd reason - I cant build anything!  I had the resources, the ground was flat ... AGH!  Damn bugs!

    So I said forget it, then evolved into a level one.  I just stuck around my hive till it was done building ... suprisingly, the marines never tried attacking during this time.  I just shrugged it off.  My team mates start coming back to life and I start attacking various places.  I note that the lvl1 just wasnt doing anything ... so, I evolve into a lvl 3.

    Well, I come back around the hive and it turns out the marines had started attacking it - and they had Power Armor ... <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->  They were killing everything too.  I fly up in there and realise half way through the battle, I loose my Spikes (IE; no hives).  I think 'Crap'.

    So, I start flying like mad while trying to bite the 3 or so marines with shotguns and hmg's ... and jetpacks.  Well, I'm not sure how, but I managed to kill every single one of those guys in a long drawn out battle.   <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->   Quite fun.

    But, the marines attack presented a problem, I had no hives.

    I hit Tab to see who's still alive and I note PlagueBearer was still alive - and a builder too!  Oh happy day!  I remember him saying something about the refinery so I flap off that way.  When I get there I see the marines had placed 2 turrets down to 'guard' the hive ... lol .. silly marines ...

    I fly up into the rafters and spike em to death .. er - destruction, what ever ... they cease to be.  The I see Plague down on the bottom, he starts the hive and then goes <b>crazy</b> with the offencive and defencive chambers.  I'm not complaining .. but .. WOW ... tons of em ...

    Anyway ... the marines start attacking the water hive again, I flap off to take care of em, then the chambers in refinery are under attack, so I flap all the way back over ...

    Back and fourth for a while.  Eventually ... we get the water hive back up.  Yay.  Spore time.  I start going down this hallway not 30 seconds away from the hive and I see like ... 4 marines slowly advancing towards my hive.  So, I shoot a few spores at em ... well - ok - I F'n spammed em, but it worked - er, some what.

    I had redemption, so everytime I was about to die, I would be transported back to the refinery.  Well, <b>somehow</b> during one of my attacks, Tommy kills me - <i>after an attack and being low on health I had already transported back to the hive - then died there ...</i>

    I respawn and our refinery hive is under attack again ... great ...

    So, I evolve into a lvl 3 again ... ^_^ ... and flap off to deal with some marines.  I end up killing a few (most where ontop of the hive, to avoid the ground aliens).  They actually end up killing the hive.   <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->   Bummer ...

    We clear the room, then Plauge starts to build the hive again.  I then note I lost my spikes, turns out those damn marines attacked us again very quickly.  So, I run up in there and chomp on a few marines.  After I clear the room, I press tab and notice ... I'm alone again ...


    Ok, so I go back to the refinery, because its already building.  I camp it a while and then get bored.  So, I just leave it and go towards the water hive.  I met a few marines at the end of a long hallway.  I hear HMG's so, I promptly turn around and fly back the other way.  I sit around the refinery a bit and then those damn marines start their attack.  4 marines with power armor, shotties, hmg's, jetpacks against a lvl 3 ...

    All I have at this point is my bite attack, so there I am, flying all over the refinery (which is quite large, with lots of places to hide) while trying to chomp down on some marines.  Well - its not working too well.  They're shooting at me, but their aim isnt so great I guess ... Eventually, they get tired of me buzzing around their heads and head off to the hive.  I took out one or two when their backs were turned, but the others had already started attacking the hive.

    Well, I had distracted them long enough for the hive to come online again.  We clear out the room and I mutter over my voice comm 'Man, if we some how come back, I'll never let them live this down'.  Well, I end up dying again and when I respawn someone says they got the marines spawn.  I saw something along the lines of 'Well, they're still coming so they must have another'.  Well a few minutes pass and I press Tab again.  I notice the marine someone killed hasnt respawned!  I was like SWEEET.  I'm yelling over my voice comm for everyone just to kill the marines.

    I was in the water hive and evolved back into a level 3.  I start flying towards the refinery hive (which was under attack) and there was all of the marines in there.  They were all attacking the hive.  We managed to kill all but one, Tommy ...

    I see him jet away down a hallway and I yell 'Get him!  Hes the last one!'.

