Is this game too easy?
Austria Join Date: 2015-03-13 Member: 202074Members

... or in other words: How about a harder hardcore mode?
Frankly: After 2 hours i've done, crafted and built anything. I didn't drown, starve, didn't die of thirst, creatures or radiation ... but of boredom. So what's next? What's it gonna be? There is simply nothing to do, no aim, no point, no purpose but perfect conditions for an ingame suicide.
Defs: If you read this ... could you please make it harder and btw seriously reconsider the main game concept? There MUST be an aim beside closing the radiation leak (which seems to go the right direction). I'd really appreciate playing subnautica for at least 8 hours. So how about crafting a huge bunch of repair drones and collecting tons of exceptional resources to repair the Aurora? Such (optional) main goal would justify to kill reapers around and finally explore and loot the 'whole world'.
Frankly: After 2 hours i've done, crafted and built anything. I didn't drown, starve, didn't die of thirst, creatures or radiation ... but of boredom. So what's next? What's it gonna be? There is simply nothing to do, no aim, no point, no purpose but perfect conditions for an ingame suicide.
Defs: If you read this ... could you please make it harder and btw seriously reconsider the main game concept? There MUST be an aim beside closing the radiation leak (which seems to go the right direction). I'd really appreciate playing subnautica for at least 8 hours. So how about crafting a huge bunch of repair drones and collecting tons of exceptional resources to repair the Aurora? Such (optional) main goal would justify to kill reapers around and finally explore and loot the 'whole world'.
I second this hardcore portion of the game feels lacking in difficulty. I would like to see something, like a major increase in aggro range for some, such as sand sharks, I'm disappointed as I can swim so near to them before they actually attack. This being said it feels like they are more netrual, well until you get super close. The reaper idea, what if they dropped umm, maybe something like a nanite repair paste of sorts. Thinking of something possibly in there scale's, blood, or goo on their body. This is were "paste" comes into my mind it is alien world who know the possibility's this goes into the idea of repairing the aurora. All I find myself doing is building base's, with no fear of attacker's I do wish sleep was needed for hardcore and the idea for having to make repairs, due to maintenance needed over certain time scale, again for hardcore.
It hasn't even reached BETA yet.
They have not even begun to make adjustments.
I realize this may be tough, but a little patience (on YOUR part) may be required.
Nonono, that's not how forums work mate. You disagreeing with us doesn't mean we have to "be patient". And essentially just shut up lol.
I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
This is a two way street , deal with jt
I did not disagree with you. Where in my post did I say the game's difficulty was fine?
I also did not tell you to shut up. Where in my post did I say you couldn't/shouldn't post?
I realize that there probably isn't anything anyone can say to make you be patient.
You've imagined some insult or argument where there is none.
What I was doing was pointing out that the the game is still in a VERY early stage of development, and will undoubtedly change. The developers have their own schedule, and will in their own time, make changes. Perhaps one of those changes will be game difficulty.
It's truly amazing that people get upset at the thought of waiting.
Could you explain why exactly it makes any sense to NOT give feedback before the game is in a ready state?
I mean you're saying that the forum should be silent because the devs have their own plans, which is a stretch to say the least since they have actually altered their plans because of our feedback lol.
You may not disagree, and you may think you're not silencing those who are giving feedback, but your call for patience is just utterly nonsensical
As a side note, your statement of saying they haven't actually began to alter their current assets is false
this game.... is so pre alpha
Well, for my part there is no need for more furnishings & co but for real challenges within a good story.
Constructive ideas are welcome.
Hey, this is a real good message! But what's the truism: 'Who do you listen to?'
Where did you get this information?
I think your missing his point, again the game is probably gonna be quite easy at this point in time due to the large amount of implementing features.
And to be fair adding an even more hard core mode won't make any more difficult.
Short of giving you the lung capacity of a squirrel, the appetite of a Snorlax and the thirst of a fish with a biome wide aggro range for bigger predators. This game won't get harder.
