Things you think would be cool to add, but won't be

NukesnipeNukesnipe United States Join Date: 2015-05-10 Member: 204370Members
Lemme explain that title. A suggestion is something you want added to the game and hope will be added, right? Well, this thread is for stuff that we want in the game, but know would never get implemented. Wild dreams, basically.

For instance, I think two more vehicles would be pretty damn nice, but I know that they won't be added since, well... the three we have are fine enough as is. But lemme explain them.

Smaller Submarine:
Basically, this one here is a sub designed for shallow exploration and not exactly the same long-distance kind that the Cyclops is good for. It'd be a tiny thing with only three rooms, a cockpit, a hatch in the room right behind it (that could dock onto a ladder module for a Seabase), and then a small Seamoth docking bay, with one or two lockers for exploration. This thing would lack the upgrade system for the Cyclops, but would have a built-in Sonar system, could carry the Seamoth around (so you could get to deeper places to explore), and would all around be quieter (probably through a different type of screw, think the Red October.) It's also faster, so you can zip around those not quite as deep parts of the map, drop off the Seamoth and then get back, though you wouldn't be able to go on long extended trips like with the Cyclops, and you can't explore the ILZ or Lava Lakes as you can't take the Prawn with it.

Large Ship:
Basically, this is to the Cyclops what the Cyclops is to the Seamoth. It's a large surface ship that the Cyclops can dock with, has a built in water purifier module and runs on a nuclear reactor. You can put interior modules on it, so it's basically just a mobile base that lets you drop the Cyclops off over areas that're far away from each other. Now, this one I really know won't ever be implemented, because there's nothing really for the surface of the water and the map's small enough that "faster surface travel" isn't much of an issue, but that's what the thread's all about.

Any other ideas?


  • kspiers82kspiers82 Prairieville, Louisiana Join Date: 2017-07-24 Member: 232001Members
    How about adding the other submarine concepts :)
  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
    I want the Flying Sub from the TV show "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea".

  • RecursionRecursion The cosmos Join Date: 2017-07-01 Member: 231505Members
    An NCC class starship.
  • JamezorgJamezorg United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members
    Well, alongside multiplayer, that all-known, much-loved topic of discussion, I believe that there should be a mechanism that allows you to weaponize your Cyclops and go to war with others in your game.

    Offensive Measures:

    Each Cyclops shall have the option to be kitted out with the following weaponry (I will cover each individually later on):
    -Vanilla Torpedoes
    -Ballistic Torpedoes
    -Anti-Ballistic Torpedoes
    -EMP Torpedoes
    -Trailing Torpedoes
    -Tracker Drones
    -Detonator Drones
    -Basic Current Generators
    -Military Current Generators
    -Advanced Current Generators
    -Life-form Mesmerisers
    -Life-form Containment
    -Ballistic Straps
    -EMP Straps

    Vanilla torpedoes are just simple torpedoes, used to send the enemy off course, or put a dent or two in their hull. Ballistic torpedoes do a lot more damage. Anti-Ballistic torpedoes are a defence mechanism hooked up to your perimeter radar (as discussed in Defensive Measures). EMP torpedoes knock out the opposition's power supply, much like a Crabsquid's EMP blast would. Trailing torpedoes are ballistic torpedoes that track the enemy (usually countered with an Anti-Ballistic torpedo). Tracker drones are fired at fleeing enemies. They show up as a blip on your global radar (as discussed in Defensive Measures). Detonator drones are fired onto an enemy vessel's hull, and are remotely detonated. These could be used to destroy the enemy's bases, or their Cyclops hanger (as discussed in Cyclops Containment and Protective Measures). Current generators are used to set the enemy off course, with increasing levels of efficiency depending on make. Life-form mesmerisers are used to turn nearby life-forms to your side, and life-form containers are used to contain those small enough to be contained. Straps are attached to your life-forms, which are then swam to the enemy's cyclops, where the strap detonates.