    Well, all I see are 3 level 1's slowly trotting after him, I knew they'd never catch him.  So, I started flapping my wings as fast as the could go.  I came to a Y intersection and had to choose.  I figured the marine would try to take the quickest way out.  I was right ..  <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->

    But, he was alllll the way at the end of the hallway and started climbing the ladder to safty (They had about 100 turrets at the top of it).  I thought 'Oh no you dont' and flew faster then I thought possible, I accidentally overshot him and went up the ramp a little bit.  No harm done, still a ways from the turrets, but I missed my target ... Doh!

    So I try to think really quickly.  I knew I over shot him, I knew there was only one way up and I knew my other teammates (although slower) would catch him if he were to go down.  I was at about the middle of the ramp and the only ladder up was to the left.  So, I turn to my left a few seconds after I overshot him and hold down my attack button.

    I chomp a few times and hit nothing but air.  After 3 or 4 misses, I hear a nice warm sounding crunchy noise ...

    Pay back is a ##### Tommy ...


    We won the game.

    Which goes to show you (and my second story of this nature) - never ever <b>EVER</b> give up!


    You never know how the game can turn out in your favor.  I had thought about just killing my self the first time I was alone, but I decided to stick with the game.  It gave us the victory.

    Also note, my team did help - this story is just more centralised around my experiance, so I dont refer to other people that much.  But they did help alot ..  ^_^
  • alius42alius42 Join Date: 2002-07-23 Member: 987Members
    Great story silver.
  • humbabahumbaba That Exciting Tales From the Frontline Guy Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 86Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    2 stories eventually. This one is of a FULL alien game (and I probobly missed something, it was quite a game, especially for 3 vs 3)

