Cyclops. Better lights and controls.
Indiana USA Join Date: 2016-09-02 Member: 221998Members

The Cyclops is a great vehicle and it has served me extremely well.
And I LOVE the ability to turn lights on and off. However, I now find that the lights make so much dust-glow that you can see far more with them off 90% of the time. I think they are too close to the acrylic dome. The lights should be mounted further back and away from the dome so they don't glow against it. Also, more lights on the bottom, sides and front. When I switch cameras I feel like I am looking through a paper-towel roll. Makes it hard to maneuver through tight areas.

The center console is too much in the way. The cockpit should position the user more like a harvester combine.

You can see the similarity in the cockpit view.

Notice how the control column is mounted BELOW the drivers line-of-sight.

Maximum visibility and comfort. (You Devs should totally go sit in a Combine and see what it feels like! visibility is epic.)
This position doesn't block the players view with steering wheel and arms.
As for me - i'd like to more wide sector of view - lefr, right, up and down directions. In seamoth - limited sector of view will good compensating by maneurabiliry of seamoth - we can fast rotate to various directions. In Cyclop we can't do that - so addition of more wide sector of wiev - really necessary thing...
For the controls, I am saying that the players arms and the steering wheel are badly in the way and should be mounted lower to allow the player a wider field of view to the sides and forward-down. I would even say that giving the player a seated position like the harvester pictured above would be fine. But the controls need to be placed lower. Closer to the players waist so that their arms are down instead of out front. It's not a car, the steering should not be where cars are. It should be more like the harvester.
And the lights have too much glare on the window. It makes it harder to see with them on than if they are off. Some lights should be further in front of the glass so that they cannot glare on it. And some lights should be back and to the sides, giving light around the area not just in front like a car.
The lights should be placed so that they never glare against the glass of the submarine. Like the machines here.
See how the lights are mounted to point all around and give light to the sides and rear?
Notice the lights have shielding to block the light from glaring against the windscreen glass.
If talking about Cyclop rebuilding my opinion you already know:
- wider angle of view from cockpit
- posibility to upgrade upper deck by installing scanner room ON CYCLOP (but not o Base - where it useless)
- add another one docking bay for simultaneous dock of Seamoth and PRAWN (here Seamoth can use as a shuttle/scout craft and PRAWN - as a mining/assault craft)
- Cyclop must dock with base
Its not a new ideas (and not all my own) but I agree it all.
Also, ways to repair/modify/access cargo of docked minisubs. You can't even go down below and repair them when you're staring right at them, you have to leave the Cyclops, then EXIT the minisub, if you want to weld it or access the cargo or upgrades. And if you want to weld it, something OUT THERE is what damaged it in the first place...
The cyclops space usage in the lower decks is pretty terrible. The lockers are fairly small, and the entire lower rear area is completely unused. The engine room is nothing but the big engine, 6 power cells, and a modification console.
This is why we need a larger "carrier" sub.
Like @Minder is working on
I have a design for an even larger sub but it really won't work in game unless they add more square miles of map and an average depth of at least 30m.
Cyclops just needs to use what space it DOES have, better. There's an entire two consoles in the cockpit that do mostly nothing. The main chamber behind the cockpit could take a teleporter and something else. The area under the engine room could do MANY things, and the engine room itself could do something else. The wimpy lockers near the hatch could also be a good storage solution, as well.
Absolutely agree with you. But remember - a few time ago we also can't fix a Seamoth in moonpool, but now its realised (thanks for Devs). I think ability for fixing seamoth or PRAWN inside Cyclop hanger - is a future task for Devs (I hope so ! ).
yes, yes and yes again.. but don't forget that in game we have only limited 'game area' from left side of Aurora. Where we can 'sail around the world' on this little 'mapspot'?
Yes - if in the future Devs make a wider 'populated' map - we need a big sub, but for now - if to say the true - the Cyclop is too big for this now.
All these ideas tell to Devs one important thing - WE LOVE THIS SUBNAUTICA's WORLD and (a little!) 'believe' in it
and again about research! (hehehe!)
But yeah, I agree.
I don't even like to use the Cyclops for going into the caves. But the Seamoth can't go that deep.
I think a barge could fit the role pretty well. You dock a Cyclops and use it as a main drive, with a moonpool and MFR sockets to store your stuff (also, my storeroom idea...) That would give players the capability to relocate completely, without even making any existing tools obsolete. Seamoth in the barge pool, Prawn in the Cyclops bay, all your resources in an MFR storeroom, and a couple fishies to breed and such.
The role is not currently needed, though. That would be an idea way to switch maps, but as there is currently only the one map...
The Barge idea is actually really cool. Consider my idea for the Shipyard. Here:
Such a thing would be useful in that sense. You could use it as a small mobile base. But really it shouldn't be able to be built on. I can see people doing horrible things with a floating base in the sky. lol.
A place that builds vehicles that is also a barge.
Actually this would be very useful if the base components were also built on the barge then moved into place with the constructor.
That said, I am happy the way things are. But a barge with some built in living space and useful areas would be wonderful.
that is pretty awesome!
I always have just fabricators and lots of lockers. haha. But I am also a horder. I collect everything and want to keep it all in the sub with me.
I said MFR sockets. Not a real base. No skybases. It's hardwired so that people can't do stupid things, and not as much potential space as a static base. Maybe a limit of 2-high MFRs, so you have to choose what you want to include.
No. The shipyard idea is a one-shot building that does nothing besides use an entirely new model to replicate the function of the existing submarine builder. How does this make the game better?
And a barge will not be needed until there is a REASON to manage resources, and a couple other tools to help do it. And new maps to visit.
Uh, which part? XD I said like three things in that last post, and it wasn't terribly clear. And a little out of order.
So in Subnautica 2, anyway, we'll all be landing spaceships out in the deep void, and exiting with barges, then undocking the Cyclops from the barge and going to le deeps. Multiplayer too, of course. And while we're dreaming, I want a pony, too.
Never never skybases. Keep it under or near the water surface.
Shipyard doesn't really make the game better it just looks cool.
And a barge isn't needed.
I want a pony too!
It's dangerous to go alone, here, take this.
Very often you have to use keel camera for the best view especially in the darkest places.
I think your idea can be modifying to addon to cyclop sonar-scanner module (as on seamoth). Here it can be more usefull, OR replace process 'looking at window' by process using 'virtual observing' like a neuro-net for looking around by using 'in-game' pilot's helmet VR controll ( i telling here not about that VR which is an our computer device but as a part of Cyclop's controlling system)
P.S. EvilSmoo, seriously.. you don't happen to work somewhere as a critic? If NO - just try, you always got money, a lot ... Most of your posts - is just a criticism and sarcasm. I like your ideas about this game, but I don't like your attitude to opinion of others. I don't know how old are you, but if to judge about you by your messages - you just a kid... no offense. You don't strain yourself by thinking and taking place of opponent. For you - opinion of others is just a nonsense, only your opinion is right and good... strange point of view
That's nice. I don't really care what you think, and you're of course free to not care what I think in return. Most of the things out of you have been poorly formatted ideas that would add little or no gameplay value (granted, you post in decent English while I'm not even going to attempt to post in Russian). Then you request people to tell you what they think. If you instead want people to stroke your ego and tell you that you're right regardless, please specify.
Oh, and the "haha" was because of the movie Inception, whose big thing was a person having a dream while having a dream... it was complicated. A meme for a while.
and about that movie - i saw it, and I understand what you mean - VR inside VR. And mine "what the hell u 'haha'" and about your working as a critic it was a loke and just jerking, but you (as i see) don't understand it.