    Defensive Measures:

    Each Cyclops shall have the option to be kitted out with the following weaponry (I will cover each individually later on):
    -Perimeter Radar
    -Localised Radar
    -Global Radar
    -Cloaking Mechanism
    -Projectile Disabler

    As you can see, there are fewer defensive measures than there are offensive. But many of these defensive measures actually factor in with the offensive, for example, a perimeter radar can send an electric signal to your anti-ballistic torpedoes (as discussed in Offensive Measures) and fire them at incoming projectiles, including life-forms, ballistic and EMP torpedoes, and even other anti-ballistic torpedoes. Localised radar will not just pick up incoming projectiles, but will also detect nearby vehicles and even Cyclops hangers (as discussed in Cyclops Containment and Protective Measures) and send an electrical signal to your torpedoes. A global radar will scour the whole world, but will not detect anything save the enemy's Cyclops hanger(s). Cloaking Mechanism is rather straight forward; your submarine becomes invisible as to evade enemies' sight. And, if all else fails (you have run out of torpedoes, or your engine has failed and you aren't generating electricity), your Perimeter Radar may send an emergency electrical pulse to your Projectile Disabler, which will disable any projectiles (all specialised torpedoes will instantly be reduced to just vanilla torpedoes).

    Cyclops Containment and Protective Measures:

    Cyclops can be contained in a hanger. This is where a Cyclops may be stored, protected, and reconstructed or repaired. A Cyclops Hanger is your base of operations in the war against other Cyclops captains. It is your home, and it is your Cyclops's safehouse. A hanger must be kept safe. These are the upgrades and attachments you can grant your hanger:

    -Manual Turrets
    -Automated Turrets
    -Rapid-fire Turrets
    -Laser Turrets
    -Manual Torpedo Launcher (capable of holding EMP and Ballistic torpedoes [see Offensive Measures])
    -Automated Torpedo Launcher (capable of holding EMP and Ballistic torpedoes [see Offensive Measures])
    -Tracking Torpedo Launcher (capable of holding Tracking torpedoes [see Offensive Measures])
    -Life-form Containment (Note that your hanger does not come with a life-form mesmeriser [see Offensive Measures])
    -Emergency Self-Destruct Capabilities

    The hanger can be equipped with turrets. Manual turrets require a passenger to use, and fire at a rate of 3rps (Note that all turrets can be upgraded. This will be touched on later in the chapter). Automated turrets do not require a passenger to use, and fire at 3rps. Rapid fire turrets do not require a passenger to use, and fire at 6rps. Laser Turrets require a passenger to use, and fire a continuous blast of heat for five seconds. Manual torpedo launchers require a passenger to use, and are capable of firing Vanilla, EMP and Ballistic torpedoes. Automated torpedo launchers do not require a passenger to use. Tracking torpedo launchers require a passenger to use. They can hold any type of torpedo, including ballistic. Life-form containment must be opened manually, and can hold the equivalent of ten bone sharks.

    Emergency Self-Destruct Capabilities:

    This mechanism warrants its own paragraph. What's worse than having your Cyclops sunk by some rapscallions looking for battle? The same rapscallions stealing your Cyclops and either breaking it down for their own upgrades or just plain using it against you. Well, if all your defences fail, and the enemy breaches your hanger and are converging on your Cyclops, then what else is there to do but deny them of victory one last time? Using the Emergency Self-Destruct will destroy your Cyclops, your hanger and all upgrades attached to both. It will kill anything and anyone within the hanger or within the blast's twenty-metre range.

    Turret Upgrades:

    -Rate of Fire Upgrade 1
    -Rate of Fire Upgrade 2
    -Rate of Fire Upgrade 3
    -Rail-mount speed increase 1
    -Rail-mount speed increase 2

    Rate of fire upgrades will increase your turret's rps by 1, 2 and 3 respectively. A rail mount will mount your turret on a rail and make it movable, so that in can reach the corners where it otherwise would fail to see. Speed increases to the rail can be toggled on and off during battle.

    So there you go, that's what I want.

  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Recursion wrote: »
    An NCC class starship.

    Oh, and that even fits, believe it or not...

  • TarkannenTarkannen North Carolina Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221304Members
    Recursion wrote: »
    An NCC class starship.

    Realistically, their current Unity engine for Subnautica could be easily adapted to turn "underwater" physics into "outer space" physics. Just basically remove the 'ceiling' for ocean surface that triggers gravity and on-land mechanics, remove the land terrain with smaller blots to serve as asteroids, remove the current sun and replace the skybox with a starfield (or just keep the night-time effects but reduce the darkness effect).