Ah, apropos missing the point. There should be a few more options to make a game harder. How about less recourses to find but more for crafting? Lower power efficiency? Rare and randomly spread fragments? Harder to catch fish? How about dangerous fauna? Man, i can dance with the sharks and they can't catch me. Oh what a fun ...
Edit: And by the way, 'only indoor eating' would make sense too - means I cannot check my inventory (resp. take a snack) inside seamoth but take a dinner and some drinks at a thousand meters depths? Imbecility
Well you see now we are getting to the real point, the game isn't easy because predators are too easy to dodge. Or because food sources are too easy to find.
What makes this game "easy" is the lack of intelligent behavior from the fauna. The lack of context sensitive hunger. (The more intensive your actions the faster you consume energy) The lack of defensive behaviour from flora.
The majority of your problems can be solved from the above 3 points, however I agree that the power systems are overly simplified (as to be expected from a pre alpha) and could do with an overhaul after H2O.
And I even agree with your behavior theory! But you miss the point again if you argue it as the one and only solution to make this game more difficult.
In fact there are some more possibilities to turn it into a real challenge - of course not for everyone, that's why we are talking about the hardcore mode. Me and I'm sure heaps of other oldscool players out there would appreciate something you have to 'master' (know what i mean?) - btw and nowadays a very rare phenomenon of the computer game industry where producers simply doesn't dare their clientele more than following waypoints and shooting at some predefined targets. But ok ... this is early access, pre alpha, the devs like feedback and that's why we're talking. And I'm pretty sure some of the devs are sort of 'oldscool' as well, remembering the golden days and try to push out a 'masterpiece' ... so listen:
Imagine the best of us in the protagonists situation would have at best a 50:50 chance to survive. Take this as a constant! Now - i know it is just the basement - we have 99:1 in hardcore(!) mode ... and that's my call. (POINT)
So you didn't explain why feedback should wait until later, which is kind of silly. His point is explained in my post, and yours is really quite a twist of his words... Even so , either way, there is no logical reason not to voice opinions as early as possible.
OK, so saying game is too easy, when the game is in pre-alpha stages is like saying a door is useless because it doesn't swing, when it hasn't yet been installed.
It'l probably be like that for quite a while and just saying make it harder, doesn't really help the situation.
No it's not the only but it's one of the better solutions. Doesn't the current hardcore mode only have 1 life, if the game is a masterpiece it will always challenge the player even without hardcore mode, the difference is hardcore mode, will make you regret your mistakes, normal will stick a plaster on it.
But that's a terrible analogy... The door IS swinging, just some people want it to be a pus h door, and some a pull... And the workman is figuring out which way to do it. WHILE he is installing it
If the door isn't even there so to speak we wouldn't be playing the game
Yes, it is in development and yes, we give feedback.
Yes, there is a hardcore mode and yes, it isn't hardcore.
Apparently not. Which is why I'm trying to explain why that should be how it works (and IS how it works) but failing miserably
I would agree with you. I have played the game to completion multiple times, even on hardcore, and have not been close to death even once.
I/We feeling with you pal
This is a survival game and survival literally means not dieing. Games typically trivialise death by letting us cheat it. Having been so trivialised it then becomes a common occurrence which we repeatedly get over.
I'm pretty comfortable with Subnautica's current level of danger. It's there. Predators will eat you given the opportunity. But it you play smart then you're fine. That feels realistic to me.
Well it definitly kills my long-time motivation to play the game. As soon as I've seen all the new stuff after a patch I stop playing, because I'm bored of the easyness of survival.
Motivation typically lasts as long as there is something to reach, find, get, defend, fight or hide from.
To die more easily doesn't really increase motivation but makes the gameplay longer (the player has to be better prepared, equipped i.e. and cannot jump in any situation anytime).
In my opinion a 'hardcore mode' isn't simply more dangerous but definitely more difficult which affects all(!) aspects of the game.