    Aliens on Bast. Seperate game from Silvers. This is a FULL account of a game.
       The game began and I looked around. We were in the refinery of bast, a massive room lit with the orange light of a massive furnace. Immediately, I hit tab and look at my teammates. Its 3 vs 3. One is new and has never played on Bast, the other usually plays marines. Admittedly, I usually play as marines, but I'm pretty good with aliens. I spawn and, beign in the commander mind set, say "O.K., I'm gonna go for some resource nodes and put up some upgrade chambers, one of you go to the water hive and the other to the engine. Lets get those set up".
       I set about my work, watching the hive sight indicators of my teammates trundle off to their positions. The water hive skulk begins gestating to a Gorge while I, using my age old, tried and tested lvl 2 trick, swim to the bottom of the watery channel between the refinery and water hive and build upgrade chambers there, away from the guns of the enemy. The new player is still yet to reach the engine hive, and encounters a group of marien turrets. Well, 2/3ds of the map almost secure. I swim through the long channel, dropping chambers as I go. I pop out in the water hive, at the brink of death from suffocation and look around. A fellow Gorge is just starting the hive. I notify him "I will fortify this hive, you go and harass as a lvl 3 or get more nodes". Even if we didnt need the rps, a node that YOU exhaust is a node the mariens cant exhaust.
         So, we have 1 hive still, and one hive building. I decide im going to wait for the hive to complete, than evolve to a Fade and kick some ###. Sadly, its not to be. My hive sight notifies me that our buildings and forces are under attack. The resource tower in the hallway en route to the refinery, and the new player. I hit my popup menu and begin gestating to a lerk as fast as I can.
           Crap crap crap. The hive sight indicator for the resource tower dissapears. Well, that means they either killed it or decided to stop shooting it. Probobly the first one. Which means they are one step away from killing the refienry hive. I spring out of my gestation and flit down past a ladder and through the tram tunnel. I swoop low up the ramp and than pump my wings madly to gain altitude, lifting high to the 4 or 5 story roof of the refinery. I survey. There are 2 marine shapes in the far doorway. They look like ants. I look down and release my jump button, freefalling down. I slowly increase the speed until I leevel off. The end result: A nice parabolic swoop. I glide in right toward the marines face. CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP! I tear his head to shreds and he flys backward. His teammate, aim thrown off from the surprise of this new threat, stitches the wall behind me with LMG bullets. I fly past, and land, charging my energy (exhausted from the swoop and bites). I hear him return. I smack my jump key and swoop in low towards his ankles and CHOMP! he jumps me. Literally OVER me. I hop up and snap at his legs. Tear at his flesh. CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP!. The silly jarhead twirls over and dies. Whew, that was close.
        A certain silly marine accidently uses non-team chat to request an HMG. The newer player informs me that there are turrets blockading the engine hive from the infestation's spread. Basically, set backs. So much of the joy of Natural Selection is analyzing the situation tactically and making calls as in an RTS game. Well, we can win with 2. I return to Gorge form (rps are plentiful with so many nodes and so few players) and swim down to my comfy nest under water. I build some more, different, upgrade chambers. Its like insurance. I evolve to a lvl 3 and am informed that the water hive is udner attack. Well, ####. Figures, if they fail once, they give up and try elsewhere. Fah. I swim through, beating my wings in the water.
            I burst up through the hole in the floor and look around. They have yet to penetrate the ACTUAL hive room. I fly around the corner, accelerating as I turn see a marine crawling his way out of a vent in the floor of the hall, carrying a Heavy Machine gun and sheathed in glowing power armor. Well, I can at least delay him. He jumps out of the vent in the floor and crouches, sendign a roaring hot lead volley up at me as I fly over the blast furnace. I spin around and swoop at him. He has assumed I left, and doesnt turn around. Maybe hes just blocking out the sound of my wings flapping because he doesnt want to here it. I bite him twice in rapid sucession. He turns around and I look him in the eyes just before I bite into his skull once . . .twice . . .three times a lady!. Lets see power armor hold out against that! I drift to the floor beside the corpse of the fallen marine as my fellow lerk spikes his comrade to death.
          We've been stalemated so far, and Im getting tired of playing with my food. Both of the hives are adequately defended. It's time to end this, cause I have to go in 10 mintues to walk the dog. I fly back into the water hive and begin my long anticipated evolution to Fade. By far my favorite alien class. I evolve adrenaline and carapace upgrades, and Im all set to go commando on their ###. I crawl into the vent and work my way to the elevator leading up to the marine start. I look up and take a deep breath. I jump into the air for good luck and hit FIRE! the blink. Shooting 6 stories up an elevator shaft, I hit my head on the ceiling of the marine start and immediately hear the turrets lock on as I fall towards the floor of the marien base. The roar of 5+ turrets is deafening and disturbing. In mid air- my time seems to slow down and I see my opening. When blinking, you begin to see the map as faces. You look for the key polygon that you can get up against with the touch of a button. I see the opening to the lift of the pill-box shaped CC housing. I click and crouch. Thr turrets lose thir sight of me and I crawl forward onto the small lift to the CC. Almsot to the objective. I rise up and accidentally stand. The turrets bombard me and I lose a good chunk of my health. I crouch back down again, recovering the energy lost for a twin blink. I than proceed to tear apart the CC.
          As my claws go about their happy business. I am informed that the refinery hive is under attack. "Help!" cries my teammate. I continue to destroy the CC, but look around for the blip on my hive sight. The entire area toward the refinery is lit up like a christmas tree, reds, yellows, and whites. Trouble. Like a bad rash. I destroy the CC and tear apart the juicy meaty marine inside. "CC DOWN!" I type on non-team chat. What do I care if they hear, theyre screwed!.
          I blink out of the cc housing, the turrets gettign a few shots at me as I blink away to the airlock, reducing my health to 20. I hit the switch and, as soon as I can, blink right past the grid of turrets by the airlock. Reorienting in a split second, I aim down the elevator shaft leading toward the refinery. I look around for hive sight indicators. Just the hive, so our defenses must have been circumvented. I arrive at the refinery, and my teammates inform me just as I see it for myself.
            ON TOP OF THE HIVE, two marines sit knifing the hive, 4 or 5 stories above the floor. BLAST those marine jetpacks. They had already emptied all their HMG ammo. Hah, what do they think they'll do with knives anyway. And its not like they'll be getting any ammo there (not without a cc, heh heh heh). I get a funny idea. I blink up to top of the roof and aim as I fall, I blink for the top edge of the hive. I appear in front of these two foolish marines, out of ammo. Slashing at that hive (yes, you can stand on them) we are all crowded there on the hive, 5 stories up. Im down to 10 health. I tear at one of the marines with my scythe and just then, I hear the noise. The hive shrivels and dies, sliding out beneath all our feet. I lauigh for a moment as I look in front of me. Falling at the exact same height and speed as me, right across from me, are the two marines. All three of us hit the ground with a splat, casualties of Human Stupidity. 3 simultaneous, accidental falling deaths. Quite possibly the most beautiful moment in NS history.
         Well, within ten minutes more, through some trials and tribulations, we managed a victory. It was one of the best NS games Ive ever had.