    How the game operates when piloting the Seamoth in sea would work just fine in space, and the Exosuit would be fun to have operating on a lunar surface. It's that very reason why I would love a New Game+ / DLC / Subnautica Sequel to focus on the moon orbiting 4546B. People have countered that "it's not Subnautica if it's not in the ocean!" or "I don't want to play in space!", but let's be honest here. Unless it's a drastically new concept or a direct sequel expanding on the original game's concepts (Subnautica 2: A Hero's Return), I'd kind of like to see things shaken up a bit. That's why I'll cling to my tiny hope that sometime in the future we'll have a space/lunar version of Subnautica as well. :)

    And to raise the stakes just a bit, if a version of "Lunautica" ever comes to fruition...



    I'll formally adopt the Cutefish as my #1 travel buddy forever in Subnautica. :open_mouth:

    (That's how much I'm willing to see that version hopefully become a thing.) :sweat_smile:
  • ShuttleBugShuttleBug USA Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228943Members
    I want an all out horror experience. One that rotates around you facing horribly disfigured creatures trying to eat you whole. BTW i Love Horror so that's why XD

    P.S. the void should be a fully detailed biome based on mining resources and with specially equipped drills in total blackness.
    Wild dreams here :)
  • leenpowellleenpowell Join Date: 2017-07-19 Member: 231926Members
    edited July 2017
    Dynamic weather, like hurricanes that can damage shallow bases and move shallow vehicles and disrupt player movement, slamming them into the ground and causing damage. Players would need to be hidden in caves, be deep, or inside their shallow base running around repairing it as the storm passes by. They would be rare events but you would get a PDA warning about an approaching storm and you could either choose to take what you have an dive or post up in your base to keep it together. Maybe you have a 5-10 minute warning.

    Boneshark migration routes that you'd need to study in order to avoid them.
  • orobourosorobouros US Join Date: 2016-04-01 Member: 215163Members
    edited July 2017
    ShuttleBug wrote: »
    I want an all out horror experience. One that rotates around you facing horribly disfigured creatures trying to eat you whole. BTW i Love Horror so that's why XD

    P.S. the void should be a fully detailed biome based on mining resources and with specially equipped drills in total blackness.
    Wild dreams here :)

    I've felt like there was going to be a lot more of this in Subnautica to begin with, but they've steered away from it. I'm a little disappointed at least. Some of the ideas and rumors I heard were chilling.
    That there were originally only going to be 2 or 3 Warpers... that had been mutated from some or all Degasi survivors.
    Then there's the fun idea that Carar is the source of Kharaa, of Natural Selection
    fame. As in the rescue of the survivor from Subnautica is the reason it both mutates into a threat and is explosed to the galaxy. Except that now there's a PDA reference that makes it seem like the Kharaa conflict started before the Aurora was ever launched.
    One new bit of horror I hadn't expected was the revelation that the Precursor species was, in fact, biological (not energy, mechanical, silicate, what have you) and many of the research staff had to have their minds uploaded when they became infected with Carar. Only to sit on hard drives on computers in flooded bases on an abandoned planet at the bottom of the ocean for 1000 years... and the implication that their entire empire is dead from the disease, since nobody ever came to rescue them.

    I too think the Void offers an opportunity for horror. I've recommended before that, to keep creature animation costs down, they might consider a procedural algorithm that "mines" parts and textures, behaviors, attacks, and sounds from the entire Subnautica ecosystem and "randomizes" them into horrific amalgamations of semi-familiar parts. But the wrong size, color, and behavior, of course.

    Now you can have that Aurora-sized Peeper, beak lined with a dozen snapping Reaper mandibles, with a Ghost Ray skeleton & texture, and a slowed-down Reaper or sped-up Warper call. And that's just the start... The idea that the entire rest of the planet's ecosystem is FUBAR, between the Carar and the Precursors' genetic tampering, has appeal to me.
  • NuclearTestingNuclearTesting Join Date: 2017-07-27 Member: 232082Members
    edited July 2017
    Recursion wrote: »
    An NCC class starship.

