Creature Suggestion Thread! (Add Yours!)
Australia Join Date: 2016-08-08 Member: 221089Members

Just thought I'd start a little thread for people who want to suggest their own ideas for potential creatures in the game! 
In addition to my own suggestions and ideas, I will add EVERY creature idea suggested in this thread to the list below along with the relevant details. c:
(If you have any ideas for Flora or any sort of Plant like creatures, add them too!)
Creature Suggestions
Plants/Flora Suggestions
Suggest yours now and I'll add it. Doesn't matter what it is so long as it's a Subnautica Creature idea!

In addition to my own suggestions and ideas, I will add EVERY creature idea suggested in this thread to the list below along with the relevant details. c:
(If you have any ideas for Flora or any sort of Plant like creatures, add them too!)
Creature Suggestions
- Crustacean Bottom Feeder - A weak and passive bottom feeder to wander around slowly in search of food. Slow and small. - Me.
- Super Fast Fish - A hard to catch and extremely fast (Marlin like?) fish that yield semi-precious resources. - Me
- Camouflage Creature - A creature that can make itself look like its surroundings (not invisible). - Me
- Albinos? - Super rare pigment deprived versions of any creature. Can also hatch from eggs or be caught (depending on species). - Me
- Crab Tiger Shark - Shark creature with tiger stripes, armour and crab claws. - @Yargish89
- Stealth Squid - Squid like creature that turns invisible and sneaks up on the player from behind. - @Yargish89
- Rainbow Dolphin - Dolphin like creature that changes colours to scare away predators or entice prey. - @Yargish89
- Giant Sea Cucumber - Creature resembling a large sea cucumber roughly the size of a Sandshark. Uses tentacles to grab nearby animals and the player. - @Yargish89
- Black Cloud Swarm - Tiny carnivorous creatures that swim in swarms eating anything organic. Knife has no effect. - @Nautical_Nick
- Mimic - Can imitate and small fish such as the Peeper, told apart via colour differences. - @Nautical_Nick
- Zap Crab - Crab like creature that crawls on the seabed. Fires arc of electricity via claw when approached. - @Nautical_Nick
- Power Leech - Leech like creature. Attaches to bases and submarines and drains their power. Immune to stasis. - @Nautical_Nick
- Acid Dweller - Similar to the Crash. Lives in Acid Tubes and chases approaching players, shedding its outer shell as a damaging cloud. - @Nautical_Nick
- Camouflage Crab - Crustacean like creature that can render itself invisible. Eyes remain visible and glow at night. @Nautical_Nick
- Armour Crab - Heavy crab like creature with thick, nearly impenetrable armour. Uses its claws to smash approaching threats. - @Nautical_Nick
- Nest Building Spider - Sea spider creature that builds itself a home. - @beanZ
- Large Finned Whale - Subnautica finned whale concept art. - @hampus034
- Mind Control Creature - Creature with telepathic and telekinetic abilities similar to the Combine Adviser. - @Kouji_San
- Under Water Pond Skater - A creature that skates along the tops of dense brine lakes. - @Wish_4_Wishes
- Island Lizard - Fast lizard like creature that scurries into bushes when approached. Ambushes player along pathways on the island. - @Zisis
- Controlling Parasites - Smallish parasite herds that infect any number of creatures, turning them completely hostile to the player. - @ARCTIC117
- Sonic Eel - Eel like creature around 7 metres long in mid-deep waters. Uses pouch underneath its head to emit a screech that stuns/deafens player -@aft2001
- Tredicipus - Small, vicious octopus like creature with 13 long slender arms. Curious in nature, can penetrate un-enamelled glass damaging sea bases and Seamoths. Arm tips similar to Stalker Teeth. - @aft2001
- Canyon Crawler - A small, passive, crab-like creature that crawls along the sheer drops of the Blood Kelp entrances and the edges of the map. You can collect and cook them. - @Jamezorg
- Grapple Fish - A species that resemble leeches. They attach to the sides of your seamoth, cyclops and exosuit over time, and deal damage to the vehicles. You can knock them off with a knife. - @Jamezorg
- Peaceful Giant - Large Manta Ray/Whale type creature roughly the size of a Reaper Leviathan. Is passive and completely harmless. - @SWEET_DEATH456
- Koosh Mimic - Mimics Koosh plants to blend in. Waits for prey to pass by and will grab it with long tentacles, shovelling it into its mouth (shaped like a Crash pod.) - @ElMonstro
- Wreck Crab - Hermit Crab like creature that uses discarded objects as a shell, namely wreckage pieces. Eyes pop out when player approaches supposed 'wreckage'. - @ElMonstro
- Mineral Crab - Small crab creature that imitates ore outcrops. When attempting to harvest the creature scurries away. Can be harvested for minerals. - @ElMonstro
- Kelplion - Strange creature consisting mostly of a huge mouth. Waits in cave-like holes with kelp-like tendrils extended. Rockets towards prey that touch tendrils. - @ElMonstro
- Flickerfish - Small poisonous fish in the deep sea that eats Bloodvines. Flickers with light in odd patterns and is eaten by Ampeels. - @ElMonstro
- Lox Limpet - Small conical limpet with a mouth at the base. Attaches to sea bases and reduces hull integrity over time. Must be removed. - @ShadowyM
Plants/Flora Suggestions
- Acid Tube - Long tube with similar colour to acid mushrooms. Yields acid when harvested. Possible home for Acid Dwellers. - @Nautical_Nick
- Sea Trap - Venus fly trap like creature that traps small fish that get too close. Holds natural resource; Trap Sap. - @Nautical_Nick
- Catalyst - A yellow sphere that floats still over the Grand Reef and Koosh biomes. If you get too close they emit yellow toxins that deal damage to the player over time. - @Jamezorg
- Hang Roses - A flower that resembles a rose that grows on the edges of the floating island. These flowers droop downwards, and drop green juices into the water below. The water beneath flowers is green. - @Jamezorg
- Parasitic Fungas - Attaches to medium to large fleshy creatures. Causes the creature to not notice attacks and become placid. Can infect the player, but can be cut off. - @aft2001
Suggest yours now and I'll add it. Doesn't matter what it is so long as it's a Subnautica Creature idea!

its been dead for about two weeks
nope, I am scared. Nope!
Added all ideas to the main list!
Dont ask for names i am terrible at naming things