    <!--EDIT|humbaba|Sep. 01 2002,01:43-->
  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    oi, haven't read them yet, but those are LONG!
  • tommydtommyd Creator of ns_tanith, co_pulse and co_faceoff Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 40Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, NS2 Developer
    yup, that was the best game EVER silver.  you played great, surviving against all the marines just by yourself.  i had NO ammo at the end of the game, so it was imperative that i get up to the airlock.  i had like 10 health.  man, if i would have gotten up that ladder, i would have had turrets backing me up and tons of health and ammo.

    soo close

  • CMEastCMEast Join Date: 2002-05-19 Member: 632Members
    Brilliant stories there, both of them show just how differently games can be and yet at the same time how fulfilling the gameplay is. Lots of tactics, skills and things.

    Im glad that blinking like humbaba describes is possible, adds to the tactical possibilities (like ignoring defenses to get the CC).

    I just hope all games in the future like that are good. Oh and the fact you found a bug means at least one more RC, possibly two to sort it.
  • LongtoothLongtooth Join Date: 2002-07-02 Member: 863Members
    Grr...Humbaba spoke of a glitch...that means another playtest because it will have to be fixed....Damn...........
  • PlaguebearerPlaguebearer Join Date: 2002-03-21 Member: 338Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Yknow, Hum, I think I was one of your teammates that game.  Was I the 'usually a marine' or the 'new guy'?  I'm not THAT new... and I almost NEVER play marines <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • sharpsword6sharpsword6 Join Date: 2002-08-15 Member: 1166Members
    Both story's are long but I managed to read both of them. Silver that was a great story, you should start writing more. Humbaba uh don't wan't to talk about it so I guess you can ask someone else's opinion on your story.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    Humbaba, that was just crazy. If that happened to me, my friends would be telling me for MONTHS to shut the heck up about it.
  • Sgt_XSgt_X Join Date: 2002-03-01 Member: 261Members
    oh LOL Humbaba, ROFL man, LMAO! Excelent story, but the second you start leading up to the "Big Fall" it starts to get so funny, soon as you did that I started laughing.
  • Relic25Relic25 Pixel Punk Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 39Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    As one of the marines perched up on that hive, I can testify that it was one of the funniest moments I have ever seen in NS.
  • bob2bob2 Join Date: 2002-06-15 Member: 772Members
    unfortunately, i can imagine how much fun that would be.

  • humbabahumbaba That Exciting Tales From the Frontline Guy Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 86Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Plague, I think you joined in half way through, and I forgot to include that, my bad. Plague was a valuable addition to the alien team as well.

    NEW STORY, I just decided to edit it in here. This actually was my last game I played last night, but I was too tired to type it up last night.