    Yes. Star Trek. Yes. SPAAAACE!!! spaaaaaace....
  • ShuttleBugShuttleBug USA Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228943Members
    orobouros wrote: »

    I've felt like there was going to be a lot more of this in Subnautica to begin with, but they've steered away from it. I'm a little disappointed at least. Some of the ideas and rumors I heard were chilling.
    That there were originally only going to be 2 or 3 Warpers... that had been mutated from some or all Degasi survivors.
    Then there's the fun idea that Carar is the source of Kharaa, of Natural Selection
    fame. As in the rescue of the survivor from Subnautica is the reason it both mutates into a threat and is explosed to the galaxy. Except that now there's a PDA reference that makes it seem like the Kharaa conflict started before the Aurora was ever launched.
    One new bit of horror I hadn't expected was the revelation that the Precursor species was, in fact, biological (not energy, mechanical, silicate, what have you) and many of the research staff had to have their minds uploaded when they became infected with Carar. Only to sit on hard drives on computers in flooded bases on an abandoned planet at the bottom of the ocean for 1000 years... and the implication that their entire empire is dead from the disease, since nobody ever came to rescue them.

    I too think the Void offers an opportunity for horror. I've recommended before that, to keep creature animation costs down, they might consider a procedural algorithm that "mines" parts and textures, behaviors, attacks, and sounds from the entire Subnautica ecosystem and "randomizes" them into horrific amalgamations of semi-familiar parts. But the wrong size, color, and behavior, of course.

    Now you can have that Aurora-sized Peeper, beak lined with a dozen snapping Reaper mandibles, with a Ghost Ray skeleton & texture, and a slowed-down Reaper or sped-up Warper call. And that's just the start... The idea that the entire rest of the planet's ecosystem is FUBAR, between the Carar and the Precursors' genetic tampering, has appeal to me.

    That's kinda what I had in mind when I first saw the void; a dark, endless abyss. But yes, the game is steering towards a more "child friendly" stand point, which is cool and all, but it crushes a lot of potential for horror, particularly the void and the precursor storyline.
  • gamer1000kgamer1000k Join Date: 2017-04-29 Member: 230121Members
    There's a huge amount of potential for this game that sadly won't likely be realized in anything before Subnautica 2.0 (if it ever gets made). This is my wishlist of what I think Subnautica should have been (warning: lots of armchair developer/game designer comments incoming).

    Dynamic ecosystem and environment designed around exploration instead of violence
    The original concept of Subnautica (or at least my interpretation) was that Subnautica was a game that put exploration and discovery at the forefront with the other survival elements taking a back seat. We have hints of this original idea throughout the game, especially in the starting areas, but somewhere along the way the survival horror aspect of the game gained priority over exploration (maybe it was the youtubers since making the game more scary resulted in more youtuber reactions and as a result more views and thus more advertising?). Once the player gets out of the safe shallows, the environment feels more or less like any other survival game where the player is public enemy #1, except in Subnautica there aren't really any weapons to speak of for the player to defend themselves with against the endlessly respawning hordes of aggressive predators.

    What I wanted to see was a game with a dynamic, believable environment where the player had to respect the environment and be careful, but at the same time everything wasn't always out to get the player. We have a little bit of this in the Safe Shallows and the Kelp Forest, where the vast majority of the fish are harmless herbivores with a few predatory stalkers around that will hunt the fish and nip at the player, but can be distracted by scrap metal or lured/pacified by a held fish. This is exactly the kind of interesting, believable environmental interactions I wanted to see all throughout the game.

    My ideal would be to see this concept extended to cover the entire game world. A small number of aggressive predators that attack the player on sight would be fine, but the vast majority of the wildlife should be neutral or even passive, and only attack if provoked. Each biome should have a believable ecosystem with enough prey to support the predators. Creatures should be interesting, with a large number of them having interesting behavioral quirks. Some of the creatures should even be friendly/helpful to the player (real life examples of this are dolphins and cleaner shrimp). Some creatures should also have nests that they aggressively defend, and taking an egg will cause them to attack even if they're otherwise friendly. Completely eliminating a nest greatly reduces the respawn rate of that creature in the area until the nest is rebuilt.

