Cuddle Fish Update Released - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Your new best friend has arrived. The Cuddle Fish Update has been released on Steam! This is a Steam update. To be notified when Cuddle Fish is released on Xbox...
Good luck @Tarkannen...
I'm already in love with the bugfixes and sound effect changes. *Amazing* work on those.
Maybe even a friendly one. You know, in a most cuddly way. :-)
No problem. *cough* *cough* I think I'm going home sick RIGHT NOW.
I play on experimental anyway, so I did have the cuddle fish, I just feel they finally fixed the lighting issues. I haven't gotten a chance to play though, so who knows.
First thing I thought about when I heard that was Portal's Companion Cube
New STUFFS to do!!
Post v1.0 perhaps?
The first thing I hear when turning on the PDA...
I think I liked it better when it was insulting me.
So did I. But Alterra has to build their brand....
On a more serious note, I've noticed a number of changes in Experimental. Some of these should be in the Ghost Leviathan and Cuddlefish releases for Stable:
Some of the blueprint changes:
1x Creepvine seed cluster -> 1x Lubricant
1x Wiring Kit + 2x Gold + 1x Computer Chip -> 1x Advanced wiring kit
3x Uranite crystal + 1x Lead + 1x Titanium + 1x Glass -> 1x Reactor rod
1x Bleach -> 2x Disinfected water but Disinfected water was changed to +30 water from its old value of +40 water
3x Titanium -> 1x Standard Oxygen Tank
1x Standard Oxygen Tank + 2x Glass + 4x Titanium + 1x Silver -> 1x High Capacity Oxygen Tank
1x Fiber mesh -> 1x Fins
1x Fiber mesh -> 1x First aid kit
3x Titanium -> 1x Fire extinguisher
1x Wiring kit + 1x Fiber mesh -> 1x Rebreather
1x Silicon rubber + 1x Cave sulphur + 1x Titanium -> 1x Repair tool
1x Battery + 1x Glass -> 1x Flashlight
1x Diamond + 1x Battery + 1x Titanium + 1x Cave sulphur -> 1x Laser cutter
1x Silver + 1x Titanium -> 1x Beacon
2x Silver + 2x Titanium -> 1x Fabricator
1x Titanium -> 1x Radio
1x Titanium ingot + 1x Power cell + 2x Glass + 1x Lubricant + 1x Lead -> 1x Seamoth
3x Plasteel ingot + 3x Enameled glass + 1x Lubricant + 1x Advanced wiring kit + 3x Lead -> 1x Cyclops
Still looking for the Modification Station, Alien Containment, and the PRAWN Drill Arm. Wrecks left to check: aft of the Aurora, Mountains, and Bulb Zone. Also should search the Grand Reef more as well as explore the Deep Grand Reef Degassi base. But there Ghost Leviathans have me being very cautious.
The increase in number of beasties concerned me, especially the packs of everything from Bleeders to Stalkers to Bone Sharks. The Stalkers are all over the "Safe" Shallows. And packs of Bone Sharks can be a greater threat than Leviathans.
BUT I've just made the Cyclops. I'm concerned at its power consumption. Just moving it a bit to park it by my base and playing with Silent Running burned 10% of the stored batteries. That's damn silly charge consumption. For what the Cyclops was designed for, that it has so little endurance is just wrong.
I've made 1 spare Powercell and found 2 more. But at those power consumption levels, it looks like I'm going to need anywhere from 6 to 12 or more spare Powercells to carry on the Cyclops.
So far for recharging Powercells, I've use the Moonpool and the Solar Module on the Seamoth. Drained Powercells on the Cyclops are going to be a pain, especially as you can't get an integral recharging module until you go down to the Lava Zones and find Kyaninte. And I've never been down there, but I think you need the PRAWN Drill Arm to get it.
So prior to that, for recharging it's going to be using the Solar Module on the Seamoth or a bank of Powercell Rechargers in a base, 4 or more to recharge 8 or more Powercells at a time. That's going to be a lot of Powercells.
I just closed the game and am about to go back in to see if restarting it fixes the problem.
Yeah, that fixed it.
Musta been a little bacteria rather than a BIG Virus BUG.
Just try to think of it as active noise cancelling on an epic scale. It is generating an audio-dampening field that is why the huge power drain
Similarly, how do we get it to stop trying to bite us after we release them? I want a Stalker friend too ;v;
I mean sure I wouldn't be able to interact with it like this, but I'd totally surround my base with hand-raised Stalkers and Bonesharks to ward off other fauna. (And give me all the stalker teeth I could ever need...)
I'd be okay with the Allterraaa jingle if it was immediately followed up with the PDA mockingly saying "Great job not dying." as it used to.
Just leave a couple of pieces of salvage a medium distance from your base in the shallows, then lure a Stalker to it.
It'll hang out there dropping teeth like crazy.
My current bases are in the middle of the Dunes, and the other in the Sea Treader's Path... How am I going to lure one all the way over there?
That doesn't solve the problem of it biting me, or trying to attack my docked seamoth though... Aaaah I wanna surround my bases with friendly monsters~
I personally love that jingle, but I agree they should add the "Great job not dying" part back
Lure one near Lifepod #5, they don't attack it.
Then just stop back every once in awhile and harvest all the 'tooths' ya need.
If you leave 3 or more salvage, they are usually to busy fiddlin' with their 'toys' to attack you.
Yes please and thank you - I want that AI snark back ;;v;;
Even though that monstrosity is now available in the game, and in the Stable build at that (so everyone has it now... sigh), at the very least it's entirely optional to summon into the game. At least they fixed the name to a small degree... it's nowhere near being "cuddly" (I'd imagine with it's slimy moist skin and sinewy tentacles, it would be akin to trying to snuggle with an octopus...) at least the devs have officially acknowledged that it's nowhere within the realm of being "cute" anymore.
As for the Cuddlefish (see, I can call it by its official name now! That's progress... right?) I for one, will harvest every Cuddlefish egg I find and store them in my Seamoth Storage Locker. Once I'm sure that all of those spawn are safely contained, I plan to pilot as far into the Void as I can so that the Ghost Leviathans will attack me. They shall then proceed destroy my Seamoth, consume every ounce of biological matter contained within, and whatever might survive will forever be lost unto the Void itself. Death is a small price to pay to make sure the baby Cthulu will never spawn in my world of 4546B.
On the other hand... maybe I should hatch at least one Cuddlefish to test on. It returns to your side if it's set to do so, right? If that's so, then I'd like to see if they can be targeted with the Propulsion Cannon... it could help me out by being infinite ammo to use against hostile creatures. I could also improve my aim by launching it repeatedly at Crashfish, Crabsquids, Warpers and Ghost Leviathans... I'm sure they would 'enjoy' having him come visit them for company.