    I was playing as a marine on NS_Caged. We all spawned and looked around. We were only up against 1 alien at this point, Killtoy, as the other 3 were still talking in the readyroom. A teammate asks "Humb, are you gonna command". "Sure, I guess". I run over and hop in the good ol CC. I place down a spawn portal and the other 3 aliens join their teammate. It was late, but I remember for certain that I had Bathroom Monkey and Flayra under my command at the start, plus one other marine whose name I cant recall (what do you want for 1 in the morning?!&#33<!--emo&;)--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo-->.
       I set up an armory, turret factory, 3 turrets, and am Arms lab. Flayra leaves the game for a bit at this point (Who knows, flay works in mysterious ways) and I'm down to just 2 marines. I order them both to travel to the northeast hive. Halfway there, one of my marine's gets a call from his special someone and has to go. Well, just down to one man now. We travel to the hive, me scrolling over him as he goes, stopping only to set up a Resource tower.
        Upon arrival, I look at the room. Empty. HAH! Silly aliens, you'll be stuck with 2 hives Max for this game. I place a turret factory down and, considering how plentiful the rps are when you only have to equip 1 marine, I set down 4 turrets, a CC backup, armory, and spawn gate, PLUS a prototype lab and observatory. I recycle the old Resource Collector (now empty) at my base, and start researching all those little delicious techs like Motion Tracking and Jetpacks, as well as starting my armory upgrading. An alien builder arrives to start this hive, but too late. He is shot to pieces. The majority of the alien team up to this point had been distrtactedly attacking my base. As my lone marine defends the hive, I look at my CC. Its at half health and being bitten by a lvl 1 clinging to the inside of the large glass window near the CC. I logout of the Console and unload my LMG clip, blasting the Skulk through the glass onto the floor below.
        I hop back in the CC and decide weve waited long enough. I drop a Heavy Machine gun for my marine, and send him south to the 2nd hive under alien control. Judging from how soon we were attacked by skulks in the early game, and how long it took for a Gorge to reach the hive we control, I knew that this Southern Hive was not their first hive, and therefore would be lightly defended. I planend it out, ee were essentially going to be moving in a slow arc, around back to the base, cleaning out all infestation as we went. He moved downward, encountering only a skulk en route, easily dispatched by my marine. I wondered what all the aliens were busy doing. Hmmm. We reached the hive and I dropped down a ton of ammo, ordering my marine to open fire and watch his motion tracking for newly spanwed skulks. At this point, he was almost fully upgraded. The hive was dispatched quickly, having been free of fortification. At this point, or somewhere near this point, Silver Fox joined the game.
        As my lone nameless marine walked toward the hive. I typed "return to base, organize". He began to walk, but the other way. He came close to our main base, where I was situated. It was then that I discovered what the aliens had spent their time doing. In a ring around our main base, taking up a large portion of the map, were alien turrets. A carpet of them. Unfortunately for the aliens, they had done this too late, as We had already slipped out and gained 2 hives. And with jetpacks, we could circumvent this threat and take vents. Well, the marine dies. And I decide that, While he's spawning, Im going to relocate to the Hive room as out main base. I begin marching, leave the base, and walk right into a wall of alien turrets. I dont live for more than 3 seconds before Im dust.
          We all spawn eventually back at the base and I've had enough. No more letting this infestation befoul the ship where I had my first command victory (look back in the stories). Time to wipe these punks out. I drop two Heavy MAchien guns and order my marines to travel south again, passing through the empty hive to double check and then take the vent directly into the last remaining hive. Leave nothing to chance. My marines reach the hive room with no resistence, and find the hive started and a builder gestating. The buidler and hive are swiftly dispatched and my marines move into the vent. They slowly make their way to the last hive and drop out. There are NO fortifications. Sigh .  . .  I spam some ammo and health and they tear up the room with their machine guns. Theres one alien left, and he is heading to the southern hive room. Ugh, they never learn. I notify my marines, but theyve already picked it up on tracking. They run into him as hes about to start the hive and blow him apart.
      Team One wins.

    <!--EDIT|humbaba|Sep. 01 2002,15:02-->
  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    a nice story indeed
  • Thansal1Thansal1 Join Date: 2002-08-26 Member: 1233Members
    hmm, hum said something about a motion tracking?
    I have ebeen away for a few days (and am aslo sorta newb) what exactly is this? is it new? hows it work?
  • GwahirGwahir Join Date: 2002-04-24 Member: 513Members, Constellation
    not new, rather old, you and the commander see blue circles where aliens happen to be moving about, they actually have to be moving, just turning around does not count.
  • LongtoothLongtooth Join Date: 2002-07-02 Member: 863Members
    Does it work all the time or does the commander have to target it for you?
  • GobyWanGobyWan Join Date: 2002-02-22 Member: 234Members
    It's an upgrade, and once you have it it works all the time. STC!