    Alien Wrecks
    If the QEP has been active for close to 1000 years, then it stands to reason that many other ships besides the Aurora and the Degasi would have been shot down over the planet. I would like to see various alien wrecks of various ages scattered around, with unique blueprints and logs. More Precursor facilities would be great as well (especially if they felt more like real, functional structures instead of just alien monoliths).

    Also similar to this, the Aurora should have a MUCH larger explorable area than it does now. It's a big ship, but right now there's really not much at all inside. I would like to see it expanded into a large "dungeon" that requires an upgraded exosuit (propulsion cannon, drill arm) to fully explore.

    Much larger, procedural map
    The map in Subnautica is too small and dense IMHO. In reality, much of the ocean floor is pretty boring and could be easily generated procedurally. POIs could be designed by hand as they are now, and be separated by relatively large expanses of procedural terrain. This would allow the game timescale to be more realistic instead of having to be so compressed to make up for the tiny world, and allow vehicles to be given much longer ranges and higher speeds. It would also open up use cases for the much larger concept subs that don't make sense with how tiny the world is now, and make multiple bases much more important.

    Beyond the edge of the map, instead of a bottomless void, there could be a large dropoff to endless procedurally generated terrain. This deep ocean floor could be boring and lifeless, but at least there would be something down there. Besides giant sea monsters, anyways.

    Weather and Storms
    Basically the same thing that was mentioned a few posts up. Additionally, we could have underwater storms as well with strong currents that push things around.

    More Subs (and other vehicles too)
    There are three types of subs I would like to see added (provided the world map is expanded):
    1. A large "mothership" sub. This one should be able to dock a Cyclops on the exterior and bring it along for the ride. I envision it being primarily a surface vessel that can submerge deep enough to avoid storms rather than a full-on deep sea sub (that's what the Cyclops is for). It should have a large moonpool on the bottom that can dock multiple smaller vehicles.
    2. A midsize sub with a corridor or lifepod sized internal compartment that can be built on so it could contain lockers, plant pots and fabricators. It would not be able to carry vehicles inside.
    3. A medium/small utility sub. This one would have modules that completely change its functionality. One module would let it pick up the exosuit (for retrieving it from a deep trench), another could be a large cargo container for hauling goods between bases. Another could be a constructor that allows the player to rapidly build large underwater bases.

    For other vehicle types, if the map is much larger then there would be room for aircraft as well. I can see a use for a small VTOL scout aircraft that could additionally submerge to avoid storms or explore shallow underwater areas. Maybe even have a larger dropship as well with similar submerging capabilities and also a vehicle bay for an exosuit or a seamoth, but it would be quite a bit slower and less maneuverable than the scout.

    Another vehicle that might be neat is a mobile miner that crawls along the ocean floor and can climb vertical cliffs to prevent it from getting stuck in rough terrain.

    Automatic Resource Mining
    Gathering ore by hand is fine in the early game, but it gets tedious later on. I would like to see automated mining structures that could be built on resource deposits to provide a steady flow of resources. This would provide a nice use case for multiple bases and would allow higher tier vehicles and structures to be more expensive without making the process of gathering the resources too onerous.

    There's tons of other things I would like to see added as well, but these are the main concepts I would like to see added but most likely won't make it into the final release.
  • HopeTheSpaceTyrantHopeTheSpaceTyrant Join Date: 2017-06-29 Member: 231466Members
    An undivided fan base.
  • sayerulzsayerulz oregon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203493Members
  • NerdyEricNerdyEric Join Date: 2016-11-15 Member: 223876Members
    A 1.0 Release date
  • baronvonsatanbaronvonsatan TX, USA Join Date: 2016-12-01 Member: 224415Members
    edited July 2017
    What I would like is for eggs to not be generated by magic, and for everything-- including biters and bleeders, but probably not Reaper Leviathans-- to come from an egg. What I'm saying is that I want egg-laying, and egg-hatching, animations (although I'm not sure egg-inseminating animations would go over well in the overly uptight USA). I would really like to see a nasty-ass clutch of Bleeder eggs, so I can destroy them. I would also like to be able to make creatures besides Gasopods, Stalkers, and the two sharks extinct, if only in a given biome. The total population of creatures per type per biome should have a maximum, and creatures ideally shouldn't travel from biome to biome (Reefbacks and Reapers excepted).

    I think there's absolutely no chance of this happening, but that's the point, right?
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