Devs discourage food crops by making farming damage your base
Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members

Starting out in the game, it is a bit of work to catch fish for food. But once you visit the floating island and gather the crops there, you never want for food again. There is not really a need to ever catch fish again. The developers don't really like that you don't have to catch fish anymore. One thing they did to somewhat stop you from only eating crops was to cause health damage if you only eat a ton of one crop. But that's not really that big of deal as long as you rotate around a couple of crops.
Now, the developers have a MUCH stronger way of preventing you from eating only food crops and to encourage you to get out and catch fish more. Now, when you farm crops in your base, the survival knife pierces the hull and causes flooding. I guess it wasn't enough that they made the Cyclops take damage. Now, your base also is no longer invincible either!
Typically, you use the knife for the following:
1. Convert melons to seeds to re-plant.
2. Gather samples from the "water tree"
And when you use the knife, you often hit the floor or wall of the base. It takes approximately two hits with the knife to pierce the floor / wall of the base and cause flooding.
Now, the developers have a MUCH stronger way of preventing you from eating only food crops and to encourage you to get out and catch fish more. Now, when you farm crops in your base, the survival knife pierces the hull and causes flooding. I guess it wasn't enough that they made the Cyclops take damage. Now, your base also is no longer invincible either!
Typically, you use the knife for the following:
1. Convert melons to seeds to re-plant.
2. Gather samples from the "water tree"
And when you use the knife, you often hit the floor or wall of the base. It takes approximately two hits with the knife to pierce the floor / wall of the base and cause flooding.
Melons all the way!
*did I just reference sdm
I'm pretty sure it was intentional. This is the start of a new campaign of loss of durability of everything in the game. First, it was the Cyclops. Second, is the base. What will be third?
I've heard rumors there is a chance bone shark damage may DETONATE your oxygen tanks, and this risk is multiplied by the number of oxygen tanks!! That's why from now on, I'm swimming with NONE at all when there are bone sharks in the water!
Can you imagine... you are swimming inside a wreck... you barely have enough oxygen to make it back to your Seamoth or PRAWN... Then, a boneshark hits you on the way out and BOOM goes your oxygen tank! Ouch! Then, Subnautica will truly be a HORROR game.
And... 100% chance of oxygen tank explosion when you are attacked by a Reaper Leviathan. But does it kill the Reaper? It might be worth it!
Okay. Enough joking around.
Ah, ending so soon? Please, this line of baseless conspiracies is too good to waste...
I also heard rumors that if a Cyclops sinks, in truth it gives birth to two mini cyclops, both too young to be usable.
The fix would be simple to make your fullness of food have deminishing returns on all.
Reset timers when you have eating other other samples of food.
Dont forget the Nutrition Blocks and the vending machine's snacks. I know the blocks are of somewhat limited numbers but right now theres so many lying in boxes in alot of wrecks that i often find way more than i'd ever need.
Well, just catch the fish and use a heat blade. That's how I do it, anyway.
Wow! Just had a funny thought... Consider:
1. You cannot use your knife to damage the Cyclops.
2. The Cyclops doesn't take damage when you leave it.
Do you see where I'm going with this? Forget using the Cyclops as a mode of transport... Nope! The Cyclops is your best friend when it comes to farming!
Farming Cyclops FTW!
It is advisable to not be drunk on lantern fruit rum when attempting to use a knife.
The knife thing is really serious, because no matter how much SI your base has, a couple of swipes with your knife starts flooding it. My base has 60+ SI, and trying to harvest a melon (or a Gel Sack in the alien containment) caused immediate and serious damage to my base after just two bad swings. Apparently my knife is a "+5 Sword of Sharpness vs Alterra Tech" magic item. It takes a hundred and thrty swipes to kill a gasopod, but just two to cut through a reinforced titanium alloy wall. I don't routinely carry a repair tool around inside my base, so I had to go get it out of the gear locker while my base flooded. On the upside, I did invent a couple of new swear words, according to my wife.
I think it was the very first time I played the game...
Haven't done it since.
I've done it about six times today, the collision detection seems way off for me. I have moved all of my planters away from the walls and other objects, and I no longer grow Gel Sacks in the AC, I put them outside in a grow bed.
Thermoknife + Still Suit = extreme endurance when traveling away from your base. Downside is that the knife degrades pretty quickly.
Your aim doesn't matter if you don't have the MP room yet. You cut any plant in a corridor and you damage the base, regardless of aim.
"If you have plants you should have the MP room why don't you?"
Because I don't build a MP room until I need one, usually when I get the moonpool. I get as much together as I can before farming to build a new base because I don't like farming for materials. If I have to do it, I want to do it all at once and only once I've finished everything else I can do.
I had to farm 20 copper for all the computer chips to build the basic utilities at my base and the upgrades I needed for the prawn. It takes a long time to get that much copper without the prawn and drill arm.
It's stupid that we can knife a base to death. That shouldn't be a thing.
Wait really?
47545 /main/Made Cyclops completely invincible when the player is not inside 2017-05-05 17:50:12 Scott Thunelius Made Cyclops completely invincible when the player is not inside