    Hopefully the next RC will NOT be subject to any change and we can have it. <!--emo&:p--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->
  • KidzeldaKidzelda Join Date: 2002-06-25 Member: 819Members
    Once it is researched, it works the whole time afaik.
  • LongtoothLongtooth Join Date: 2002-07-02 Member: 863Members
    Even on Level3 cloaked aliens?  That makes it sort of pointless..........
  • KidzeldaKidzelda Join Date: 2002-06-25 Member: 819Members
    you only cloak if you stand still.So, by standing still, you cloak, and teh <b>motion</b> tracking wont go off, since, you know, your not in motion <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • ComproxComprox *chortle* Canada Join Date: 2002-01-23 Member: 7Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Developer, Subnautica Playtester, Pistachionauts
    For cloak to work, any alien must be standing still. So, if they move, cloak turns off and motion tracking for marines can kick in, if it has been researched. This means any alien can still hide in the shadows, and mutilate the marines from behind after they walk on by.
  • alius42alius42 Join Date: 2002-07-23 Member: 987Members
    Sorry a bit off topic. Renegade was it called X-mod coop? I just found it and am downloading. <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • humbabahumbaba That Exciting Tales From the Frontline Guy Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 86Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Ah joys, another evening of fruitful playtesting. I decided that I would take a break from playing marines for the night and play some aliens. I joined up and found that the map was NS_Tanith. I spawned and decided that we should use the tried and tested Fam tactic. I spoke to my comrades "lets suicede rush them at the start, than, after we respawn, we will have enough rps to set up hives". "I'll go for the double node. We all ran off, traveling in our tight knit three Skulk group. Rounding the corners, like a well trained husky team in the iditarod. We came to the marien base as a unit. They had yet to set up turrets. We streamed in, me biting a marine to shreds in two sharp Chomps. One of my fellow skulks took down another marine, and we all were subsequently killed.
       Exactly to plan. We spawned eventually, and my teammates went off to secure hive rooms, one going to harass. I evolved to a lvl 2 and set off. I came to a broad platform near a hive, like a stage. I crawled off it and looked behind me. Lo and behold, there was a vent into the platform. I crawled into it and filled the whole vent with chambers to heal my team mates, notifying them that "The platform by the satelite is defense chambered up".
       I crawl out and head up a ladder and down a hall toward the oh so valuable double node. By now, our team has secured many of the nodes and I am rolling rps, though both hives are yet to come online. All in good time, I walk down the ladder to the double node and am bombarded by turret fire. I recoil in terror and crawl back up the ladder. Finding a safe corner, I devolve back to a skulk and prepare myself. Time to wage a little guerilla war the Gorge way, all in due time . .
       I fall down the ladder shaft and run straight through a 3 turret grid and look ahead of me as the turrets spray my somewhat battered form. Ahead, theres a pool of sickly sewer water, about as shallow as a plastic kiddie pool. Yumm, just the kind of place that would look great filled with infestation. I crawl into the water and sink to the bottom, evolving to a Gorge again where the sewer water empties into the pool. I watch the bubbles rise, hoping I survive evolving without oxygen, which is all dependant on how long this evolution will take. The Gorge proves speedy enough, and I hatch. swimming up a bit to get breath, I begin placing defense chambers and turrets, just out of LOS of the turrets, but capable of keeping me alive. Their bizarre alien heads pop out of the water, which laps around them, feeding them. Ah . . feels like home. I swim up and a marine turns and blasts me with his LMG. The sting sends me under the water to heal again. I evolve back to a Skulk, playing a bizarre alien form of Musical Chairs. I float to the surface and parasite the Marine. Sinking back down to heal from his retaliation. He still has yet to catch on to my little mini pocket of infestation. I swim up to the edge of the pool and look at my HUD. The yellow blip is right by me, standing at the edge of the fetid pool no doubt, and observing my handiwork. I spring from the water! CHOMP! CHOMP! One hit, one miss. He runs back and receives a health pack from his commander as I sink back among my towers in the water. He runs to the edge of the pool and begins firing on me through the water, but my Defense chambers keep me alive. The second hive comes online, and I take advantage of it. I leap from the water and tear him apart.
          The marines had been foolish. There were three turrets, but they were all on the other side of the twin collectors. Therefore, I could hide behind the rp tower whil I killed it and it would keep me safe. Heh heh, I tear apart one while a comrade arrives and catches on, doing the same. Heh heh, 2 nodes down and I havent died yet. We dipatch the turrets with only 1 casualty and the situation looks great. 2 hives, marines deprived of nodes, and my little pool of water filled with mucky infestation looks absolutely to die for. The interior decorator in me is pleased. I evolve back to lvl 2 and place alien rp collectors on the twin nodes and place a few turrets around them.
        Its getting too late and I, too tired to tell the rest of the story, but I told the best part. Needless to say, we won eventually, the culmination was a Fade rush, with all 5 of us Shooting into the heart of their base and tearing it apart.
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